import { CustomVariable, DataSourceVariable, QueryVariable, SceneGridLayout, SceneGridRow, SceneQueryRunner, VizPanel, } from '@grafana/scenes'; import { defaultDashboard, LoadingState, Panel, RowPanel, VariableType } from '@grafana/schema'; import { DashboardLoaderSrv, setDashboardLoaderSrv } from 'app/features/dashboard/services/DashboardLoaderSrv'; import { DashboardModel, PanelModel } from 'app/features/dashboard/state'; import { createPanelJSONFixture } from 'app/features/dashboard/state/__fixtures__/dashboardFixtures'; import { DashboardScene } from './DashboardScene'; import { createDashboardSceneFromDashboardModel, createVizPanelFromPanelModel, createSceneVariableFromVariableModel, DashboardLoader, } from './DashboardsLoader'; describe('DashboardLoader', () => { describe('when fetching/loading a dashboard', () => { beforeEach(() => { new DashboardLoader({}); }); it('should load the dashboard from the cache if it exists', () => { const loader = new DashboardLoader({}); const dashboard = new DashboardScene({ title: 'cached', uid: 'fake-uid', body: new SceneGridLayout({ children: [] }), }); // @ts-expect-error loader.cache['fake-uid'] = dashboard; loader.load('fake-uid'); expect(loader.state.dashboard).toBe(dashboard); expect(loader.state.isLoading).toBe(undefined); }); it('should call dashboard loader server if the dashboard is not cached', async () => { const loadDashboardMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ dashboard: { uid: 'fake-dash' }, meta: {} }); setDashboardLoaderSrv({ loadDashboard: loadDashboardMock, } as unknown as DashboardLoaderSrv); const loader = new DashboardLoader({}); await loader.load('fake-dash'); expect(loadDashboardMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith('db', '', 'fake-dash'); }); it("should error when the dashboard doesn't exist", async () => { const loadDashboardMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ dashboard: undefined, meta: undefined }); setDashboardLoaderSrv({ loadDashboard: loadDashboardMock, } as unknown as DashboardLoaderSrv); const loader = new DashboardLoader({}); await loader.load('fake-dash'); expect(loader.state.dashboard).toBeUndefined(); expect(loader.state.isLoading).toBe(false); // @ts-expect-error - private expect(loader.cache['fake-dash']).toBeUndefined(); expect(loader.state.loadError).toBe('Error: Dashboard not found'); }); it('should initialize the dashboard scene with the loaded dashboard', async () => { const loadDashboardMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ dashboard: { uid: 'fake-dash' }, meta: {} }); setDashboardLoaderSrv({ loadDashboard: loadDashboardMock, } as unknown as DashboardLoaderSrv); const loader = new DashboardLoader({}); await loader.load('fake-dash'); expect(loader.state.dashboard?.state.uid).toBe('fake-dash'); expect(loader.state.loadError).toBe(undefined); expect(loader.state.isLoading).toBe(false); // It updates the cache // @ts-expect-error - private expect(loader.cache['fake-dash']).toBeDefined(); }); it('should use DashboardScene creator to initialize the scene', async () => { const loadDashboardMock = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ dashboard: { uid: 'fake-dash' }, meta: {} }); setDashboardLoaderSrv({ loadDashboard: loadDashboardMock, } as unknown as DashboardLoaderSrv); const loader = new DashboardLoader({}); await loader.load('fake-dash'); expect(loader.state.dashboard).toBeInstanceOf(DashboardScene); // @ts-expect-error - private expect(loader.state.dashboard?.urlSyncManager).toBeDefined(); expect(loader.state.isLoading).toBe(false); }); }); describe('when creating dashboard scene', () => { it('should initialize the DashboardScene with the model state', () => { const dash = { ...defaultDashboard, title: 'test', uid: 'test-uid', time: { from: 'now-10h', to: 'now' }, templating: { list: [ { hide: 2, name: 'constant', skipUrlSync: false, type: 'constant' as VariableType, rootStateKey: 'N4XLmH5Vz', query: 'test', id: 'constant', global: false, index: 3, state: LoadingState.Done, error: null, description: '', datasource: null, }, ], }, }; const oldModel = new DashboardModel(dash); const scene = createDashboardSceneFromDashboardModel(oldModel); expect(scene.state.title).toBe('test'); expect(scene.state.uid).toBe('test-uid'); expect(scene.state?.$timeRange?.state.value.raw).toEqual(dash.time); expect(scene.state?.$variables?.state.variables).toHaveLength(1); expect(scene.state.subMenu).toBeDefined(); }); }); describe('when organizing panels as scene children', () => { it('should create panels within collapsed rows', () => { const panel = createPanelJSONFixture({ title: 'test', gridPos: { x: 1, y: 0, w: 12, h: 8 }, }) as Panel; const row = createPanelJSONFixture({ title: 'test', type: 'row', gridPos: { x: 0, y: 0, w: 12, h: 1 }, collapsed: true, panels: [panel], }) as unknown as RowPanel; const dashboard = { ...defaultDashboard, panels: [row], }; const oldModel = new DashboardModel(dashboard); const scene = createDashboardSceneFromDashboardModel(oldModel); expect(scene.state.body.state.children).toHaveLength(1); const rowScene = scene.state.body.state.children[0] as SceneGridRow; expect(rowScene).toBeInstanceOf(SceneGridRow); expect(rowScene.state.title).toEqual(row.title); expect(rowScene.state.placement?.y).toEqual(row.gridPos!.y); expect(rowScene.state.isCollapsed).toEqual(row.collapsed); expect(rowScene.state.children).toHaveLength(1); expect(rowScene.state.children[0]).toBeInstanceOf(VizPanel); }); it('should create panels within expanded row', () => { const panelOutOfRow = createPanelJSONFixture({ title: 'Out of a row', gridPos: { h: 8, w: 12, x: 0, y: 0, }, }); const rowWithPanel = createPanelJSONFixture({ title: 'Row with panel', type: 'row', collapsed: false, gridPos: { h: 1, w: 24, x: 0, y: 8, }, // This panels array is not used if the row is not collapsed panels: [], }); const panelInRow = createPanelJSONFixture({ gridPos: { h: 8, w: 12, x: 0, y: 9, }, title: 'In row 1', }); const emptyRow = createPanelJSONFixture({ collapsed: false, gridPos: { h: 1, w: 24, x: 0, y: 17, }, // This panels array is not used if the row is not collapsed panels: [], title: 'Empty row', type: 'row', }); const dashboard = { ...defaultDashboard, panels: [panelOutOfRow, rowWithPanel, panelInRow, emptyRow], }; const oldModel = new DashboardModel(dashboard); const scene = createDashboardSceneFromDashboardModel(oldModel); expect(scene.state.body.state.children).toHaveLength(3); expect(scene.state.body).toBeInstanceOf(SceneGridLayout); // Panel out of row expect(scene.state.body.state.children[0]).toBeInstanceOf(VizPanel); const panelOutOfRowVizPanel = scene.state.body.state.children[0] as VizPanel; expect(panelOutOfRowVizPanel.state.title).toBe(panelOutOfRow.title); // Row with panel expect(scene.state.body.state.children[1]).toBeInstanceOf(SceneGridRow); const rowWithPanelsScene = scene.state.body.state.children[1] as SceneGridRow; expect(rowWithPanelsScene.state.title).toBe(rowWithPanel.title); expect(rowWithPanelsScene.state.children).toHaveLength(1); // Panel within row expect(rowWithPanelsScene.state.children[0]).toBeInstanceOf(VizPanel); const panelInRowVizPanel = rowWithPanelsScene.state.children[0] as VizPanel; expect(panelInRowVizPanel.state.title).toBe(panelInRow.title); // Empty row expect(scene.state.body.state.children[2]).toBeInstanceOf(SceneGridRow); const emptyRowScene = scene.state.body.state.children[2] as SceneGridRow; expect(emptyRowScene.state.title).toBe(emptyRow.title); expect(emptyRowScene.state.children).toHaveLength(0); }); }); describe('when creating viz panel objects', () => { it('should initalize the VizPanel scene object state', () => { const panel = { title: 'test', type: 'test-plugin', gridPos: { x: 0, y: 0, w: 12, h: 8 }, options: { fieldOptions: { defaults: { unit: 'none', decimals: 2, }, overrides: [], }, }, fieldConfig: { defaults: { unit: 'none', }, }, pluginVersion: '1.0.0', transformations: [ { id: 'reduce', options: { reducers: [ { id: 'mean', }, ], }, }, ], targets: [ { refId: 'A', queryType: 'randomWalk', }, ], }; const vizPanelSceneObject = createVizPanelFromPanelModel(new PanelModel(panel)); expect(vizPanelSceneObject.state.title).toBe('test'); expect(vizPanelSceneObject.state.pluginId).toBe('test-plugin'); expect(vizPanelSceneObject.state.placement).toEqual({ x: 0, y: 0, width: 12, height: 8 }); expect(vizPanelSceneObject.state.options).toEqual(panel.options); expect(vizPanelSceneObject.state.fieldConfig).toEqual(panel.fieldConfig); expect(vizPanelSceneObject.state.pluginVersion).toBe('1.0.0'); expect((vizPanelSceneObject.state.$data as SceneQueryRunner)?.state.queries).toEqual(panel.targets); expect((vizPanelSceneObject.state.$data as SceneQueryRunner)?.state.transformations).toEqual( panel.transformations ); }); }); describe('when creating variables objects', () => { it('should migrate custom variable', () => { const variable = { current: { selected: false, text: 'a', value: 'a', }, hide: 0, includeAll: false, multi: false, name: 'query0', options: [ { selected: true, text: 'a', value: 'a', }, { selected: false, text: 'b', value: 'b', }, { selected: false, text: 'c', value: 'c', }, { selected: false, text: 'd', value: 'd', }, ], query: 'a,b,c,d', skipUrlSync: false, type: 'custom' as VariableType, rootStateKey: 'N4XLmH5Vz', id: 'query0', global: false, index: 0, state: 'Done', error: null, description: null, allValue: null, }; const migrated = createSceneVariableFromVariableModel(variable); const { key, } = migrated.state; expect(migrated).toBeInstanceOf(CustomVariable); expect(rest).toEqual({ allValue: undefined, defaultToAll: false, description: null, includeAll: false, isMulti: false, label: undefined, name: 'query0', options: [], query: 'a,b,c,d', skipUrlSync: false, text: 'a', type: 'custom', value: 'a', hide: 0, }); }); it('should migrate query variable', () => { const variable = { allValue: null, current: { text: 'America', value: 'America', selected: false, }, datasource: { uid: 'P15396BDD62B2BE29', type: 'influxdb', }, definition: '', hide: 0, includeAll: false, label: 'Datacenter', multi: false, name: 'datacenter', options: [ { text: 'America', value: 'America', selected: true, }, { text: 'Africa', value: 'Africa', selected: false, }, { text: 'Asia', value: 'Asia', selected: false, }, { text: 'Europe', value: 'Europe', selected: false, }, ], query: 'SHOW TAG VALUES WITH KEY = "datacenter" ', refresh: 1, regex: '', skipUrlSync: false, sort: 0, tagValuesQuery: null, tagsQuery: null, type: 'query' as VariableType, useTags: false, rootStateKey: '000000002', id: 'datacenter', global: false, index: 0, state: 'Done', error: null, description: null, }; const migrated = createSceneVariableFromVariableModel(variable); const { key, } = migrated.state; expect(migrated).toBeInstanceOf(QueryVariable); expect(rest).toEqual({ allValue: undefined, datasource: { type: 'influxdb', uid: 'P15396BDD62B2BE29', }, defaultToAll: false, description: null, includeAll: false, isMulti: false, label: 'Datacenter', name: 'datacenter', options: [], query: 'SHOW TAG VALUES WITH KEY = "datacenter" ', refresh: 1, regex: '', skipUrlSync: false, sort: 0, text: 'America', type: 'query', value: 'America', hide: 0, }); }); it('should migrate datasource variable', () => { const variable = { id: 'query1', rootStateKey: 'N4XLmH5Vz', name: 'query1', type: 'datasource' as VariableType, global: false, index: 1, hide: 0, skipUrlSync: false, state: 'Done', error: null, description: null, current: { value: ['gdev-prometheus', 'gdev-slow-prometheus'], text: ['gdev-prometheus', 'gdev-slow-prometheus'], selected: true, }, regex: '/^gdev/', options: [ { text: 'All', value: '$__all', selected: false, }, { text: 'gdev-prometheus', value: 'gdev-prometheus', selected: true, }, { text: 'gdev-slow-prometheus', value: 'gdev-slow-prometheus', selected: false, }, ], query: 'prometheus', multi: true, includeAll: true, refresh: 1, allValue: 'Custom all', }; const migrated = createSceneVariableFromVariableModel(variable); const { key, } = migrated.state; expect(migrated).toBeInstanceOf(DataSourceVariable); expect(rest).toEqual({ allValue: 'Custom all', defaultToAll: true, includeAll: true, label: undefined, name: 'query1', options: [], query: 'prometheus', regex: '/^gdev/', skipUrlSync: false, text: ['gdev-prometheus', 'gdev-slow-prometheus'], type: 'datasource', value: ['gdev-prometheus', 'gdev-slow-prometheus'], isMulti: true, description: null, hide: 0, }); }); it('should migrate constant variable', () => { const variable = { hide: 2, label: 'constant', name: 'constant', skipUrlSync: false, type: 'constant' as VariableType, rootStateKey: 'N4XLmH5Vz', current: { selected: true, text: 'test', value: 'test', }, options: [ { selected: true, text: 'test', value: 'test', }, ], query: 'test', id: 'constant', global: false, index: 3, state: 'Done', error: null, description: null, }; const migrated = createSceneVariableFromVariableModel(variable); const { key, } = migrated.state; expect(rest).toEqual({ description: null, hide: 2, label: 'constant', name: 'constant', skipUrlSync: false, type: 'constant', value: 'test', }); }); it.each(['adhoc', 'interval', 'textbox', 'system'])('should throw for unsupported (yet) variables', (type) => { const variable = { name: 'query0', type: type as VariableType, }; expect(() => createSceneVariableFromVariableModel(variable)).toThrow(); }); }); });