import angular from 'angular'; import config from 'app/core/config'; import moment from 'moment'; export class ShareModalCtrl { /** @ngInject */ constructor($scope, $rootScope, $location, $timeout, timeSrv, templateSrv, linkSrv) { $scope.options = { forCurrent: true, includeTemplateVars: true, theme: 'current', }; $scope.editor = { index: $scope.tabIndex || 0 }; $scope.init = function() { $scope.modeSharePanel = $scope.panel ? true : false; $scope.tabs = [{ title: 'Link', src: 'shareLink.html' }]; if ($scope.modeSharePanel) { $scope.modalTitle = 'Share Panel'; $scope.tabs.push({ title: 'Embed', src: 'shareEmbed.html' }); } else { $scope.modalTitle = 'Share'; } if (!$scope.dashboard.meta.isSnapshot) { $scope.tabs.push({ title: 'Snapshot', src: 'shareSnapshot.html' }); } if (!$scope.dashboard.meta.isSnapshot && !$scope.modeSharePanel) { $scope.tabs.push({ title: 'Export', src: 'shareExport.html' }); } $scope.buildUrl(); }; $scope.buildUrl = function() { var baseUrl = $location.absUrl(); var queryStart = baseUrl.indexOf('?'); if (queryStart !== -1) { baseUrl = baseUrl.substring(0, queryStart); } var params = angular.copy($; var range = timeSrv.timeRange(); params.from = range.from.valueOf(); =; params.orgId = config.bootData.user.orgId; if ($scope.options.includeTemplateVars) { templateSrv.fillVariableValuesForUrl(params); } if (!$scope.options.forCurrent) { delete params.from; delete; } if ($scope.options.theme !== 'current') { params.theme = $scope.options.theme; } if ($scope.modeSharePanel) { params.panelId = $; params.fullscreen = true; } else { delete params.panelId; delete params.fullscreen; } $scope.shareUrl = linkSrv.addParamsToUrl(baseUrl, params); var soloUrl = baseUrl.replace(config.appSubUrl + '/dashboard/', config.appSubUrl + '/dashboard-solo/'); soloUrl = soloUrl.replace(config.appSubUrl + '/d/', config.appSubUrl + '/d-solo/'); delete params.fullscreen; delete params.edit; soloUrl = linkSrv.addParamsToUrl(soloUrl, params); $scope.iframeHtml = ''; $scope.imageUrl = soloUrl.replace( config.appSubUrl + '/dashboard-solo/', config.appSubUrl + '/render/dashboard-solo/' ); $scope.imageUrl = $scope.imageUrl.replace(config.appSubUrl + '/d-solo/', config.appSubUrl + '/render/d-solo/'); $scope.imageUrl += '&width=1000&height=500' + $scope.getLocalTimeZone(); }; // This function will try to return the proper full name of the local timezone // Chrome does not handle the timezone offset (but phantomjs does) $scope.getLocalTimeZone = function() { let utcOffset = '&tz=UTC' + encodeURIComponent(moment().format('Z')); // Older browser does not the internationalization API if (!(window).Intl) { return utcOffset; } const dateFormat = (window).Intl.DateTimeFormat(); if (!dateFormat.resolvedOptions) { return utcOffset; } const options = dateFormat.resolvedOptions(); if (!options.timeZone) { return utcOffset; } return '&tz=' + encodeURIComponent(options.timeZone); }; $scope.getShareUrl = function() { return $scope.shareUrl; }; } } angular.module('grafana.controllers').controller('ShareModalCtrl', ShareModalCtrl);