import _ from 'lodash'; import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; import ReactTable from 'react-table'; import TableModel from 'app/core/table_model'; const EMPTY_TABLE = new TableModel(); // Identify columns that contain values const VALUE_REGEX = /^[Vv]alue #\d+/; interface TableProps { data: TableModel; loading: boolean; onClickCell?: (columnKey: string, rowValue: string) => void; } function prepareRows(rows, columnNames) { return => _.zipObject(columnNames, cells)); } export default class Table extends PureComponent { getCellProps = (state, rowInfo, column) => { return { onClick: (e: React.SyntheticEvent) => { // Only handle click on link, not the cell if ( { const link = as HTMLElement; if (link.className === 'link') { const columnKey = column.Header().props.title; const rowValue = rowInfo.row[columnKey]; this.props.onClickCell(columnKey, rowValue); } } }, }; }; render() { const { data, loading } = this.props; const tableModel = data || EMPTY_TABLE; const columnNames ={ text }) => text); const columns ={ filterable, text }) => ({ Header: () => {text}, accessor: text, className: VALUE_REGEX.test(text) ? 'text-right' : '', show: text !== 'Time', Cell: row => ( {row.value} ), })); const noDataText = data ? 'The queries returned no data for a table.' : ''; return ( prepareRows(data, columnNames)} showPagination={Boolean(data)} /> ); } }