import { orderBy } from 'lodash'; import { Padding } from 'uplot'; import { ArrayVector, DataFrame, Field, FieldType, formattedValueToString, getDisplayProcessor, getFieldColorModeForField, getFieldSeriesColor, GrafanaTheme2, outerJoinDataFrames, reduceField, VizOrientation, } from '@grafana/data'; import { maybeSortFrame } from '@grafana/data/src/transformations/transformers/joinDataFrames'; import { AxisPlacement, ScaleDirection, ScaleDistribution, ScaleOrientation, StackingMode, VizLegendOptions, } from '@grafana/schema'; import { FIXED_UNIT, measureText, UPlotConfigBuilder, UPlotConfigPrepFn, UPLOT_AXIS_FONT_SIZE } from '@grafana/ui'; import { getStackingGroups } from '@grafana/ui/src/components/uPlot/utils'; import { findField } from 'app/features/dimensions'; import { BarsOptions, getConfig } from './bars'; import { BarChartFieldConfig, PanelOptions, defaultBarChartFieldConfig } from './models.gen'; import { BarChartDisplayValues, BarChartDisplayWarning } from './types'; function getBarCharScaleOrientation(orientation: VizOrientation) { if (orientation === VizOrientation.Vertical) { return { xOri: ScaleOrientation.Horizontal, xDir: ScaleDirection.Right, yOri: ScaleOrientation.Vertical, yDir: ScaleDirection.Up, }; } return { xOri: ScaleOrientation.Vertical, xDir: ScaleDirection.Down, yOri: ScaleOrientation.Horizontal, yDir: ScaleDirection.Right, }; } export interface BarChartOptionsEX extends PanelOptions { rawValue: (seriesIdx: number, valueIdx: number) => number | null; getColor?: (seriesIdx: number, valueIdx: number, value: any) => string | null; fillOpacity?: number; } export const preparePlotConfigBuilder: UPlotConfigPrepFn = ({ frame, theme, orientation, showValue, groupWidth, barWidth, barRadius = 0, stacking, text, rawValue, getColor, fillOpacity, allFrames, xTickLabelRotation, xTickLabelMaxLength, xTickLabelSpacing = 0, legend, }) => { const builder = new UPlotConfigBuilder(); const defaultValueFormatter = (seriesIdx: number, value: any) => { return shortenValue(formattedValueToString(frame.fields[seriesIdx].display!(value)), xTickLabelMaxLength); }; // bar orientation -> x scale orientation & direction const vizOrientation = getBarCharScaleOrientation(orientation); const formatValue = defaultValueFormatter; // Use bar width when only one field if (frame.fields.length === 2) { groupWidth = barWidth; barWidth = 1; } const opts: BarsOptions = { xOri: vizOrientation.xOri, xDir: vizOrientation.xDir, groupWidth, barWidth, barRadius, stacking, rawValue, getColor, fillOpacity, formatValue, text, showValue, legend, xSpacing: xTickLabelSpacing, xTimeAuto: frame.fields[0]?.type === FieldType.time && !frame.fields[0].config.unit?.startsWith('time:'), }; const config = getConfig(opts, theme); builder.setCursor(config.cursor); builder.addHook('init', config.init); builder.addHook('drawClear', config.drawClear); builder.addHook('draw', config.draw); builder.setTooltipInterpolator(config.interpolateTooltip); if (vizOrientation.xOri === ScaleOrientation.Horizontal && xTickLabelRotation !== 0) { builder.setPadding(getRotationPadding(frame, xTickLabelRotation, xTickLabelMaxLength)); } builder.setPrepData(config.prepData); builder.addScale({ scaleKey: 'x', isTime: false, range: config.xRange, distribution: ScaleDistribution.Ordinal, orientation: vizOrientation.xOri, direction: vizOrientation.xDir, }); const xFieldAxisPlacement = frame.fields[0].config.custom?.axisPlacement !== AxisPlacement.Hidden ? vizOrientation.xOri === ScaleOrientation.Horizontal ? AxisPlacement.Bottom : AxisPlacement.Left : AxisPlacement.Hidden; const xFieldAxisShow = frame.fields[0].config.custom?.axisPlacement !== AxisPlacement.Hidden; builder.addAxis({ scaleKey: 'x', isTime: false, placement: xFieldAxisPlacement, label: frame.fields[0].config.custom?.axisLabel, splits: config.xSplits, values: config.xValues, grid: { show: false }, ticks: { show: false }, gap: 15, tickLabelRotation: xTickLabelRotation * -1, theme, show: xFieldAxisShow, }); let seriesIndex = 0; const legendOrdered = isLegendOrdered(legend); // iterate the y values for (let i = 1; i < frame.fields.length; i++) { const field = frame.fields[i]; seriesIndex++; const customConfig: BarChartFieldConfig = { ...defaultBarChartFieldConfig, ...field.config.custom }; const scaleKey = field.config.unit || FIXED_UNIT; const colorMode = getFieldColorModeForField(field); const scaleColor = getFieldSeriesColor(field, theme); const seriesColor = scaleColor.color; builder.addSeries({ scaleKey, pxAlign: true, lineWidth: customConfig.lineWidth, lineColor: seriesColor, fillOpacity: customConfig.fillOpacity, theme, colorMode, pathBuilder: config.barsBuilder, show: !customConfig.hideFrom?.viz, gradientMode: customConfig.gradientMode, thresholds: field.config.thresholds, hardMin: field.config.min, hardMax: field.config.max, softMin: customConfig.axisSoftMin, softMax: customConfig.axisSoftMax, // The following properties are not used in the uPlot config, but are utilized as transport for legend config // PlotLegend currently gets unfiltered DataFrame[], so index must be into that field array, not the prepped frame's which we're iterating here dataFrameFieldIndex: { fieldIndex: legendOrdered ? i : allFrames[0].fields.findIndex( (f) => f.type === FieldType.number && f.state?.seriesIndex === seriesIndex - 1 ), frameIndex: 0, }, }); // The builder will manage unique scaleKeys and combine where appropriate builder.addScale({ scaleKey, min: field.config.min, max: field.config.max, softMin: customConfig.axisSoftMin, softMax: customConfig.axisSoftMax, orientation: vizOrientation.yOri, direction: vizOrientation.yDir, distribution: customConfig.scaleDistribution?.type, log: customConfig.scaleDistribution?.log, }); if (customConfig.axisPlacement !== AxisPlacement.Hidden) { let placement = customConfig.axisPlacement; if (!placement || placement === AxisPlacement.Auto) { placement = AxisPlacement.Left; } if (vizOrientation.xOri === 1) { if (placement === AxisPlacement.Left) { placement = AxisPlacement.Bottom; } if (placement === AxisPlacement.Right) { placement = AxisPlacement.Top; } } builder.addAxis({ scaleKey, label: customConfig.axisLabel, size: customConfig.axisWidth, placement, formatValue: (v) => formattedValueToString(field.display!(v)), theme, grid: { show: customConfig.axisGridShow }, }); } } let stackingGroups = getStackingGroups(frame); builder.setStackingGroups(stackingGroups); return builder; }; function shortenValue(value: string, length: number) { if (value.length > length) { return value.substring(0, length).concat('...'); } else { return value; } } function getRotationPadding(frame: DataFrame, rotateLabel: number, valueMaxLength: number): Padding { const values = frame.fields[0].values; const fontSize = UPLOT_AXIS_FONT_SIZE; const displayProcessor = frame.fields[0].display ?? ((v) => v); let maxLength = 0; for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { let size = measureText( shortenValue(formattedValueToString(displayProcessor(values.get(i))), valueMaxLength), fontSize ); maxLength = size.width > maxLength ? size.width : maxLength; } // Add padding to the right if the labels are rotated in a way that makes the last label extend outside the graph. const paddingRight = rotateLabel > 0 ? Math.cos((rotateLabel * Math.PI) / 180) * measureText( shortenValue(formattedValueToString(displayProcessor(values.get(values.length - 1))), valueMaxLength), fontSize ).width : 0; // Add padding to the left if the labels are rotated in a way that makes the first label extend outside the graph. const paddingLeft = rotateLabel < 0 ? Math.cos((rotateLabel * -1 * Math.PI) / 180) * measureText(shortenValue(formattedValueToString(displayProcessor(values.get(0))), valueMaxLength), fontSize) .width : 0; // Add padding to the bottom to avoid clipping the rotated labels. const paddingBottom = Math.sin(((rotateLabel >= 0 ? rotateLabel : rotateLabel * -1) * Math.PI) / 180) * maxLength; return [0, paddingRight, paddingBottom, paddingLeft]; } /** @internal */ export function prepareBarChartDisplayValues( series: DataFrame[], theme: GrafanaTheme2, options: PanelOptions ): BarChartDisplayValues | BarChartDisplayWarning { if (!series?.length) { return { warn: 'No data in response' }; } // Bar chart requires a single frame const frame = series.length === 1 ? maybeSortFrame( series[0], series[0].fields.findIndex((f) => f.type === FieldType.time) ) : outerJoinDataFrames({ frames: series }); if (!frame) { return { warn: 'Unable to join data' }; } // Color by a field different than the input let colorByField: Field | undefined = undefined; if (options.colorByField) { colorByField = findField(frame, options.colorByField); if (!colorByField) { return { warn: 'Color field not found' }; } } let xField: Field | undefined = undefined; if (options.xField) { xField = findField(frame, options.xField); if (!xField) { return { warn: 'Configured x field not found' }; } } let stringField: Field | undefined = undefined; let timeField: Field | undefined = undefined; let fields: Field[] = []; for (const field of frame.fields) { if (field === xField) { continue; } switch (field.type) { case FieldType.string: if (!stringField) { stringField = field; } break; case FieldType.time: if (!timeField) { timeField = field; } break; case FieldType.number: { const copy = { ...field, state: { ...field.state, seriesIndex: fields.length, // off by one? }, config: { ...field.config, custom: { ...field.config.custom, stacking: { group: '_', mode: options.stacking, }, }, }, values: new ArrayVector( field.values.toArray().map((v) => { if (!(Number.isFinite(v) || v == null)) { return null; } return v; }) ), }; if (options.stacking === StackingMode.Percent) { copy.config.unit = 'percentunit'; copy.display = getDisplayProcessor({ field: copy, theme }); } fields.push(copy); } } } let firstField = xField; if (!firstField) { firstField = stringField || timeField; } if (!firstField) { return { warn: 'Bar charts requires a string or time field', }; } if (!fields.length) { return { warn: 'No numeric fields found', }; } // Show the first number value if (colorByField && fields.length > 1) { const firstNumber = fields.find((f) => f !== colorByField); if (firstNumber) { fields = [firstNumber]; } } if (isLegendOrdered(options.legend)) { const sortKey = options.legend.sortBy!.toLowerCase(); const reducers = options.legend.calcs ?? [sortKey]; fields = orderBy( fields, (field) => { return reduceField({ field, reducers })[sortKey]; }, options.legend.sortDesc ? 'desc' : 'asc' ); } // String field is first fields.unshift(firstField); return { aligned: frame, colorByField, viz: [ { length: firstField.values.length, fields: fields, // ideally: fields.filter((f) => !Boolean(f.config.custom?.hideFrom?.viz)), }, ], }; } export const isLegendOrdered = (options: VizLegendOptions) => Boolean(options?.sortBy && options.sortDesc !== null);