define([ 'plugins/datasource/graphite/gfunc' ], function(gfunc) { 'use strict'; describe('when creating func instance from func names', function() { it('should return func instance', function() { var func = gfunc.createFuncInstance('sumSeries'); expect(func); expect('sumSeries'); expect(func.def.params.length).to.equal(5); expect(func.def.defaultParams.length).to.equal(1); }); it('should return func instance with shortName', function() { var func = gfunc.createFuncInstance('sum'); expect(func); }); it('should return func instance from funcDef', function() { var func = gfunc.createFuncInstance('sum'); var func2 = gfunc.createFuncInstance(func.def); expect(func2); }); it('func instance should have text representation', function() { var func = gfunc.createFuncInstance('groupByNode'); func.params[0] = 5; func.params[1] = 'avg'; func.updateText(); expect(func.text).to.equal("groupByNode(5, avg)"); }); }); describe('when rendering func instance', function() { it('should handle single metric param', function() { var func = gfunc.createFuncInstance('sumSeries'); expect(func.render('hello.metric')).to.equal("sumSeries(hello.metric)"); }); it('should include default params if options enable it', function() { var func = gfunc.createFuncInstance('scaleToSeconds', { withDefaultParams: true }); expect(func.render('hello')).to.equal("scaleToSeconds(hello, 1)"); }); it('should handle int or interval params with number', function() { var func = gfunc.createFuncInstance('movingMedian'); func.params[0] = '5'; expect(func.render('hello')).to.equal("movingMedian(hello, 5)"); }); it('should handle int or interval params with interval string', function() { var func = gfunc.createFuncInstance('movingMedian'); func.params[0] = '5min'; expect(func.render('hello')).to.equal("movingMedian(hello, '5min')"); }); it('should handle metric param and int param and string param', function() { var func = gfunc.createFuncInstance('groupByNode'); func.params[0] = 5; func.params[1] = 'avg'; expect(func.render('hello.metric')).to.equal("groupByNode(hello.metric, 5, 'avg')"); }); it('should handle function with no metric param', function() { var func = gfunc.createFuncInstance('randomWalk'); func.params[0] = 'test'; expect(func.render(undefined)).to.equal("randomWalk('test')"); }); it('should handle function multiple series params', function() { var func = gfunc.createFuncInstance('asPercent'); func.params[0] = '#B'; expect(func.render('#A')).to.equal("asPercent(#A, #B)"); }); }); describe('when requesting function categories', function() { it('should return function categories', function() { var catIndex = gfunc.getCategories(); expect(catIndex.Special.length); }); }); describe('when updating func param', function() { it('should update param value and update text representation', function() { var func = gfunc.createFuncInstance('summarize', { withDefaultParams: true }); func.updateParam('1h', 0); expect(func.params[0])'1h'); expect(func.text)'summarize(1h, sum, false)'); }); it('should parse numbers as float', function() { var func = gfunc.createFuncInstance('scale'); func.updateParam('0.001', 0); expect(func.params[0])'0.001'); }); }); describe('when updating func param with optional second parameter', function() { it('should update value and text', function() { var func = gfunc.createFuncInstance('aliasByNode'); func.updateParam('1', 0); expect(func.params[0])'1'); }); it('should slit text and put value in second param', function() { var func = gfunc.createFuncInstance('aliasByNode'); func.updateParam('4,-5', 0); expect(func.params[0])'4'); expect(func.params[1])'-5'); expect(func.text)'aliasByNode(4, -5)'); }); it('should remove second param when empty string is set', function() { var func = gfunc.createFuncInstance('aliasByNode'); func.updateParam('4,-5', 0); func.updateParam('', 1); expect(func.params[0])'4'); expect(func.params[1]); expect(func.text)'aliasByNode(4)'); }); }); });