import React, { createRef, MutableRefObject, PureComponent, ReactNode } from 'react'; import SplitPane from 'react-split-pane'; import { css, cx } from 'emotion'; import { GrafanaTheme } from '@grafana/data'; import { stylesFactory } from '@grafana/ui'; import { config } from 'app/core/config'; enum Pane { Right, Top, } interface Props { leftPaneComponents: ReactNode[] | ReactNode; rightPaneComponents: ReactNode; uiState: { topPaneSize: number; rightPaneSize: number }; rightPaneVisible?: boolean; updateUiState: (uiState: { topPaneSize?: number; rightPaneSize?: number }) => void; } export class SplitPaneWrapper extends PureComponent { rafToken = createRef(); static defaultProps = { rightPaneVisible: true, }; componentDidMount() { window.addEventListener('resize', this.updateSplitPaneSize); } componentWillUnmount() { window.removeEventListener('resize', this.updateSplitPaneSize); } updateSplitPaneSize = () => { if (this.rafToken.current !== undefined) { window.cancelAnimationFrame(this.rafToken.current!); } (this.rafToken as MutableRefObject).current = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { this.forceUpdate(); }); }; onDragFinished = (pane: Pane, size?: number) => { = 'auto'; // When the drag handle is just clicked size is undefined if (!size) { return; } const { updateUiState } = this.props; if (pane === Pane.Top) { updateUiState({ topPaneSize: size / window.innerHeight, }); } else { updateUiState({ rightPaneSize: size / window.innerWidth, }); } }; onDragStarted = () => { = 'row-resize'; }; renderHorizontalSplit() { const { leftPaneComponents, uiState } = this.props; const styles = getStyles(config.theme); const topPaneSize = uiState.topPaneSize >= 1 ? (uiState.topPaneSize as number) : (uiState.topPaneSize as number) * window.innerHeight; /* Guesstimate the height of the browser window minus panel toolbar and editor toolbar (~120px). This is to prevent resizing the preview window beyond the browser window. */ if (Array.isArray(leftPaneComponents)) { return ( this.onDragFinished(Pane.Top, size)} > {leftPaneComponents} ); } return leftPaneComponents; } render() { const { rightPaneVisible, rightPaneComponents, uiState } = this.props; // Limit options pane width to 90% of screen. const styles = getStyles(config.theme); // Need to handle when width is relative. ie a percentage of the viewport const rightPaneSize = uiState.rightPaneSize <= 1 ? (uiState.rightPaneSize as number) * window.innerWidth : (uiState.rightPaneSize as number); if (!rightPaneVisible) { return this.renderHorizontalSplit(); } return ( ( = 'col-resize')} onDragFinished={(size) => this.onDragFinished(Pane.Right, size)} > {this.renderHorizontalSplit()} {rightPaneComponents} ); } } const getStyles = stylesFactory((theme: GrafanaTheme) => { const handleColor = theme.palette.blue95; const paneSpacing =; const resizer = css` font-style: italic; background: transparent; border-top: 0; border-right: 0; border-bottom: 0; border-left: 0; border-color: transparent; border-style: solid; transition: 0.2s border-color ease-in-out; &:hover { border-color: ${handleColor}; } `; return { resizerV: cx( resizer, css` cursor: col-resize; width: ${paneSpacing}; border-right-width: 1px; margin-top: 18px; ` ), resizerH: cx( resizer, css` height: ${paneSpacing}; cursor: row-resize; position: relative; top: 0px; z-index: 1; border-top-width: 1px; margin-left: ${paneSpacing}; ` ), }; });