import Plain from 'slate-plain-serializer'; import { AbstractLabelOperator, DataFrame } from '@grafana/data'; import { TypeaheadInput } from '@grafana/ui'; import LanguageProvider, { LokiHistoryItem } from './LanguageProvider'; import { LokiDatasource } from './datasource'; import { createLokiDatasource, createMetadataRequest } from './mocks'; import { extractLogParserFromDataFrame, extractLabelKeysFromDataFrame, extractUnwrapLabelKeysFromDataFrame, } from './responseUtils'; import { LokiQueryType } from './types'; jest.mock('./responseUtils'); jest.mock('app/store/store', () => ({ store: { getState: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ explore: { left: { mode: 'Logs', }, }, }), }, })); describe('Language completion provider', () => { const datasource = setup({}); describe('query suggestions', () => { it('returns no suggestions on empty context', async () => { const instance = new LanguageProvider(datasource); const value = Plain.deserialize(''); const result = await instance.provideCompletionItems({ text: '', prefix: '', value, wrapperClasses: [] }); expect(result.context).toBeUndefined(); expect(result.suggestions.length).toEqual(0); }); it('returns history on empty context when history was provided', async () => { const instance = new LanguageProvider(datasource); const value = Plain.deserialize(''); const history: LokiHistoryItem[] = [ { query: { refId: '1', expr: '{app="foo"}' }, ts: 1, }, ]; const result = await instance.provideCompletionItems( { text: '', prefix: '', value, wrapperClasses: [] }, { history } ); expect(result.context).toBeUndefined(); expect(result.suggestions).toMatchObject([ { label: 'History', items: [ { label: '{app="foo"}', }, ], }, ]); }); it('returns function and history suggestions', async () => { const instance = new LanguageProvider(datasource); const input = createTypeaheadInput('m', 'm', undefined, 1, [], instance); // Historic expressions don't have to match input, filtering is done in field const history: LokiHistoryItem[] = [ { query: { refId: '1', expr: '{app="foo"}' }, ts: 1, }, ]; const result = await instance.provideCompletionItems(input, { history }); expect(result.context).toBeUndefined(); expect(result.suggestions.length).toEqual(2); expect(result.suggestions[0].label).toEqual('History'); expect(result.suggestions[1].label).toEqual('Functions'); }); it('returns pipe operations on pipe context', async () => { const instance = new LanguageProvider(datasource); const input = createTypeaheadInput('{app="test"} | ', ' ', '', 15, ['context-pipe']); const result = await instance.provideCompletionItems(input); expect(result.context).toBeUndefined(); expect(result.suggestions.length).toEqual(2); expect(result.suggestions[0].label).toEqual('Operators'); expect(result.suggestions[1].label).toEqual('Parsers'); }); }); describe('fetchSeries', () => { it('should use match[] parameter', () => { const datasource = setup({}, { '{foo="bar"}': [{ label1: 'label_val1' }] }); const languageProvider = new LanguageProvider(datasource); const fetchSeries = languageProvider.fetchSeries; const requestSpy = jest.spyOn(languageProvider, 'request'); fetchSeries('{job="grafana"}'); expect(requestSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('series', { end: 1560163909000, 'match[]': '{job="grafana"}', start: 1560153109000, }); }); }); describe('fetchSeriesLabels', () => { it('should interpolate variable in series', () => { const datasource = setup({}); jest.spyOn(datasource, 'getTimeRangeParams').mockReturnValue({ start: 0, end: 1 }); jest .spyOn(datasource, 'interpolateString') .mockImplementation((string: string) => string.replace(/\$/, 'interpolated-')); const languageProvider = new LanguageProvider(datasource); const fetchSeriesLabels = languageProvider.fetchSeriesLabels; const requestSpy = jest.spyOn(languageProvider, 'request').mockResolvedValue([]); fetchSeriesLabels('$stream'); expect(requestSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(requestSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('series', { end: 1, 'match[]': 'interpolated-stream', start: 0, }); }); }); describe('label key suggestions', () => { it('returns all label suggestions on empty selector', async () => { const datasource = setup({ label1: [], label2: [] }); const provider = await getLanguageProvider(datasource); const input = createTypeaheadInput('{}', '', '', 1); const result = await provider.provideCompletionItems(input); expect(result.context).toBe('context-labels'); expect(result.suggestions).toEqual([ { items: [ { label: 'label1', filterText: '"label1"' }, { label: 'label2', filterText: '"label2"' }, ], label: 'Labels', }, ]); }); it('returns all label suggestions on selector when starting to type', async () => { const datasource = setup({ label1: [], label2: [] }); const provider = await getLanguageProvider(datasource); const input = createTypeaheadInput('{l}', '', '', 2); const result = await provider.provideCompletionItems(input); expect(result.context).toBe('context-labels'); expect(result.suggestions).toEqual([ { items: [ { label: 'label1', filterText: '"label1"' }, { label: 'label2', filterText: '"label2"' }, ], label: 'Labels', }, ]); }); }); describe('label suggestions facetted', () => { it('returns facetted label suggestions based on selector', async () => { const datasource = setup({ label1: [], label2: [] }, { '{foo="bar"}': [{ label1: 'label_val1' }] }); const provider = await getLanguageProvider(datasource); const input = createTypeaheadInput('{foo="bar",}', '', '', 11); const result = await provider.provideCompletionItems(input); expect(result.context).toBe('context-labels'); expect(result.suggestions).toEqual([{ items: [{ label: 'label1' }], label: 'Labels' }]); }); it('returns facetted label suggestions for multipule selectors', async () => { const datasource = setup({ label1: [], label2: [] }, { '{baz="42",foo="bar"}': [{ label2: 'label_val2' }] }); const provider = await getLanguageProvider(datasource); const input = createTypeaheadInput('{baz="42",foo="bar",}', '', '', 20); const result = await provider.provideCompletionItems(input); expect(result.context).toBe('context-labels'); expect(result.suggestions).toEqual([{ items: [{ label: 'label2' }], label: 'Labels' }]); }); }); describe('label suggestions', () => { it('returns label values suggestions from Loki', async () => { const datasource = setup({ label1: ['label1_val1', 'label1_val2'], label2: [] }); const provider = await getLanguageProvider(datasource); const input = createTypeaheadInput('{label1=}', '=', 'label1'); let result = await provider.provideCompletionItems(input); result = await provider.provideCompletionItems(input); expect(result.context).toBe('context-label-values'); expect(result.suggestions).toEqual([ { items: [ { label: 'label1_val1', filterText: '"label1_val1"' }, { label: 'label1_val2', filterText: '"label1_val2"' }, ], label: 'Label values for "label1"', }, ]); }); it('returns label values suggestions from Loki when re-editing', async () => { const datasource = setup({ label1: ['label1_val1', 'label1_val2'], label2: [] }); const provider = await getLanguageProvider(datasource); const input = createTypeaheadInput('{label1="label1_v"}', 'label1_v', 'label1', 17, [ 'attr-value', 'context-labels', ]); let result = await provider.provideCompletionItems(input); expect(result.context).toBe('context-label-values'); expect(result.suggestions).toEqual([ { items: [ { label: 'label1_val1', filterText: '"label1_val1"' }, { label: 'label1_val2', filterText: '"label1_val2"' }, ], label: 'Label values for "label1"', }, ]); }); }); describe('label values', () => { it('should fetch label values if not cached', async () => { const datasource = setup({ testkey: ['label1_val1', 'label1_val2'], label2: [] }); const provider = await getLanguageProvider(datasource); const requestSpy = jest.spyOn(provider, 'request'); const labelValues = await provider.fetchLabelValues('testkey'); expect(requestSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(labelValues).toEqual(['label1_val1', 'label1_val2']); }); it('should return cached values', async () => { const datasource = setup({ testkey: ['label1_val1', 'label1_val2'], label2: [] }); const provider = await getLanguageProvider(datasource); const requestSpy = jest.spyOn(provider, 'request'); const labelValues = await provider.fetchLabelValues('testkey'); expect(requestSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(labelValues).toEqual(['label1_val1', 'label1_val2']); const nextLabelValues = await provider.fetchLabelValues('testkey'); expect(requestSpy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(nextLabelValues).toEqual(['label1_val1', 'label1_val2']); }); it('should encode special characters', async () => { const datasource = setup({ '`\\"testkey': ['label1_val1', 'label1_val2'], label2: [] }); const provider = await getLanguageProvider(datasource); const requestSpy = jest.spyOn(provider, 'request'); await provider.fetchLabelValues('`\\"testkey'); expect(requestSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('label/%60%5C%22testkey/values', expect.any(Object)); }); }); }); describe('Request URL', () => { it('should contain range params', async () => { const datasourceWithLabels = setup({ other: [] }); const rangeParams = datasourceWithLabels.getTimeRangeParams(); const datasourceSpy = jest.spyOn(datasourceWithLabels, 'metadataRequest'); const instance = new LanguageProvider(datasourceWithLabels); instance.fetchLabels(); const expectedUrl = 'labels'; expect(datasourceSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedUrl, rangeParams); }); }); describe('fetchLabels', () => { it('should return labels', async () => { const datasourceWithLabels = setup({ other: [] }); const instance = new LanguageProvider(datasourceWithLabels); const labels = await instance.fetchLabels(); expect(labels).toEqual(['other']); }); it('should set labels', async () => { const datasourceWithLabels = setup({ other: [] }); const instance = new LanguageProvider(datasourceWithLabels); await instance.fetchLabels(); expect(instance.labelKeys).toEqual(['other']); }); it('should return empty array', async () => { const datasourceWithLabels = setup({}); const instance = new LanguageProvider(datasourceWithLabels); const labels = await instance.fetchLabels(); expect(labels).toEqual([]); }); it('should set empty array', async () => { const datasourceWithLabels = setup({}); const instance = new LanguageProvider(datasourceWithLabels); await instance.fetchLabels(); expect(instance.labelKeys).toEqual([]); }); }); describe('Query imports', () => { const datasource = setup({}); it('returns empty queries', async () => { const instance = new LanguageProvider(datasource); const result = await instance.importFromAbstractQuery({ refId: 'bar', labelMatchers: [] }); expect(result).toEqual({ refId: 'bar', expr: '', queryType: LokiQueryType.Range }); }); describe('exporting to abstract query', () => { it('exports labels', async () => { const instance = new LanguageProvider(datasource); const abstractQuery = instance.exportToAbstractQuery({ refId: 'bar', expr: '{label1="value1", label2!="value2", label3=~"value3", label4!~"value4"}', instant: true, range: false, }); expect(abstractQuery).toMatchObject({ refId: 'bar', labelMatchers: [ { name: 'label1', operator: AbstractLabelOperator.Equal, value: 'value1' }, { name: 'label2', operator: AbstractLabelOperator.NotEqual, value: 'value2' }, { name: 'label3', operator: AbstractLabelOperator.EqualRegEx, value: 'value3' }, { name: 'label4', operator: AbstractLabelOperator.NotEqualRegEx, value: 'value4' }, ], }); }); }); describe('getParserAndLabelKeys()', () => { let datasource: LokiDatasource, languageProvider: LanguageProvider; const extractLogParserFromDataFrameMock = jest.mocked(extractLogParserFromDataFrame); const extractedLabelKeys = ['extracted', 'label']; const unwrapLabelKeys = ['unwrap', 'labels']; beforeEach(() => { datasource = createLokiDatasource(); languageProvider = new LanguageProvider(datasource); jest.mocked(extractLabelKeysFromDataFrame).mockReturnValue(extractedLabelKeys); jest.mocked(extractUnwrapLabelKeysFromDataFrame).mockReturnValue(unwrapLabelKeys); }); it('identifies selectors with JSON parser data', async () => { jest.spyOn(datasource, 'getDataSamples').mockResolvedValue([{}] as DataFrame[]); extractLogParserFromDataFrameMock.mockReturnValueOnce({ hasLogfmt: false, hasJSON: true, hasPack: false }); expect(await languageProvider.getParserAndLabelKeys('{place="luna"}')).toEqual({ extractedLabelKeys, unwrapLabelKeys, hasJSON: true, hasLogfmt: false, hasPack: false, }); }); it('identifies selectors with Logfmt parser data', async () => { jest.spyOn(datasource, 'getDataSamples').mockResolvedValue([{}] as DataFrame[]); extractLogParserFromDataFrameMock.mockReturnValueOnce({ hasLogfmt: true, hasJSON: false, hasPack: false }); expect(await languageProvider.getParserAndLabelKeys('{place="luna"}')).toEqual({ extractedLabelKeys, unwrapLabelKeys, hasJSON: false, hasLogfmt: true, hasPack: false, }); }); it('correctly processes empty data', async () => { jest.spyOn(datasource, 'getDataSamples').mockResolvedValue([]); extractLogParserFromDataFrameMock.mockClear(); expect(await languageProvider.getParserAndLabelKeys('{place="luna"}')).toEqual({ extractedLabelKeys: [], unwrapLabelKeys: [], hasJSON: false, hasLogfmt: false, hasPack: false, }); expect(extractLogParserFromDataFrameMock).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); async function getLanguageProvider(datasource: LokiDatasource) { const instance = new LanguageProvider(datasource); await instance.start(); return instance; } /** * @param value Value of the full input * @param text Last piece of text (not sure but in case of {label=} this would be just '=') * @param labelKey Label by which to search for values. Cutting corners a bit here as this should be inferred from value */ function createTypeaheadInput( value: string, text: string, labelKey?: string, anchorOffset?: number, wrapperClasses?: string[], instance?: LanguageProvider ): TypeaheadInput { const deserialized = Plain.deserialize(value); const range = deserialized.selection.setAnchor(deserialized.selection.anchor.setOffset(anchorOffset || 1)); const valueWithSelection = deserialized.setSelection(range); return { text, prefix: instance ? instance.cleanText(text) : '', wrapperClasses: wrapperClasses || ['context-labels'], value: valueWithSelection, labelKey, }; } function setup( labelsAndValues: Record, series?: Record>> ): LokiDatasource { const datasource = createLokiDatasource(); const rangeMock = { start: 1560153109000, end: 1560163909000, }; jest.spyOn(datasource, 'getTimeRangeParams').mockReturnValue(rangeMock); jest.spyOn(datasource, 'metadataRequest').mockImplementation(createMetadataRequest(labelsAndValues, series)); jest.spyOn(datasource, 'interpolateString').mockImplementation((string: string) => string); return datasource; }