package kind name: "AccessPolicy" maturity: "merged" description: "Access rules for a scope+role. NOTE there is a unique constraint on role+scope" pluralName: "AccessPolicies" machineName: "accesspolicy" pluralMachineName: "accesspolicies" lineage: schemas: [{ version: [0, 0] schema: { spec: { // The scope where these policies should apply scope: #ResourceRef // The role that must apply this policy role: #RoleRef // The set of rules to apply. Note that * is required to modify // access policy rules, and that "none" will reject all actions rules: [...#AccessRule] } @cuetsy(kind="interface") #RoleRef: { // Policies can apply to roles, teams, or users // Applying policies to individual users is supported, but discouraged kind: "Role" | "BuiltinRole" | "Team" | "User" name: string xname: string // temporary } @cuetsy(kind="interface") #ResourceRef: { kind: string // explicit resource or folder will cascade name: string } @cuetsy(kind="interface") #AccessRule: { // The kind this rule applies to (dashboars, alert, etc) kind: "*" | string // READ, WRITE, CREATE, DELETE, ... // should move to k8s style verbs like: "get", "list", "watch", "create", "update", "patch", "delete" verb: "*" | "none" | string // Specific sub-elements like "alert.rules" or "dashboard.permissions"???? target?: string } @cuetsy(kind="interface") } }, ]