import { PanelMenuItem, PluginExtensionPoints, type PluginExtensionPanelContext } from '@grafana/data'; import { isPluginExtensionLink, AngularComponent, getDataSourceSrv, getPluginExtensions, locationService, reportInteraction, } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { PanelCtrl } from 'app/angular/panel/panel_ctrl'; import config from 'app/core/config'; import { t } from 'app/core/internationalization'; import { contextSrv } from 'app/core/services/context_srv'; import { getExploreUrl } from 'app/core/utils/explore'; import { DashboardModel } from 'app/features/dashboard/state/DashboardModel'; import { PanelModel } from 'app/features/dashboard/state/PanelModel'; import { addLibraryPanel, copyPanel, duplicatePanel, removePanel, sharePanel, toggleLegend, unlinkLibraryPanel, } from 'app/features/dashboard/utils/panel'; import { InspectTab } from 'app/features/inspector/types'; import { isPanelModelLibraryPanel } from 'app/features/library-panels/guard'; import { store } from 'app/store/store'; import { navigateToExplore } from '../../explore/state/main'; import { getTimeSrv } from '../services/TimeSrv'; export function getPanelMenu( dashboard: DashboardModel, panel: PanelModel, angularComponent?: AngularComponent | null ): PanelMenuItem[] { const onViewPanel = (event: React.MouseEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); locationService.partial({ viewPanel:, }); reportInteraction('dashboards_panelheader_menu', { item: 'view' }); }; const onEditPanel = (event: React.MouseEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); locationService.partial({ editPanel:, }); reportInteraction('dashboards_panelheader_menu', { item: 'edit' }); }; const onSharePanel = (event: React.MouseEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); sharePanel(dashboard, panel); reportInteraction('dashboards_panelheader_menu', { item: 'share' }); }; const onAddLibraryPanel = (event: React.MouseEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); addLibraryPanel(dashboard, panel); reportInteraction('dashboards_panelheader_menu', { item: 'createLibraryPanel' }); }; const onUnlinkLibraryPanel = (event: React.MouseEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); unlinkLibraryPanel(panel); reportInteraction('dashboards_panelheader_menu', { item: 'unlinkLibraryPanel' }); }; const onInspectPanel = (tab?: InspectTab) => { locationService.partial({ inspect:, inspectTab: tab, }); reportInteraction('dashboards_panelheader_menu', { item: 'inspect', tab: tab ?? InspectTab.Data }); }; const onMore = (event: React.MouseEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); }; const onDuplicatePanel = (event: React.MouseEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); duplicatePanel(dashboard, panel); reportInteraction('dashboards_panelheader_menu', { item: 'duplicate' }); }; const onCopyPanel = (event: React.MouseEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); copyPanel(panel); reportInteraction('dashboards_panelheader_menu', { item: 'copy' }); }; const onRemovePanel = (event: React.MouseEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); removePanel(dashboard, panel, true); reportInteraction('dashboards_panelheader_menu', { item: 'remove' }); }; const onNavigateToExplore = (event: React.MouseEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); const openInNewWindow = event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey ? (url: string) =>`${config.appSubUrl}${url}`) : undefined; store.dispatch(navigateToExplore(panel, { getDataSourceSrv, getTimeSrv, getExploreUrl, openInNewWindow }) as any); reportInteraction('dashboards_panelheader_menu', { item: 'explore' }); }; const onToggleLegend = (event: React.MouseEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); toggleLegend(panel); reportInteraction('dashboards_panelheader_menu', { item: 'toggleLegend' }); }; const menu: PanelMenuItem[] = []; if (!panel.isEditing) { menu.push({ text: t('panel.header-menu.view', `View`), iconClassName: 'eye', onClick: onViewPanel, shortcut: 'v', }); } if (dashboard.canEditPanel(panel) && !panel.isEditing) { menu.push({ text: t('panel.header-menu.edit', `Edit`), iconClassName: 'edit', onClick: onEditPanel, shortcut: 'e', }); } menu.push({ text: t('panel.header-menu.share', `Share`), iconClassName: 'share-alt', onClick: onSharePanel, shortcut: 'p s', }); if (contextSrv.hasAccessToExplore() && !(panel.plugin && panel.plugin.meta.skipDataQuery)) { menu.push({ text: t('panel.header-menu.explore', `Explore`), iconClassName: 'compass', onClick: onNavigateToExplore, shortcut: 'x', }); } const inspectMenu: PanelMenuItem[] = []; // Only show these inspect actions for data plugins if (panel.plugin && !panel.plugin.meta.skipDataQuery) { inspectMenu.push({ text: t('panel.header-menu.inspect-data', `Data`), onClick: (e: React.MouseEvent) => onInspectPanel(InspectTab.Data), }); if (dashboard.meta.canEdit) { inspectMenu.push({ text: t('panel.header-menu.query', `Query`), onClick: (e: React.MouseEvent) => onInspectPanel(InspectTab.Query), }); } } inspectMenu.push({ text: t('panel.header-menu.inspect-json', `Panel JSON`), onClick: (e: React.MouseEvent) => onInspectPanel(InspectTab.JSON), }); menu.push({ type: 'submenu', text: t('panel.header-menu.inspect', `Inspect`), iconClassName: 'info-circle', onClick: (e: React.MouseEvent) => { const currentTarget = e.currentTarget; const target = as HTMLElement; const closestMenuItem = target.closest('[role="menuitem"]'); if (target === currentTarget || closestMenuItem === currentTarget) { onInspectPanel(); } }, shortcut: 'i', subMenu: inspectMenu, }); const subMenu: PanelMenuItem[] = []; const canEdit = dashboard.canEditPanel(panel); if (!(panel.isViewing || panel.isEditing)) { if (canEdit) { subMenu.push({ text: t('panel.header-menu.duplicate', `Duplicate`), onClick: onDuplicatePanel, shortcut: 'p d', }); subMenu.push({ text: t('panel.header-menu.copy', `Copy`), onClick: onCopyPanel, }); if (isPanelModelLibraryPanel(panel)) { subMenu.push({ text: t('panel.header-menu.unlink-library-panel', `Unlink library panel`), onClick: onUnlinkLibraryPanel, }); } else { subMenu.push({ text: t('panel.header-menu.create-library-panel', `Create library panel`), onClick: onAddLibraryPanel, }); } } else if (contextSrv.isEditor) { // An editor but the dashboard is not editable subMenu.push({ text: t('panel.header-menu.copy', `Copy`), onClick: onCopyPanel, }); } } // add old angular panel options if (angularComponent) { const scope = angularComponent.getScope(); const panelCtrl: PanelCtrl = scope.$$childHead.ctrl; const angularMenuItems = panelCtrl.getExtendedMenu(); for (const item of angularMenuItems) { const reactItem: PanelMenuItem = { text: item.text, href: item.href, shortcut: item.shortcut, }; if ( { reactItem.onClick = () => { scope.$eval(, { ctrl: panelCtrl }); }; } subMenu.push(reactItem); } } if (panel.options.legend) { subMenu.push({ text: panel.options.legend.showLegend ? t('panel.header-menu.hide-legend', 'Hide legend') : t('', 'Show legend'), onClick: onToggleLegend, shortcut: 'p l', }); } // When editing hide most actions if (panel.isEditing) { subMenu.length = 0; } if (canEdit && panel.plugin && !panel.plugin.meta.skipDataQuery) { subMenu.push({ text: t('panel.header-menu.get-help', 'Get help'), onClick: (e: React.MouseEvent) => onInspectPanel(InspectTab.Help), }); } if (subMenu.length) { menu.push({ type: 'submenu', text: t('panel.header-menu.more', `More...`), iconClassName: 'cube', subMenu, onClick: onMore, }); } const { extensions } = getPluginExtensions({ extensionPointId: PluginExtensionPoints.DashboardPanelMenu, context: createExtensionContext(panel, dashboard), }); if (extensions.length > 0 && !panel.isEditing) { const extensionsMenu: PanelMenuItem[] = []; for (const extension of extensions) { if (isPluginExtensionLink(extension)) { extensionsMenu.push({ text: truncateTitle(extension.title, 25), href: extension.path, onClick: extension.onClick, }); continue; } } menu.push({ text: 'Extensions', iconClassName: 'plug', type: 'submenu', subMenu: extensionsMenu, }); } if (dashboard.canEditPanel(panel) && !panel.isEditing && !panel.isViewing) { menu.push({ type: 'divider', text: '' }); menu.push({ text: t('panel.header-menu.remove', `Remove`), iconClassName: 'trash-alt', onClick: onRemovePanel, shortcut: 'p r', }); } return menu; } function truncateTitle(title: string, length: number): string { if (title.length < length) { return title; } const part = title.slice(0, length - 3); return `${part.trimEnd()}...`; } function createExtensionContext(panel: PanelModel, dashboard: DashboardModel): PluginExtensionPanelContext { return { id:, pluginId: panel.type, title: panel.title, timeRange: dashboard.time, timeZone: dashboard.timezone, dashboard: { uid: dashboard.uid, title: dashboard.title, tags: Array.from(dashboard.tags), }, targets: panel.targets, }; }