define([ 'components/timeSeries' ], function(TimeSeries) { 'use strict'; describe("TimeSeries", function() { var points, series; var yAxisFormats = ['short', 'ms']; var testData = { alias: 'test', datapoints: [ [1,2],[null,3],[10,4],[8,5] ] }; describe('when getting flot pairs', function() { it('with connected style, should ignore nulls', function() { series = new TimeSeries(testData); points = series.getFlotPairs('connected', yAxisFormats); expect(points.length); }); it('with null as zero style, should replace nulls with zero', function() { series = new TimeSeries(testData); points = series.getFlotPairs('null as zero', yAxisFormats); expect(points.length); expect(points[1][1]); }); it('if last is null current should pick next to last', function() { series = new TimeSeries({ datapoints: [[10,1], [null, 2]] }); series.getFlotPairs('null', yAxisFormats); expect(series.stats.current); }); it('max value should work for negative values', function() { series = new TimeSeries({ datapoints: [[-10,1], [-4, 2]] }); series.getFlotPairs('null', yAxisFormats); expect(series.stats.max); }); }); describe('series overrides', function() { var series; beforeEach(function() { series = new TimeSeries(testData); }); describe('fill & points', function() { beforeEach(function() { series.alias = 'test'; series.applySeriesOverrides([{ alias: 'test', fill: 0, points: true }]); }); it('should set fill zero, and enable points', function() { expect(series.lines.fill); expect(; }); }); describe('series option overrides, bars, true & lines false', function() { beforeEach(function() { series.alias = 'test'; series.applySeriesOverrides([{ alias: 'test', bars: true, lines: false }]); }); it('should disable lines, and enable bars', function() { expect(; expect(; }); }); describe('series option overrides, linewidth, stack', function() { beforeEach(function() { series.alias = 'test'; series.applySeriesOverrides([{ alias: 'test', linewidth: 5, stack: false }]); }); it('should disable stack, and set lineWidth', function() { expect(series.stack); expect(series.lines.lineWidth); }); }); describe('series option overrides, fill below to', function() { beforeEach(function() { series.alias = 'test'; series.applySeriesOverrides([{ alias: 'test', fillBelowTo: 'min' }]); }); it('should disable line fill and add fillBelowTo', function() { expect(series.fillBelowTo)'min'); }); }); describe('series option overrides, pointradius, steppedLine', function() { beforeEach(function() { series.alias = 'test'; series.applySeriesOverrides([{ alias: 'test', pointradius: 5, steppedLine: true }]); }); it('should set pointradius, and set steppedLine', function() { expect(series.points.radius); expect(series.lines.steps); }); }); describe('override match on regex', function() { beforeEach(function() { series.alias = 'test_01'; series.applySeriesOverrides([{ alias: '/.*01/', lines: false }]); }); it('should match second series', function() { expect(; }); }); describe('override series y-axis, and z-index', function() { beforeEach(function() { series.alias = 'test'; series.applySeriesOverrides([{ alias: 'test', yaxis: 2, zindex: 2 }]); }); it('should set yaxis', function() { expect(series.yaxis); }); it('should set zindex', function() { expect(series.zindex); }); }); }); }); });