// Libraries import _ from 'lodash'; // Services & Utils import { DataQuery, DataSourceApi, ExploreMode, dateTimeFormat, AppEvents, urlUtil } from '@grafana/data'; import appEvents from 'app/core/app_events'; import store from 'app/core/store'; import { serializeStateToUrlParam, SortOrder } from './explore'; import { getExploreDatasources } from '../../features/explore/state/selectors'; // Types import { ExploreUrlState, RichHistoryQuery } from 'app/types/explore'; const RICH_HISTORY_KEY = 'grafana.explore.richHistory'; export const RICH_HISTORY_SETTING_KEYS = { retentionPeriod: 'grafana.explore.richHistory.retentionPeriod', starredTabAsFirstTab: 'grafana.explore.richHistory.starredTabAsFirstTab', activeDatasourceOnly: 'grafana.explore.richHistory.activeDatasourceOnly', datasourceFilters: 'grafana.explore.richHistory.datasourceFilters', }; /* * Add queries to rich history. Save only queries within the retention period, or that are starred. * Side-effect: store history in local storage */ export function addToRichHistory( richHistory: RichHistoryQuery[], datasourceId: string, datasourceName: string | null, queries: DataQuery[], starred: boolean, comment: string | null, sessionName: string ): any { const ts = Date.now(); /* Save only queries, that are not falsy (e.g. empty object, null, ...) */ const newQueriesToSave: DataQuery[] = queries && queries.filter(query => notEmptyQuery(query)); const retentionPeriod: number = store.getObject(RICH_HISTORY_SETTING_KEYS.retentionPeriod, 7); const retentionPeriodLastTs = createRetentionPeriodBoundary(retentionPeriod, false); /* Keep only queries, that are within the selected retention period or that are starred. * If no queries, initialize with empty array */ const queriesToKeep = richHistory.filter(q => q.ts > retentionPeriodLastTs || q.starred === true) || []; if (newQueriesToSave.length > 0) { /* Compare queries of a new query and last saved queries. If they are the same, (except selected properties, * which can be different) don't save it in rich history. */ const newQueriesToCompare = newQueriesToSave.map(q => _.omit(q, ['key', 'refId'])); const lastQueriesToCompare = queriesToKeep.length > 0 && queriesToKeep[0].queries.map(q => { return _.omit(q, ['key', 'refId']); }); if (_.isEqual(newQueriesToCompare, lastQueriesToCompare)) { return richHistory; } let updatedHistory = [ { queries: newQueriesToSave, ts, datasourceId, datasourceName, starred, comment, sessionName }, ...queriesToKeep, ]; try { store.setObject(RICH_HISTORY_KEY, updatedHistory); return updatedHistory; } catch (error) { appEvents.emit(AppEvents.alertError, [error]); return richHistory; } } return richHistory; } export function getRichHistory(): RichHistoryQuery[] { const richHistory: RichHistoryQuery[] = store.getObject(RICH_HISTORY_KEY, []); const transformedRichHistory = migrateRichHistory(richHistory); return transformedRichHistory; } export function deleteAllFromRichHistory() { return store.delete(RICH_HISTORY_KEY); } export function updateStarredInRichHistory(richHistory: RichHistoryQuery[], ts: number) { const updatedHistory = richHistory.map(query => { /* Timestamps are currently unique - we can use them to identify specific queries */ if (query.ts === ts) { const isStarred = query.starred; const updatedQuery = Object.assign({}, query, { starred: !isStarred }); return updatedQuery; } return query; }); try { store.setObject(RICH_HISTORY_KEY, updatedHistory); return updatedHistory; } catch (error) { appEvents.emit(AppEvents.alertError, [error]); return richHistory; } } export function updateCommentInRichHistory( richHistory: RichHistoryQuery[], ts: number, newComment: string | undefined ) { const updatedHistory = richHistory.map(query => { if (query.ts === ts) { const updatedQuery = Object.assign({}, query, { comment: newComment }); return updatedQuery; } return query; }); try { store.setObject(RICH_HISTORY_KEY, updatedHistory); return updatedHistory; } catch (error) { appEvents.emit(AppEvents.alertError, [error]); return richHistory; } } export function deleteQueryInRichHistory(richHistory: RichHistoryQuery[], ts: number) { const updatedHistory = richHistory.filter(query => query.ts !== ts); try { store.setObject(RICH_HISTORY_KEY, updatedHistory); return updatedHistory; } catch (error) { appEvents.emit(AppEvents.alertError, [error]); return richHistory; } } export const sortQueries = (array: RichHistoryQuery[], sortOrder: SortOrder) => { let sortFunc; if (sortOrder === SortOrder.Ascending) { sortFunc = (a: RichHistoryQuery, b: RichHistoryQuery) => (a.ts < b.ts ? -1 : a.ts > b.ts ? 1 : 0); } if (sortOrder === SortOrder.Descending) { sortFunc = (a: RichHistoryQuery, b: RichHistoryQuery) => (a.ts < b.ts ? 1 : a.ts > b.ts ? -1 : 0); } if (sortOrder === SortOrder.DatasourceZA) { sortFunc = (a: RichHistoryQuery, b: RichHistoryQuery) => a.datasourceName < b.datasourceName ? -1 : a.datasourceName > b.datasourceName ? 1 : 0; } if (sortOrder === SortOrder.DatasourceAZ) { sortFunc = (a: RichHistoryQuery, b: RichHistoryQuery) => a.datasourceName < b.datasourceName ? 1 : a.datasourceName > b.datasourceName ? -1 : 0; } return array.sort(sortFunc); }; export const copyStringToClipboard = (string: string) => { const el = document.createElement('textarea'); el.value = string; document.body.appendChild(el); el.select(); document.execCommand('copy'); document.body.removeChild(el); }; export const createUrlFromRichHistory = (query: RichHistoryQuery) => { const exploreState: ExploreUrlState = { /* Default range, as we are not saving timerange in rich history */ range: { from: 'now-1h', to: 'now' }, datasource: query.datasourceName, queries: query.queries, /* Default mode is metrics. Exceptions are Loki (logs) and Jaeger (tracing) data sources. * In the future, we can remove this as we are working on metrics & logs logic. **/ mode: query.datasourceId === 'loki' ? ExploreMode.Logs : query.datasourceId === 'jaeger' ? ExploreMode.Tracing : ExploreMode.Metrics, ui: { showingGraph: true, showingLogs: true, showingTable: true, }, context: 'explore', }; const serializedState = serializeStateToUrlParam(exploreState, true); const baseUrl = /.*(?=\/explore)/.exec(`${window.location.href}`)[0]; const url = urlUtil.renderUrl(`${baseUrl}/explore`, { left: serializedState }); return url; }; /* Needed for slider in Rich history to map numerical values to meaningful strings */ export const mapNumbertoTimeInSlider = (num: number) => { let str; switch (num) { case 0: str = 'today'; break; case 1: str = 'yesterday'; break; case 7: str = 'a week ago'; break; case 14: str = 'two weeks ago'; break; default: str = `${num} days ago`; } return str; }; export const createRetentionPeriodBoundary = (days: number, isLastTs: boolean) => { const today = new Date(); const date = new Date(today.setDate(today.getDate() - days)); /* * As a retention period boundaries, we consider: * - The last timestamp equals to the 24:00 of the last day of retention * - The first timestamp that equals to the 00:00 of the first day of retention */ const boundary = isLastTs ? date.setHours(24, 0, 0, 0) : date.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return boundary; }; export function createDateStringFromTs(ts: number) { return dateTimeFormat(ts, { format: 'MMMM D', }); } export function getQueryDisplayText(query: DataQuery): string { /* If datasource doesn't have getQueryDisplayText, create query display text by * stringifying query that was stripped of key, refId and datasource for nicer * formatting and improved readability */ const strippedQuery = _.omit(query, ['key', 'refId', 'datasource']); return JSON.stringify(strippedQuery); } export function createQueryHeading(query: RichHistoryQuery, sortOrder: SortOrder) { let heading = ''; if (sortOrder === SortOrder.DatasourceAZ || sortOrder === SortOrder.DatasourceZA) { heading = query.datasourceName; } else { heading = createDateStringFromTs(query.ts); } return heading; } export function createQueryText(query: DataQuery, queryDsInstance: DataSourceApi) { /* query DatasourceInstance is necessary because we use its getQueryDisplayText method * to format query text */ if (queryDsInstance?.getQueryDisplayText) { return queryDsInstance.getQueryDisplayText(query); } return getQueryDisplayText(query); } export function mapQueriesToHeadings(query: RichHistoryQuery[], sortOrder: SortOrder) { let mappedQueriesToHeadings: any = {}; query.forEach(q => { let heading = createQueryHeading(q, sortOrder); if (!(heading in mappedQueriesToHeadings)) { mappedQueriesToHeadings[heading] = [q]; } else { mappedQueriesToHeadings[heading] = [...mappedQueriesToHeadings[heading], q]; } }); return mappedQueriesToHeadings; } /* Create datasource list with images. If specific datasource retrieved from Rich history is not part of * exploreDatasources add generic datasource image and add property isRemoved = true. */ export function createDatasourcesList(queriesDatasources: string[]) { const exploreDatasources = getExploreDatasources(); const datasources: Array<{ label: string; value: string; imgUrl: string; isRemoved: boolean }> = []; queriesDatasources.forEach(queryDsName => { const index = exploreDatasources.findIndex(exploreDs => exploreDs.name === queryDsName); if (index !== -1) { datasources.push({ label: queryDsName, value: queryDsName, imgUrl: exploreDatasources[index].meta.info.logos.small, isRemoved: false, }); } else { datasources.push({ label: queryDsName, value: queryDsName, imgUrl: 'public/img/icn-datasource.svg', isRemoved: true, }); } }); return datasources; } export function notEmptyQuery(query: DataQuery) { /* Check if query has any other properties besides key, refId and datasource. * If not, then we consider it empty query. */ const strippedQuery = _.omit(query, ['key', 'refId', 'datasource']); const queryKeys = Object.keys(strippedQuery); if (queryKeys.length > 0) { return true; } return false; } /* These functions are created to migrate string queries (from 6.7 release) to DataQueries. They can be removed after 7.1 release. */ function migrateRichHistory(richHistory: RichHistoryQuery[]) { const transformedRichHistory = richHistory.map(query => { const transformedQueries: DataQuery[] = query.queries.map((q, index) => createDataQuery(query, q, index)); return { ...query, queries: transformedQueries }; }); return transformedRichHistory; } function createDataQuery(query: RichHistoryQuery, individualQuery: DataQuery | string, index: number) { const letters = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZ'; if (typeof individualQuery === 'object') { return individualQuery; } else if (isParsable(individualQuery)) { return JSON.parse(individualQuery); } return { expr: individualQuery, refId: letters[index] }; } function isParsable(string: string) { try { JSON.parse(string); } catch (e) { return false; } return true; }