+++ title = "With Grafana" description = "Guide for getting started with Grafana" keywords = ["grafana", "intro", "guide", "started"] aliases = ["/docs/grafana/latest/guides/gettingstarted","/docs/grafana/latest/guides/getting_started"] weight = 200 +++ # Getting started with Grafana This topic helps you get started with Grafana and build your first dashboard. To learn more about Grafana, refer to [What is Grafana?]({{< relref "_index.md" >}}). ## Step 1: Install Grafana Grafana can be installed on many different operating systems. For a list of minimum hardware and software requirements, as well as instructions on installing Grafana, refer to [Install Grafana]({{< relref "../installation/_index.md" >}}). ## Step 2: Log in To log in to Grafana for the first time: 1. Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:3000/. The default HTTP port that Grafana listens to is `3000` unless you have configured a different port. 1. On the login page, enter `admin` for username and password. 1. Click **Log In**. If login is successful, then you will see a prompt to change the password. 1. Click **OK** on the prompt, then change your password. > **Note:** We strongly recommend that you follow Grafana's best practices and change the default administrator password. Don't forget to record your credentials! ## Step 3: Create a dashboard To create your first dashboard: 1. Click the **+** icon on the left panel, select **Create Dashboard**, and then click **Add new panel**. 1. In the New Dashboard/Edit Panel view, go to the **Query** tab. 1. Configure your [query]({{< relref "../panels/queries.md" >}}) by selecting ``-- Grafana --`` from the [data source selector]({{< relref "../panels/queries.md/#data-source-selector" >}}). This generates the Random Walk dashboard. 1. Click the **Save** icon in the top right corner of your screen to save the dashboard. 1. Add a descriptive name, and then click **Save**. Congratulations, you have created your first dashboard and it is displaying results. ## Next steps Continue to experiment with what you have built, try the [explore workflow]({{< relref "../explore/index.md" >}}) or another visualization feature. Refer to [Data sources]({{< relref "../datasources" >}}) for a list of supported data sources and instructions on how to [add a data source]({{< relref "../datasources/add-a-data-source.md" >}}). The following topics will be of interest to you: - [Panels]({{< relref "../panels/_index.md" >}}) - [Dashboards]({{< relref "../dashboards/_index.md" >}}) - [Keyboard shortcuts]({{< relref "../dashboards/shortcuts.md" >}}) - [Plugins](https://grafana.com/grafana/plugins?orderBy=weight&direction=asc) ### Admins The following topics are of interest to Grafana server admin users: - [Grafana configuration]({{< relref "../administration/configuration.md" >}}) - [Authentication]({{< relref "../auth/overview.md" >}}) - [User permissions and roles]({{< relref "../permissions/_index.md" >}}) - [Provisioning]({{< relref "../administration/provisioning.md" >}}) - [Grafana CLI]({{< relref "../administration/cli.md" >}})