import { DataQuery, DefaultTimeZone, EventBusExtended, serializeStateToUrlParam, toUtc } from '@grafana/data'; import { ExploreId, StoreState, ThunkDispatch } from 'app/types'; import { refreshExplore } from './explorePane'; import { setDataSourceSrv } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { configureStore } from '../../../store/configureStore'; import { of } from 'rxjs'; jest.mock('../../dashboard/services/TimeSrv', () => ({ getTimeSrv: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ init: jest.fn(), }), })); const t = toUtc(); const testRange = { from: t, to: t, raw: { from: t, to: t, }, }; const defaultInitialState = { user: { orgId: '1', timeZone: DefaultTimeZone, }, explore: { [ExploreId.left]: { initialized: true, containerWidth: 1920, eventBridge: {} as EventBusExtended, queries: [] as DataQuery[], range: testRange, history: [], refreshInterval: { label: 'Off', value: 0, }, cache: [], }, }, }; function setupStore(state?: any) { return configureStore({ ...defaultInitialState, explore: { [ExploreId.left]: { ...defaultInitialState.explore[ExploreId.left], ...(state || {}), }, }, } as any); } function setup(state?: any) { const datasources: Record = { newDs: { testDatasource: jest.fn(), init: jest.fn(), query: jest.fn(), name: 'newDs', meta: { id: 'newDs' }, getRef: () => ({ uid: 'newDs' }), }, someDs: { testDatasource: jest.fn(), init: jest.fn(), query: jest.fn(), name: 'someDs', meta: { id: 'someDs' }, getRef: () => ({ uid: 'someDs' }), }, }; setDataSourceSrv({ getList() { return Object.values(datasources).map((d) => ({ name: })); }, getInstanceSettings(name: string) { return { name, getRef: () => ({ uid: name }) }; }, get(name?: string) { return Promise.resolve( name ? datasources[name] : { testDatasource: jest.fn(), init: jest.fn(), name: 'default', } ); }, } as any); const { dispatch, getState }: { dispatch: ThunkDispatch; getState: () => StoreState } = setupStore({ datasourceInstance: datasources.someDs, ...(state || {}), }); return { dispatch, getState, datasources, }; } describe('refreshExplore', () => { it('should change data source when datasource in url changes', async () => { const { dispatch, getState } = setup(); await dispatch( refreshExplore(ExploreId.left, serializeStateToUrlParam({ datasource: 'newDs', queries: [], range: testRange })) ); expect(getState().explore[ExploreId.left].datasourceInstance?.name).toBe('newDs'); }); it('should change and run new queries from the URL', async () => { const { dispatch, getState, datasources } = setup(); datasources.someDs.query.mockReturnValueOnce(of({})); await dispatch( refreshExplore( ExploreId.left, serializeStateToUrlParam({ datasource: 'someDs', queries: [{ expr: 'count()', refId: 'A' }], range: testRange }) ) ); // same const state = getState().explore[ExploreId.left]; expect(state.datasourceInstance?.name).toBe('someDs'); expect(state.queries.length).toBe(1); expect(state.queries).toMatchObject([{ expr: 'count()' }]); expect(datasources.someDs.query).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); }); it('should not do anything if pane is not initialized', async () => { const { dispatch, getState } = setup({ initialized: false, }); const state = getState(); await dispatch( refreshExplore( ExploreId.left, serializeStateToUrlParam({ datasource: 'newDs', queries: [{ expr: 'count()', refId: 'A' }], range: testRange }) ) ); expect(state).toEqual(getState()); }); });