import angular from 'angular'; import { castArray, isEqual } from 'lodash'; import { DataQuery, LoadingState, TimeRange, UrlQueryMap, UrlQueryValue } from '@grafana/data'; import { DashboardVariableModel, initialVariableModelState, OrgVariableModel, QueryVariableModel, UserVariableModel, VariableHide, VariableModel, VariableOption, VariableRefresh, VariableWithMultiSupport, VariableWithOptions, } from '../types'; import { AppNotification, StoreState, ThunkResult } from '../../../types'; import { getVariable, getVariables } from './selectors'; import { variableAdapters } from '../adapters'; import { Graph } from '../../../core/utils/dag'; import { notifyApp } from 'app/core/actions'; import { addVariable, changeVariableProp, setCurrentVariableValue, variableStateCompleted, variableStateFailed, variableStateFetching, variableStateNotStarted, } from './sharedReducer'; import { ALL_VARIABLE_TEXT, ALL_VARIABLE_VALUE, toVariableIdentifier, toVariablePayload, VariableIdentifier, } from './types'; import { contextSrv } from 'app/core/services/context_srv'; import { getTemplateSrv, TemplateSrv } from '../../templating/template_srv'; import { alignCurrentWithMulti } from '../shared/multiOptions'; import { hasCurrent, hasLegacyVariableSupport, hasOptions, hasStandardVariableSupport, isMulti, isQuery, } from '../guard'; import { getTimeSrv } from 'app/features/dashboard/services/TimeSrv'; import { DashboardModel } from 'app/features/dashboard/state'; import { createErrorNotification } from '../../../core/copy/appNotification'; import { TransactionStatus, variablesClearTransaction, variablesCompleteTransaction, variablesInitTransaction, } from './transactionReducer'; import { getBackendSrv } from '../../../core/services/backend_srv'; import { cleanVariables } from './variablesReducer'; import { ensureStringValues, ExtendedUrlQueryMap, getCurrentText, getVariableRefresh } from '../utils'; import { store } from 'app/store/store'; import { getDatasourceSrv } from '../../plugins/datasource_srv'; import { cleanEditorState } from '../editor/reducer'; import { cleanPickerState } from '../pickers/OptionsPicker/reducer'; import { locationService } from '@grafana/runtime'; // process flow queryVariable // thunk => processVariables // adapter => setValueFromUrl // thunk => setOptionFromUrl // adapter => updateOptions // thunk => updateQueryVariableOptions // action => updateVariableOptions // action => updateVariableTags // thunk => validateVariableSelectionState // adapter => setValue // thunk => setOptionAsCurrent // action => setCurrentVariableValue // thunk => variableUpdated // adapter => updateOptions for dependent nodes // adapter => setValue // thunk => setOptionAsCurrent // action => setCurrentVariableValue // thunk => variableUpdated // adapter => updateOptions for dependent nodes // adapter => updateOptions // thunk => updateQueryVariableOptions // action => updateVariableOptions // action => updateVariableTags // thunk => validateVariableSelectionState // adapter => setValue // thunk => setOptionAsCurrent // action => setCurrentVariableValue // thunk => variableUpdated // adapter => updateOptions for dependent nodes export const initDashboardTemplating = (list: VariableModel[]): ThunkResult => { return (dispatch, getState) => { let orderIndex = 0; for (let index = 0; index < list.length; index++) { const model = fixSelectedInconsistency(list[index]); if (!variableAdapters.getIfExists(model.type)) { continue; } dispatch(addVariable(toVariablePayload(model, { global: false, index: orderIndex++, model }))); } getTemplateSrv().updateTimeRange(getTimeSrv().timeRange()); const variables = getVariables(getState()); for (let index = 0; index < variables.length; index++) { const variable = variables[index]; dispatch(variableStateNotStarted(toVariablePayload(variable))); } }; }; export function fixSelectedInconsistency(model: VariableModel): VariableModel | VariableWithOptions { if (!hasOptions(model)) { return model; } let found = false; for (const option of model.options) { option.selected = false; if (Array.isArray(model.current.value)) { for (const value of model.current.value) { if (option.value === value) { option.selected = found = true; } } } else if (option.value === model.current.value) { option.selected = found = true; } } if (!found && model.options.length) { model.options[0].selected = true; } return model; } export const addSystemTemplateVariables = (dashboard: DashboardModel): ThunkResult => { return (dispatch) => { const dashboardModel: DashboardVariableModel = { ...initialVariableModelState, id: '__dashboard', name: '__dashboard', type: 'system', index: -3, skipUrlSync: true, hide: VariableHide.hideVariable, current: { value: { name: dashboard.title, uid: dashboard.uid, toString: () => dashboard.title, }, }, }; dispatch( addVariable( toVariablePayload(dashboardModel, { global:, index: dashboardModel.index, model: dashboardModel, }) ) ); const orgModel: OrgVariableModel = { ...initialVariableModelState, id: '__org', name: '__org', type: 'system', index: -2, skipUrlSync: true, hide: VariableHide.hideVariable, current: { value: { name: contextSrv.user.orgName, id: contextSrv.user.orgId, toString: () => contextSrv.user.orgId.toString(), }, }, }; dispatch( addVariable(toVariablePayload(orgModel, { global:, index: orgModel.index, model: orgModel })) ); const userModel: UserVariableModel = { ...initialVariableModelState, id: '__user', name: '__user', type: 'system', index: -1, skipUrlSync: true, hide: VariableHide.hideVariable, current: { value: { login: contextSrv.user.login, id:, email:, toString: () =>, }, }, }; dispatch( addVariable(toVariablePayload(userModel, { global:, index: userModel.index, model: userModel })) ); }; }; export const changeVariableMultiValue = (identifier: VariableIdentifier, multi: boolean): ThunkResult => { return (dispatch, getState) => { const variable = getVariable(, getState()); const current = alignCurrentWithMulti(variable.current, multi); dispatch(changeVariableProp(toVariablePayload(identifier, { propName: 'multi', propValue: multi }))); dispatch(changeVariableProp(toVariablePayload(identifier, { propName: 'current', propValue: current }))); }; }; export const processVariableDependencies = async (variable: VariableModel, state: StoreState) => { const dependencies: VariableModel[] = []; for (const otherVariable of getVariables(state)) { if (variable === otherVariable) { continue; } if (variableAdapters.getIfExists(variable.type)) { if (variableAdapters.get(variable.type).dependsOn(variable, otherVariable)) { dependencies.push(otherVariable); } } } if (!isWaitingForDependencies(dependencies, state)) { return; } await new Promise((resolve) => { const unsubscribe = store.subscribe(() => { if (!isWaitingForDependencies(dependencies, store.getState())) { unsubscribe(); resolve(); } }); }); }; const isWaitingForDependencies = (dependencies: VariableModel[], state: StoreState): boolean => { if (dependencies.length === 0) { return false; } const variables = getVariables(state); const notCompletedDependencies = dependencies.filter((d) => variables.some((v) => === && (v.state === LoadingState.NotStarted || v.state === LoadingState.Loading)) ); return notCompletedDependencies.length > 0; }; export const processVariable = ( identifier: VariableIdentifier, queryParams: UrlQueryMap ): ThunkResult> => { return async (dispatch, getState) => { const variable = getVariable(, getState()); await processVariableDependencies(variable, getState()); const urlValue = queryParams['var-' +]; if (urlValue !== void 0) { const stringUrlValue = ensureStringValues(urlValue); await variableAdapters.get(variable.type).setValueFromUrl(variable, stringUrlValue); return; } if (variable.hasOwnProperty('refresh')) { const refreshableVariable = variable as QueryVariableModel; if ( refreshableVariable.refresh === VariableRefresh.onDashboardLoad || refreshableVariable.refresh === VariableRefresh.onTimeRangeChanged ) { await dispatch(updateOptions(toVariableIdentifier(refreshableVariable))); return; } } // for variables that aren't updated via URL or refresh, let's simulate the same state changes dispatch(completeVariableLoading(identifier)); }; }; export const processVariables = (): ThunkResult> => { return async (dispatch, getState) => { const queryParams = locationService.getSearchObject(); const promises = getVariables(getState()).map( async (variable: VariableModel) => await dispatch(processVariable(toVariableIdentifier(variable), queryParams)) ); await Promise.all(promises); }; }; export const setOptionFromUrl = ( identifier: VariableIdentifier, urlValue: UrlQueryValue ): ThunkResult> => { return async (dispatch, getState) => { const stringUrlValue = ensureStringValues(urlValue); const variable = getVariable(, getState()); if (getVariableRefresh(variable) !== VariableRefresh.never) { // updates options await dispatch(updateOptions(toVariableIdentifier(variable))); } // get variable from state const variableFromState = getVariable(, getState()); if (!variableFromState) { throw new Error(`Couldn't find variable with name: ${}`); } // Simple case. Value in URL matches existing options text or value. let option = variableFromState.options.find((op) => { return op.text === stringUrlValue || op.value === stringUrlValue; }); if (!option && isMulti(variableFromState)) { if (variableFromState.allValue && stringUrlValue === variableFromState.allValue) { option = { text: ALL_VARIABLE_TEXT, value: ALL_VARIABLE_VALUE, selected: false }; } } if (!option) { let defaultText = stringUrlValue; const defaultValue = stringUrlValue; if (Array.isArray(stringUrlValue)) { // Multiple values in the url. We construct text as a list of texts from all matched options. defaultText = stringUrlValue.reduce((acc: string[], item: string) => { const foundOption = variableFromState.options.find((o) => o.value === item); if (!foundOption) { // @ts-ignore according to strict null errors this can never happen // TODO: investigate this further or refactor code return [].concat(acc, [item]); } // @ts-ignore according to strict null errors this can never happen // TODO: investigate this further or refactor code return [].concat(acc, [foundOption.text]); }, []); } // It is possible that we did not match the value to any existing option. In that case the URL value will be // used anyway for both text and value. option = { text: defaultText, value: defaultValue, selected: false }; } if (isMulti(variableFromState)) { // In case variable is multiple choice, we cast to array to preserve the same behavior as when selecting // the option directly, which will return even single value in an array. option = alignCurrentWithMulti( { text: castArray(option.text), value: castArray(option.value), selected: false }, variableFromState.multi ); } await variableAdapters.get(variable.type).setValue(variableFromState, option); }; }; export const selectOptionsForCurrentValue = (variable: VariableWithOptions): VariableOption[] => { let i, y, value, option; const selected: VariableOption[] = []; for (i = 0; i < variable.options.length; i++) { option = { ...variable.options[i] }; option.selected = false; if (Array.isArray(variable.current.value)) { for (y = 0; y < variable.current.value.length; y++) { value = variable.current.value[y]; if (option.value === value) { option.selected = true; selected.push(option); } } } else if (option.value === variable.current.value) { option.selected = true; selected.push(option); } } return selected; }; export const validateVariableSelectionState = ( identifier: VariableIdentifier, defaultValue?: string ): ThunkResult> => { return (dispatch, getState) => { const variableInState = getVariable(, getState()); const current = variableInState.current || (({} as unknown) as VariableOption); const setValue = variableAdapters.get(variableInState.type).setValue; if (Array.isArray(current.value)) { const selected = selectOptionsForCurrentValue(variableInState); // if none pick first if (selected.length === 0) { const option = variableInState.options[0]; return setValue(variableInState, option); } const option: VariableOption = { value: => v.value) as string[], text: => v.text) as string[], selected: true, }; return setValue(variableInState, option); } let option: VariableOption | undefined | null = null; // 1. find the current value const text = getCurrentText(variableInState); option = variableInState.options?.find((v) => v.text === text); if (option) { return setValue(variableInState, option); } // 2. find the default value if (defaultValue) { option = variableInState.options?.find((v) => v.text === defaultValue); if (option) { return setValue(variableInState, option); } } // 3. use the first value if (variableInState.options) { const option = variableInState.options[0]; if (option) { return setValue(variableInState, option); } } // 4... give up return Promise.resolve(); }; }; export const setOptionAsCurrent = ( identifier: VariableIdentifier, current: VariableOption, emitChanges: boolean ): ThunkResult> => { return async (dispatch) => { dispatch(setCurrentVariableValue(toVariablePayload(identifier, { option: current }))); return await dispatch(variableUpdated(identifier, emitChanges)); }; }; const createGraph = (variables: VariableModel[]) => { const g = new Graph(); variables.forEach((v) => { g.createNode(; }); variables.forEach((v1) => { variables.forEach((v2) => { if (v1 === v2) { return; } if (variableAdapters.get(v1.type).dependsOn(v1, v2)) {,; } }); }); return g; }; export const variableUpdated = ( identifier: VariableIdentifier, emitChangeEvents: boolean ): ThunkResult> => { return async (dispatch, getState) => { const variableInState = getVariable(, getState()); // if we're initializing variables ignore cascading update because we are in a boot up scenario if (getState().templating.transaction.status === TransactionStatus.Fetching) { if (getVariableRefresh(variableInState) === VariableRefresh.never) { // for variable types with updates that go the setValueFromUrl path in the update let's make sure their state is set to Done. await dispatch(upgradeLegacyQueries(toVariableIdentifier(variableInState))); dispatch(completeVariableLoading(identifier)); } return Promise.resolve(); } const variables = getVariables(getState()); const g = createGraph(variables); const node = g.getNode(; let promises: Array> = []; if (node) { promises = node.getOptimizedInputEdges().map((e) => { const variable = variables.find((v) => === e.inputNode?.name); if (!variable) { return Promise.resolve(); } return dispatch(updateOptions(toVariableIdentifier(variable))); }); } return Promise.all(promises).then(() => { if (emitChangeEvents) { const dashboard = getState().dashboard.getModel(); dashboard?.setChangeAffectsAllPanels(); dashboard?.processRepeats(); locationService.partial(getQueryWithVariables(getState)); dashboard?.startRefresh(); } }); }; }; export interface OnTimeRangeUpdatedDependencies { templateSrv: TemplateSrv; } export const onTimeRangeUpdated = ( timeRange: TimeRange, dependencies: OnTimeRangeUpdatedDependencies = { templateSrv: getTemplateSrv() } ): ThunkResult> => async (dispatch, getState) => { dependencies.templateSrv.updateTimeRange(timeRange); const variablesThatNeedRefresh = getVariables(getState()).filter((variable) => { if (variable.hasOwnProperty('refresh') && variable.hasOwnProperty('options')) { const variableWithRefresh = (variable as unknown) as QueryVariableModel; return variableWithRefresh.refresh === VariableRefresh.onTimeRangeChanged; } return false; }) as VariableWithOptions[]; const promises = VariableWithOptions) => dispatch(timeRangeUpdated(toVariableIdentifier(variable))) ); try { await Promise.all(promises); const dashboard = getState().dashboard.getModel(); dashboard?.setChangeAffectsAllPanels(); dashboard?.startRefresh(); } catch (error) { console.error(error); dispatch(notifyApp(createVariableErrorNotification('Template variable service failed', error))); } }; const timeRangeUpdated = (identifier: VariableIdentifier): ThunkResult> => async (dispatch, getState) => { const variableInState = getVariable(; const previousOptions = variableInState.options.slice(); await dispatch(updateOptions(toVariableIdentifier(variableInState), true)); const updatedVariable = getVariable(, getState()); const updatedOptions = updatedVariable.options; if (angular.toJson(previousOptions) !== angular.toJson(updatedOptions)) { const dashboard = getState().dashboard.getModel(); dashboard?.templateVariableValueUpdated(); } }; export const templateVarsChangedInUrl = (vars: ExtendedUrlQueryMap): ThunkResult => async ( dispatch, getState ) => { const update: Array> = []; const dashboard = getState().dashboard.getModel(); for (const variable of getVariables(getState())) { const key = `var-${}`; if (!vars.hasOwnProperty(key)) { // key not found quick exit continue; } if (!isVariableUrlValueDifferentFromCurrent(variable, vars[key].value)) { // variable values doesn't differ quick exit continue; } let value = vars[key].value; // as the default the value is set to the value passed into templateVarsChangedInUrl if (vars[key].removed) { // for some reason (panel|data link without variable) the variable url value (var-xyz) has been removed from the url // so we need to revert the value to the value stored in dashboard json const variableInModel = dashboard?.templating.list.find((v) => ===; if (variableInModel && hasCurrent(variableInModel)) { value = variableInModel.current.value; // revert value to the value stored in dashboard json } } const promise = variableAdapters.get(variable.type).setValueFromUrl(variable, value); update.push(promise); } if (update.length) { await Promise.all(update); dashboard?.templateVariableValueUpdated(); dashboard?.startRefresh(); } }; const isVariableUrlValueDifferentFromCurrent = (variable: VariableModel, urlValue: any): boolean => { const stringUrlValue = ensureStringValues(urlValue); // lodash isEqual handles array of value equality checks as well return !isEqual(variableAdapters.get(variable.type).getValueForUrl(variable), stringUrlValue); }; const getQueryWithVariables = (getState: () => StoreState): UrlQueryMap => { const queryParams = locationService.getSearchObject(); const queryParamsNew = Object.keys(queryParams) .filter((key) => key.indexOf('var-') === -1) .reduce((obj, key) => { obj[key] = queryParams[key]; return obj; }, {} as UrlQueryMap); for (const variable of getVariables(getState())) { if (variable.skipUrlSync) { continue; } const adapter = variableAdapters.get(variable.type); queryParamsNew['var-' +] = adapter.getValueForUrl(variable); } return queryParamsNew; }; export const initVariablesTransaction = (dashboardUid: string, dashboard: DashboardModel): ThunkResult => async ( dispatch, getState ) => { try { const transactionState = getState().templating.transaction; if (transactionState.status === TransactionStatus.Fetching) { // previous dashboard is still fetching variables, cancel all requests dispatch(cancelVariables()); } // Start init transaction dispatch(variablesInitTransaction({ uid: dashboardUid })); // Add system variables like __dashboard and __user dispatch(addSystemTemplateVariables(dashboard)); // Load all variables into redux store dispatch(initDashboardTemplating(dashboard.templating.list)); // Process all variable updates await dispatch(processVariables()); // Mark update as complete dispatch(variablesCompleteTransaction({ uid: dashboardUid })); } catch (err) { dispatch(notifyApp(createVariableErrorNotification('Templating init failed', err))); console.error(err); } }; export const cleanUpVariables = (): ThunkResult => (dispatch) => { dispatch(cleanVariables()); dispatch(cleanEditorState()); dispatch(cleanPickerState()); dispatch(variablesClearTransaction()); }; type CancelVariablesDependencies = { getBackendSrv: typeof getBackendSrv }; export const cancelVariables = ( dependencies: CancelVariablesDependencies = { getBackendSrv: getBackendSrv } ): ThunkResult => (dispatch) => { dependencies.getBackendSrv().cancelAllInFlightRequests(); dispatch(cleanUpVariables()); }; export const updateOptions = (identifier: VariableIdentifier, rethrow = false): ThunkResult> => async ( dispatch, getState ) => { const variableInState = getVariable(, getState()); try { dispatch(variableStateFetching(toVariablePayload(variableInState))); await dispatch(upgradeLegacyQueries(toVariableIdentifier(variableInState))); await variableAdapters.get(variableInState.type).updateOptions(variableInState); dispatch(completeVariableLoading(identifier)); } catch (error) { dispatch(variableStateFailed(toVariablePayload(variableInState, { error }))); if (!rethrow) { console.error(error); dispatch(notifyApp(createVariableErrorNotification('Error updating options:', error, identifier))); } if (rethrow) { throw error; } } }; export const createVariableErrorNotification = ( message: string, error: any, identifier?: VariableIdentifier ): AppNotification => createErrorNotification( `${identifier ? `Templating [${}]` : 'Templating'}`, `${message} ${error.message}` ); export const completeVariableLoading = (identifier: VariableIdentifier): ThunkResult => (dispatch, getState) => { const variableInState = getVariable(, getState()); if (variableInState.state !== LoadingState.Done) { dispatch(variableStateCompleted(toVariablePayload(variableInState))); } }; export function upgradeLegacyQueries( identifier: VariableIdentifier, getDatasourceSrvFunc: typeof getDatasourceSrv = getDatasourceSrv ): ThunkResult { return async function (dispatch, getState) { const variable = getVariable(, getState()); if (!isQuery(variable)) { return; } try { const datasource = await getDatasourceSrvFunc().get(variable.datasource ?? ''); if (hasLegacyVariableSupport(datasource)) { return; } if (!hasStandardVariableSupport(datasource)) { return; } if (isDataQueryType(variable.query)) { return; } const query = { refId: `${}-${}-Variable-Query`, query: variable.query, }; dispatch(changeVariableProp(toVariablePayload(identifier, { propName: 'query', propValue: query }))); } catch (err) { dispatch(notifyApp(createVariableErrorNotification('Failed to upgrade legacy queries', err))); console.error(err); } }; } function isDataQueryType(query: any): query is DataQuery { if (!query) { return false; } return query.hasOwnProperty('refId') && typeof query.refId === 'string'; }