define([ 'helpers', 'angular', 'jquery', 'components/timeSeries', 'panels/graph/graph' ], function(helpers, angular, $, TimeSeries) { 'use strict'; describe('grafanaGraph', function() { beforeEach(module('grafana.directives')); function graphScenario(desc, func) { describe(desc, function() { var ctx = {}; ctx.setup = function (setupFunc) { beforeEach(module(function($provide) { $provide.value("timeSrv", new helpers.TimeSrvStub()); })); beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, $compile) { var scope = $rootScope.$new(); var element = angular.element("
"); scope.height = '200px'; scope.panel = { legend: {}, grid: { }, y_formats: [], seriesOverrides: [], tooltip: { shared: true } }; scope.appEvent = sinon.spy(); scope.onAppEvent = sinon.spy(); scope.hiddenSeries = {}; scope.dashboard = { timezone: 'browser' }; scope.range = { from: new Date('2014-08-09 10:00:00'), to: new Date('2014-09-09 13:00:00') }; = []; TimeSeries({ datapoints: [[1,1],[2,2]], alias: 'series1' })); TimeSeries({ datapoints: [[1,1],[2,2]], alias: 'series2' })); setupFunc(scope,; $compile(element)(scope); scope.$digest(); $.plot = ctx.plotSpy = sinon.spy(); scope.$emit('render',; ctx.plotData = ctx.plotSpy.getCall(0).args[1]; ctx.plotOptions = ctx.plotSpy.getCall(0).args[2]; })); }; func(ctx); }); } graphScenario('simple lines options', function(ctx) { ctx.setup(function(scope) { scope.panel.lines = true; scope.panel.fill = 5; scope.panel.linewidth = 3; scope.panel.steppedLine = true; }); it('should configure plot with correct options', function() { expect(; expect(ctx.plotOptions.series.lines.fill); expect(ctx.plotOptions.series.lines.lineWidth); expect(ctx.plotOptions.series.lines.steps); }); }); graphScenario('grid thresholds 100, 200', function(ctx) { ctx.setup(function(scope) { scope.panel.grid = { threshold1: 100, threshold1Color: "#111", threshold2: 200, threshold2Color: "#222", }; }); it('should add grid markings', function() { var markings = ctx.plotOptions.grid.markings; expect(markings[0].yaxis.from); expect(markings[0]; expect(markings[0].color)'#111'); expect(markings[1].yaxis.from); expect(markings[1]; }); }); graphScenario('inverted grid thresholds 200, 100', function(ctx) { ctx.setup(function(scope) { scope.panel.grid = { threshold1: 200, threshold1Color: "#111", threshold2: 100, threshold2Color: "#222", }; }); it('should add grid markings', function() { var markings = ctx.plotOptions.grid.markings; expect(markings[0].yaxis.from); expect(markings[0]; expect(markings[0].color)'#111'); expect(markings[1].yaxis.from); expect(markings[1]; }); }); graphScenario('grid thresholds from zero', function(ctx) { ctx.setup(function(scope) { scope.panel.grid = { threshold1: 0, threshold1Color: "#111", }; }); it('should add grid markings', function() { var markings = ctx.plotOptions.grid.markings; expect(markings[0].yaxis.from); }); }); graphScenario('when logBase is log 10', function(ctx) { ctx.setup(function(scope) { scope.panel.grid = { leftMax: null, rightMax: null, leftMin: null, rightMin: null, leftLogBase: 10, }; }); it('should apply axis transform and ticks', function() { var axis = ctx.plotOptions.yaxes[0]; expect(axis.transform(100)); expect(axis.ticks[0]); expect(axis.ticks[1]); }); }); graphScenario('should use timeStep for barWidth', function(ctx) { ctx.setup(function(scope, data) { scope.panel.bars = true; data[0] = new TimeSeries({ datapoints: [[1,10],[2,20]], alias: 'series1', }); }); it('should set barWidth', function() { expect(ctx.plotOptions.series.bars.barWidth); }); }); graphScenario('series option overrides, fill & points', function(ctx) { ctx.setup(function(scope, data) { scope.panel.lines = true; scope.panel.fill = 5; scope.panel.seriesOverrides = [ { alias: 'test', fill: 0, points: true } ]; data[1].alias = 'test'; }); it('should match second series and fill zero, and enable points', function() { expect(ctx.plotOptions.series.lines.fill); expect(ctx.plotData[1].lines.fill); expect(ctx.plotData[1]; }); }); graphScenario('should order series order according to zindex', function(ctx) { ctx.setup(function(scope) { scope.panel.seriesOverrides = [{ alias: 'series1', zindex: 2 }]; }); it('should move zindex 2 last', function() { expect(ctx.plotData[0].alias)'series2'); expect(ctx.plotData[1].alias)'series1'); }); }); graphScenario('when series is hidden', function(ctx) { ctx.setup(function(scope) { scope.hiddenSeries = {'series2': true}; }); it('should remove datapoints and disable stack', function() { expect(ctx.plotData[0].alias)'series1'); expect(ctx.plotData[1].data.length); expect(ctx.plotData[1].stack); }); }); }); });