import _ from 'lodash'; import React, { Context } from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; // @ts-ignore import { Change, Range, Value, Block } from 'slate'; // @ts-ignore import { Editor } from 'slate-react'; // @ts-ignore import Plain from 'slate-plain-serializer'; import classnames from 'classnames'; // @ts-ignore import { isKeyHotkey } from 'is-hotkey'; import { CompletionItem, CompletionItemGroup, TypeaheadOutput } from 'app/types/explore'; import ClearPlugin from './slate-plugins/clear'; import NewlinePlugin from './slate-plugins/newline'; import { TypeaheadWithTheme } from './Typeahead'; import { makeFragment, makeValue } from '@grafana/ui'; export const TYPEAHEAD_DEBOUNCE = 100; export const HIGHLIGHT_WAIT = 500; const SLATE_TAB = ' '; const isIndentLeftHotkey = isKeyHotkey('mod+['); const isIndentRightHotkey = isKeyHotkey('mod+]'); const isSelectLeftHotkey = isKeyHotkey('shift+left'); const isSelectRightHotkey = isKeyHotkey('shift+right'); const isSelectUpHotkey = isKeyHotkey('shift+up'); const isSelectDownHotkey = isKeyHotkey('shift+down'); const isSelectLineHotkey = isKeyHotkey('mod+l'); function getSuggestionByIndex(suggestions: CompletionItemGroup[], index: number): CompletionItem { // Flatten suggestion groups const flattenedSuggestions = suggestions.reduce((acc, g) => acc.concat(g.items), []); const correctedIndex = Math.max(index, 0) % flattenedSuggestions.length; return flattenedSuggestions[correctedIndex]; } function hasSuggestions(suggestions: CompletionItemGroup[]): boolean { return suggestions && suggestions.length > 0; } export interface QueryFieldProps { additionalPlugins?: any[]; cleanText?: (text: string) => string; disabled?: boolean; initialQuery: string | null; onRunQuery?: () => void; onChange?: (value: string) => void; onTypeahead?: (typeahead: TypeaheadInput) => TypeaheadOutput; onWillApplySuggestion?: (suggestion: string, state: QueryFieldState) => string; placeholder?: string; portalOrigin?: string; syntax?: string; syntaxLoaded?: boolean; } export interface QueryFieldState { suggestions: CompletionItemGroup[]; typeaheadContext: string | null; typeaheadIndex: number; typeaheadPrefix: string; typeaheadText: string; value: any; lastExecutedValue: Value; } export interface TypeaheadInput { editorNode: Element; prefix: string; selection?: Selection; text: string; value: Value; wrapperNode: Element; } /** * Renders an editor field. * Pass initial value as initialQuery and listen to changes in props.onValueChanged. * This component can only process strings. Internally it uses Slate Value. * Implement props.onTypeahead to use suggestions, see PromQueryField.tsx as an example. */ export class QueryField extends React.PureComponent { menuEl: HTMLElement | null; plugins: any[]; resetTimer: any; mounted: boolean; updateHighlightsTimer: any; constructor(props: QueryFieldProps, context: Context) { super(props, context); this.updateHighlightsTimer = _.debounce(this.updateLogsHighlights, HIGHLIGHT_WAIT); // Base plugins this.plugins = [ClearPlugin(), NewlinePlugin(), ...(props.additionalPlugins || [])].filter(p => p); this.state = { suggestions: [], typeaheadContext: null, typeaheadIndex: 0, typeaheadPrefix: '', typeaheadText: '', value: makeValue(props.initialQuery || '', props.syntax), lastExecutedValue: null, }; } componentDidMount() { this.mounted = true; this.updateMenu(); } componentWillUnmount() { this.mounted = false; clearTimeout(this.resetTimer); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: QueryFieldProps, prevState: QueryFieldState) { const { initialQuery, syntax } = this.props; const { value, suggestions } = this.state; // if query changed from the outside if (initialQuery !== prevProps.initialQuery) { // and we have a version that differs if (initialQuery !== Plain.serialize(value)) { this.setState({ value: makeValue(initialQuery || '', syntax) }); } } // Only update menu location when suggestion existence or text/selection changed if (value !== prevState.value || hasSuggestions(suggestions) !== hasSuggestions(prevState.suggestions)) { this.updateMenu(); } } UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps: QueryFieldProps) { if (nextProps.syntaxLoaded && !this.props.syntaxLoaded) { // Need a bogus edit to re-render the editor after syntax has fully loaded const change = this.state.value .change() .insertText(' ') .deleteBackward(); this.onChange(change, true); } } onChange = ({ value }: Change, invokeParentOnValueChanged?: boolean) => { const documentChanged = value.document !== this.state.value.document; const prevValue = this.state.value; // Control editor loop, then pass text change up to parent this.setState({ value }, () => { if (documentChanged) { const textChanged = Plain.serialize(prevValue) !== Plain.serialize(value); if (textChanged && invokeParentOnValueChanged) { this.executeOnChangeAndRunQueries(); } if (textChanged && !invokeParentOnValueChanged) { this.updateHighlightsTimer(); } } }); // Show suggest menu on text input if (documentChanged && value.selection.isCollapsed) { // Need one paint to allow DOM-based typeahead rules to work window.requestAnimationFrame(this.handleTypeahead); } else if (!this.resetTimer) { this.resetTypeahead(); } }; updateLogsHighlights = () => { const { onChange } = this.props; if (onChange) { onChange(Plain.serialize(this.state.value)); } }; executeOnChangeAndRunQueries = () => { // Send text change to parent const { onChange, onRunQuery } = this.props; if (onChange) { onChange(Plain.serialize(this.state.value)); } if (onRunQuery) { onRunQuery(); this.setState({ lastExecutedValue: this.state.value }); } }; handleTypeahead = _.debounce(async () => { const selection = window.getSelection(); const { cleanText, onTypeahead } = this.props; const { value } = this.state; if (onTypeahead && selection.anchorNode) { const wrapperNode = selection.anchorNode.parentElement; const editorNode = wrapperNode.closest('.slate-query-field'); if (!editorNode || this.state.value.isBlurred) { // Not inside this editor return; } const range = selection.getRangeAt(0); const offset = range.startOffset; const text = selection.anchorNode.textContent; let prefix = text.substr(0, offset); // Label values could have valid characters erased if `cleanText()` is // blindly applied, which would undesirably interfere with suggestions const labelValueMatch = prefix.match(/(?:!?=~?"?|")(.*)/); if (labelValueMatch) { prefix = labelValueMatch[1]; } else if (cleanText) { prefix = cleanText(prefix); } const { suggestions, context, refresher } = onTypeahead({ editorNode, prefix, selection, text, value, wrapperNode, }); let filteredSuggestions = suggestions .map(group => { if (group.items) { if (prefix) { // Filter groups based on prefix if (!group.skipFilter) { group.items = group.items.filter(c => (c.filterText || c.label).length >= prefix.length); if (group.prefixMatch) { group.items = group.items.filter(c => (c.filterText || c.label).indexOf(prefix) === 0); } else { group.items = group.items.filter(c => (c.filterText || c.label).indexOf(prefix) > -1); } } // Filter out the already typed value (prefix) unless it inserts custom text group.items = group.items.filter(c => c.insertText || (c.filterText || c.label) !== prefix); } if (!group.skipSort) { group.items = _.sortBy(group.items, (item: CompletionItem) => item.sortText || item.label); } } return group; }) .filter(group => group.items && group.items.length > 0); // Filter out empty groups // Keep same object for equality checking later if (_.isEqual(filteredSuggestions, this.state.suggestions)) { filteredSuggestions = this.state.suggestions; } this.setState( { suggestions: filteredSuggestions, typeaheadPrefix: prefix, typeaheadContext: context, typeaheadText: text, }, () => { if (refresher) { refresher.then(this.handleTypeahead).catch(e => console.error(e)); } } ); } }, TYPEAHEAD_DEBOUNCE); applyTypeahead(change: Change, suggestion: CompletionItem): Change { const { cleanText, onWillApplySuggestion, syntax } = this.props; const { typeaheadPrefix, typeaheadText } = this.state; let suggestionText = suggestion.insertText || suggestion.label; const preserveSuffix = suggestion.kind === 'function'; const move = suggestion.move || 0; if (onWillApplySuggestion) { suggestionText = onWillApplySuggestion(suggestionText, { ...this.state }); } this.resetTypeahead(); // Remove the current, incomplete text and replace it with the selected suggestion const backward = suggestion.deleteBackwards || typeaheadPrefix.length; const text = cleanText ? cleanText(typeaheadText) : typeaheadText; const suffixLength = text.length - typeaheadPrefix.length; const offset = typeaheadText.indexOf(typeaheadPrefix); const midWord = typeaheadPrefix && ((suffixLength > 0 && offset > -1) || suggestionText === typeaheadText); const forward = midWord && !preserveSuffix ? suffixLength + offset : 0; // If new-lines, apply suggestion as block if (suggestionText.match(/\n/)) { const fragment = makeFragment(suggestionText, syntax); return change .deleteBackward(backward) .deleteForward(forward) .insertFragment(fragment) .focus(); } return change .deleteBackward(backward) .deleteForward(forward) .insertText(suggestionText) .move(move) .focus(); } handleEnterKey = (event: KeyboardEvent, change: Change) => { event.preventDefault(); if (event.shiftKey) { // pass through if shift is pressed return undefined; } else if (!this.menuEl) { this.executeOnChangeAndRunQueries(); return true; } else { return this.selectSuggestion(change); } }; selectSuggestion = (change: Change) => { const { typeaheadIndex, suggestions } = this.state; event.preventDefault(); if (!suggestions || suggestions.length === 0) { return undefined; } const suggestion = getSuggestionByIndex(suggestions, typeaheadIndex); const nextChange = this.applyTypeahead(change, suggestion); const insertTextOperation = nextChange.operations.find((operation: any) => operation.type === 'insert_text'); return insertTextOperation ? true : undefined; }; handleTabKey = (change: Change): void => { const { startBlock, endBlock, selection: { startOffset, startKey, endOffset, endKey }, } = change.value; if (this.menuEl) { this.selectSuggestion(change); return; } const first = startBlock.getFirstText(); const startBlockIsSelected = startOffset === 0 && startKey === first.key && endOffset === first.text.length && endKey === first.key; if (startBlockIsSelected || !startBlock.equals(endBlock)) { this.handleIndent(change, 'right'); } else { change.insertText(SLATE_TAB); } }; handleIndent = (change: Change, indentDirection: 'left' | 'right') => { const curSelection = change.value.selection; const selectedBlocks = change.value.document.getBlocksAtRange(curSelection); if (indentDirection === 'left') { for (const block of selectedBlocks) { const blockWhitespace = block.text.length - block.text.trimLeft().length; const rangeProperties = { anchorKey: block.getFirstText().key, anchorOffset: blockWhitespace, focusKey: block.getFirstText().key, focusOffset: blockWhitespace, }; // @ts-ignore const whitespaceToDelete = Range.create(rangeProperties); change.deleteBackwardAtRange(whitespaceToDelete, Math.min(SLATE_TAB.length, blockWhitespace)); } } else { const { startText } = change.value; const textBeforeCaret = startText.text.slice(0, curSelection.startOffset); const isWhiteSpace = /^\s*$/.test(textBeforeCaret); for (const block of selectedBlocks) { change.insertTextByKey(block.getFirstText().key, 0, SLATE_TAB); } if (isWhiteSpace) { change.moveStart(-SLATE_TAB.length); } } }; handleSelectVertical = (change: Change, direction: 'up' | 'down') => { const { focusBlock } = change.value; const adjacentBlock = direction === 'up' ? change.value.document.getPreviousBlock(focusBlock.key) : change.value.document.getNextBlock(focusBlock.key); if (!adjacentBlock) { return true; } const adjacentText = adjacentBlock.getFirstText(); change.moveFocusTo(adjacentText.key, Math.min(change.value.anchorOffset, adjacentText.text.length)).focus(); return true; }; handleSelectUp = (change: Change) => this.handleSelectVertical(change, 'up'); handleSelectDown = (change: Change) => this.handleSelectVertical(change, 'down'); onKeyDown = (event: KeyboardEvent, change: Change) => { const { typeaheadIndex } = this.state; // Shortcuts if (isIndentLeftHotkey(event)) { event.preventDefault(); this.handleIndent(change, 'left'); return true; } else if (isIndentRightHotkey(event)) { event.preventDefault(); this.handleIndent(change, 'right'); return true; } else if (isSelectLeftHotkey(event)) { event.preventDefault(); if (change.value.focusOffset > 0) { change.moveFocus(-1); } return true; } else if (isSelectRightHotkey(event)) { event.preventDefault(); if (change.value.focusOffset < change.value.startText.text.length) { change.moveFocus(1); } return true; } else if (isSelectUpHotkey(event)) { event.preventDefault(); this.handleSelectUp(change); return true; } else if (isSelectDownHotkey(event)) { event.preventDefault(); this.handleSelectDown(change); return true; } else if (isSelectLineHotkey(event)) { event.preventDefault(); const { focusBlock, document } = change.value; change.moveAnchorToStartOfBlock(focusBlock.key); const nextBlock = document.getNextBlock(focusBlock.key); if (nextBlock) { change.moveFocusToStartOfNextBlock(); } else { change.moveFocusToEndOfText(); } return true; } switch (event.key) { case 'Escape': { if (this.menuEl) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); this.resetTypeahead(); return true; } break; } case ' ': { if (event.ctrlKey) { event.preventDefault(); this.handleTypeahead(); return true; } break; } case 'Enter': return this.handleEnterKey(event, change); case 'Tab': { event.preventDefault(); return this.handleTabKey(change); } case 'ArrowDown': { if (this.menuEl) { // Select next suggestion event.preventDefault(); const itemsCount = this.state.suggestions.length > 0 ? this.state.suggestions.reduce((totalCount, current) => totalCount + current.items.length, 0) : 0; this.setState({ typeaheadIndex: Math.min(itemsCount - 1, typeaheadIndex + 1) }); } break; } case 'ArrowUp': { if (this.menuEl) { // Select previous suggestion event.preventDefault(); this.setState({ typeaheadIndex: Math.max(0, typeaheadIndex - 1) }); } break; } default: { // console.log('default key', event.key, event.which, event.charCode, event.locale, data.key); break; } } return undefined; }; resetTypeahead = () => { if (this.mounted) { this.setState({ suggestions: [], typeaheadIndex: 0, typeaheadPrefix: '', typeaheadContext: null }); this.resetTimer = null; } }; handleBlur = (event: FocusEvent, change: Change) => { const { lastExecutedValue } = this.state; const previousValue = lastExecutedValue ? Plain.serialize(this.state.lastExecutedValue) : null; const currentValue = Plain.serialize(change.value); // If we dont wait here, menu clicks wont work because the menu // will be gone. this.resetTimer = setTimeout(this.resetTypeahead, 100); if (previousValue !== currentValue) { this.executeOnChangeAndRunQueries(); } }; onClickMenu = (item: CompletionItem) => { // Manually triggering change const change = this.applyTypeahead(this.state.value.change(), item); this.onChange(change, true); }; updateMenu = () => { const { suggestions } = this.state; const menu = this.menuEl; // Exit for unit tests if (!window.getSelection) { return; } const selection = window.getSelection(); const node = selection.anchorNode; // No menu, nothing to do if (!menu) { return; } // No suggestions or blur, remove menu if (!hasSuggestions(suggestions)) { menu.removeAttribute('style'); return; } // Align menu overlay to editor node if (node) { // Read from DOM const rect = node.parentElement.getBoundingClientRect(); const scrollX = window.scrollX; const scrollY = window.scrollY; // Write DOM requestAnimationFrame(() => { = '1'; = `${ + scrollY + rect.height + 4}px`; = `${rect.left + scrollX - 2}px`; }); } }; menuRef = (el: HTMLElement) => { this.menuEl = el; }; renderMenu = () => { const { portalOrigin } = this.props; const { suggestions, typeaheadIndex, typeaheadPrefix } = this.state; if (!hasSuggestions(suggestions)) { return null; } const selectedItem = getSuggestionByIndex(suggestions, typeaheadIndex); // Create typeahead in DOM root so we can later position it absolutely return ( ); }; getCopiedText(textBlocks: string[], startOffset: number, endOffset: number) { if (!textBlocks.length) { return undefined; } const excludingLastLineLength = textBlocks.slice(0, -1).join('').length + textBlocks.length - 1; return textBlocks.join('\n').slice(startOffset, excludingLastLineLength + endOffset); } handleCopy = (event: ClipboardEvent, change: Change) => { event.preventDefault(); const { document, selection, startOffset, endOffset } = change.value; const selectedBlocks = document.getBlocksAtRangeAsArray(selection).map((block: Block) => block.text); const copiedText = this.getCopiedText(selectedBlocks, startOffset, endOffset); if (copiedText) { event.clipboardData.setData('Text', copiedText); } return true; }; handlePaste = (event: ClipboardEvent, change: Change) => { event.preventDefault(); const pastedValue = event.clipboardData.getData('Text'); const lines = pastedValue.split('\n'); if (lines.length) { change.insertText(lines[0]); for (const line of lines.slice(1)) { change.splitBlock().insertText(line); } } return true; }; handleCut = (event: ClipboardEvent, change: Change) => { this.handleCopy(event, change); change.deleteAtRange(change.value.selection); return true; }; render() { const { disabled } = this.props; const wrapperClassName = classnames('slate-query-field__wrapper', { 'slate-query-field__wrapper--disabled': disabled, }); return (
); } } interface PortalProps { index?: number; origin: string; } class Portal extends React.PureComponent { node: HTMLElement; constructor(props: PortalProps) { super(props); const { index = 0, origin = 'query' } = props; this.node = document.createElement('div'); this.node.classList.add(`slate-typeahead`, `slate-typeahead-${origin}-${index}`); document.body.appendChild(this.node); } componentWillUnmount() { document.body.removeChild(this.node); } render() { return ReactDOM.createPortal(this.props.children, this.node); } } export default QueryField;