# Building the docs locally When you contribute to documentation, it is a good practice to build the docs on your local machine to make sure your changes appear as you expect. This README explains the process for doing that. ## Requirements Docker >= Yarn >= 1.22.4 ## Build the doc site 1. On the command line, first change to the docs folder: `cd docs`. 1. Run `make docs-quick`. This launches a preview of the website with the current grafana docs at `http://localhost:3002/docs/grafana/next/` which will refresh automatically when changes are made to content in the `sources` directory. If you have the grafana/website repo checked out in the same directory as the grafana repo, then you can run `make docs-local-static` to use local assets (such as images). --- ## Content guidelines Edit content in the `sources` directory. ### Using `relref` for internal links Use the Hugo shortcode [relref](https://gohugo.io/content-management/cross-references/#use-ref-and-relref) any time you are linking to other internal docs pages. Syntax is: ``` {{< relref "example.md" >}} ``` You might need to add more context for the link (containing folders and so on, `folder/example.md`) if Hugo says the relref is ambiguous. ### Managing redirects When moving content around or removing pages it's important that users following old links are properly redirected to the new location. We do this using the [aliases](https://gohugo.io/content-management/urls/#aliases) feature in Hugo. If you are moving a page, add an `aliases` entry in the front matter referencing the old location of the page which will redirect the old url to the new location. If you are removing a page, add an `aliases` entry in the front matter of the most-applicable page referencing the location of the page being removed. If you are copying an existing page as the basis for a new one, be sure to remove any `aliases` entries in the front matter in your copy to avoid conflicting redirects. ### Edit the side menu The side menu is automatically build from the file structure. Use the [weight](https://gohugo.io/templates/lists/#by-weight) front matter parameter to order pages. ### Add images Images are currently hosted in the grafana/website repo. --- ## Deploy changes to grafana.com When a PR is merged to main with changes in the `docs/sources` directory, those changes are automatically synced to the grafana/website repo and published to the staging site. Generally, someone from marketing will publish to production each day: so as long as the sync is successful your docs edits will be published. Alternatively, you can refer to [publishing to production](https://github.com/grafana/website#publishing-to-production-grafanacom) if you'd like to do it yourself.