package api import ( "fmt" "sort" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( // Themes lightName = "light" darkName = "dark" ) func (hs *HTTPServer) setIndexViewData(c *models.ReqContext) (*dtos.IndexViewData, error) { settings, err := hs.getFrontendSettingsMap(c) if err != nil { return nil, err } prefsQuery := models.GetPreferencesWithDefaultsQuery{User: c.SignedInUser} if err := bus.Dispatch(&prefsQuery); err != nil { return nil, err } prefs := prefsQuery.Result // Read locale from accept-language acceptLang := c.Req.Header.Get("Accept-Language") locale := "en-US" if len(acceptLang) > 0 { parts := strings.Split(acceptLang, ",") locale = parts[0] } appURL := setting.AppUrl appSubURL := setting.AppSubUrl // special case when doing localhost call from image renderer if c.IsRenderCall && !hs.Cfg.ServeFromSubPath { appURL = fmt.Sprintf("%s://localhost:%s", setting.Protocol, setting.HttpPort) appSubURL = "" settings["appSubUrl"] = "" } hasEditPermissionInFoldersQuery := models.HasEditPermissionInFoldersQuery{SignedInUser: c.SignedInUser} if err := bus.Dispatch(&hasEditPermissionInFoldersQuery); err != nil { return nil, err } var data = dtos.IndexViewData{ User: &dtos.CurrentUser{ Id: c.UserId, IsSignedIn: c.IsSignedIn, Login: c.Login, Email: c.Email, Name: c.Name, OrgCount: c.OrgCount, OrgId: c.OrgId, OrgName: c.OrgName, OrgRole: c.OrgRole, GravatarUrl: dtos.GetGravatarUrl(c.Email), IsGrafanaAdmin: c.IsGrafanaAdmin, LightTheme: prefs.Theme == lightName, Timezone: prefs.Timezone, Locale: locale, HelpFlags1: c.HelpFlags1, HasEditPermissionInFolders: hasEditPermissionInFoldersQuery.Result, }, Settings: settings, Theme: prefs.Theme, AppUrl: appURL, AppSubUrl: appSubURL, GoogleAnalyticsId: setting.GoogleAnalyticsId, GoogleTagManagerId: setting.GoogleTagManagerId, BuildVersion: setting.BuildVersion, BuildCommit: setting.BuildCommit, NewGrafanaVersion: plugins.GrafanaLatestVersion, NewGrafanaVersionExists: plugins.GrafanaHasUpdate, AppName: setting.ApplicationName, AppNameBodyClass: getAppNameBodyClass(hs.License.HasValidLicense()), FavIcon: "public/img/fav32.png", AppleTouchIcon: "public/img/apple-touch-icon.png", AppTitle: "Grafana", } if setting.DisableGravatar { data.User.GravatarUrl = setting.AppSubUrl + "/public/img/user_profile.png" } if len(data.User.Name) == 0 { data.User.Name = data.User.Login } themeURLParam := c.Query("theme") if themeURLParam == lightName { data.User.LightTheme = true data.Theme = lightName } else if themeURLParam == darkName { data.User.LightTheme = false data.Theme = darkName } if hasEditPermissionInFoldersQuery.Result { children := []*dtos.NavLink{ {Text: "Dashboard", Icon: "apps", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/dashboard/new"}, } if c.OrgRole == models.ROLE_ADMIN || c.OrgRole == models.ROLE_EDITOR { children = append(children, &dtos.NavLink{Text: "Folder", SubTitle: "Create a new folder to organize your dashboards", Id: "folder", Icon: "folder-plus", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/dashboards/folder/new"}) } children = append(children, &dtos.NavLink{Text: "Import", SubTitle: "Import dashboard from file or", Id: "import", Icon: "import", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/dashboard/import"}) data.NavTree = append(data.NavTree, &dtos.NavLink{ Text: "Create", Id: "create", Icon: "plus", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/dashboard/new", Children: children, SortWeight: dtos.WeightCreate, }) } dashboardChildNavs := []*dtos.NavLink{ {Text: "Home", Id: "home", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/", Icon: "home-alt", HideFromTabs: true}, {Text: "Divider", Divider: true, Id: "divider", HideFromTabs: true}, {Text: "Manage", Id: "manage-dashboards", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/dashboards", Icon: "sitemap"}, {Text: "Playlists", Id: "playlists", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/playlists", Icon: "presentation-play"}, {Text: "Snapshots", Id: "snapshots", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/dashboard/snapshots", Icon: "camera"}, } data.NavTree = append(data.NavTree, &dtos.NavLink{ Text: "Dashboards", Id: "dashboards", SubTitle: "Manage dashboards & folders", Icon: "apps", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/", SortWeight: dtos.WeightDashboard, Children: dashboardChildNavs, }) if setting.ExploreEnabled && (c.OrgRole == models.ROLE_ADMIN || c.OrgRole == models.ROLE_EDITOR || setting.ViewersCanEdit) { data.NavTree = append(data.NavTree, &dtos.NavLink{ Text: "Explore", Id: "explore", SubTitle: "Explore your data", Icon: "compass", SortWeight: dtos.WeightExplore, Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/explore", }) } if c.IsSignedIn { // Only set login if it's different from the name var login string if c.SignedInUser.Login != c.SignedInUser.NameOrFallback() { login = c.SignedInUser.Login } profileNode := &dtos.NavLink{ Text: c.SignedInUser.NameOrFallback(), SubTitle: login, Id: "profile", Img: data.User.GravatarUrl, Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/profile", HideFromMenu: true, SortWeight: dtos.WeightProfile, Children: []*dtos.NavLink{ {Text: "Preferences", Id: "profile-settings", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/profile", Icon: "sliders-v-alt"}, {Text: "Change Password", Id: "change-password", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/profile/password", Icon: "lock", HideFromMenu: true}, }, } if !setting.DisableSignoutMenu { // add sign out first profileNode.Children = append(profileNode.Children, &dtos.NavLink{ Text: "Sign out", Id: "sign-out", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/logout", Icon: "arrow-from-right", Target: "_self", HideFromTabs: true, }) } data.NavTree = append(data.NavTree, profileNode) } if setting.AlertingEnabled && (c.OrgRole == models.ROLE_ADMIN || c.OrgRole == models.ROLE_EDITOR) { alertChildNavs := []*dtos.NavLink{ {Text: "Alert Rules", Id: "alert-list", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/alerting/list", Icon: "list-ul"}, {Text: "Notification channels", Id: "channels", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/alerting/notifications", Icon: "comment-alt-share"}, } data.NavTree = append(data.NavTree, &dtos.NavLink{ Text: "Alerting", SubTitle: "Alert rules & notifications", Id: "alerting", Icon: "bell", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/alerting/list", Children: alertChildNavs, SortWeight: dtos.WeightAlerting, }) } enabledPlugins, err := plugins.GetEnabledPlugins(c.OrgId) if err != nil { return nil, err } for _, plugin := range enabledPlugins.Apps { if plugin.Pinned { appLink := &dtos.NavLink{ Text: plugin.Name, Id: "plugin-page-" + plugin.Id, Url: plugin.DefaultNavUrl, Img: plugin.Info.Logos.Small, SortWeight: dtos.WeightPlugin, } for _, include := range plugin.Includes { if !c.HasUserRole(include.Role) { continue } if include.Type == "page" && include.AddToNav { var link *dtos.NavLink if len(include.Path) > 0 { link = &dtos.NavLink{ Url: setting.AppSubUrl + include.Path, Text: include.Name, } if include.DefaultNav { appLink.Url = link.Url // Overwrite the hardcoded page logic } } else { link = &dtos.NavLink{ Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/plugins/" + plugin.Id + "/page/" + include.Slug, Text: include.Name, } } appLink.Children = append(appLink.Children, link) } if include.Type == "dashboard" && include.AddToNav { link := &dtos.NavLink{ Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/dashboard/db/" + include.Slug, Text: include.Name, } appLink.Children = append(appLink.Children, link) } } if len(appLink.Children) > 0 && c.OrgRole == models.ROLE_ADMIN { appLink.Children = append(appLink.Children, &dtos.NavLink{Divider: true}) appLink.Children = append(appLink.Children, &dtos.NavLink{Text: "Plugin Config", Icon: "cog", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/plugins/" + plugin.Id + "/"}) } if len(appLink.Children) > 0 { data.NavTree = append(data.NavTree, appLink) } } } configNodes := []*dtos.NavLink{} if c.OrgRole == models.ROLE_ADMIN { configNodes = append(configNodes, &dtos.NavLink{ Text: "Data Sources", Icon: "database", Description: "Add and configure data sources", Id: "datasources", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/datasources", }) configNodes = append(configNodes, &dtos.NavLink{ Text: "Users", Id: "users", Description: "Manage org members", Icon: "user", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/org/users", }) } if c.OrgRole == models.ROLE_ADMIN || (hs.Cfg.EditorsCanAdmin && c.OrgRole == models.ROLE_EDITOR) { configNodes = append(configNodes, &dtos.NavLink{ Text: "Teams", Id: "teams", Description: "Manage org groups", Icon: "users-alt", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/org/teams", }) } if c.OrgRole == models.ROLE_ADMIN { configNodes = append(configNodes, &dtos.NavLink{ Text: "Plugins", Id: "plugins", Description: "View and configure plugins", Icon: "plug", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/plugins", }) configNodes = append(configNodes, &dtos.NavLink{ Text: "Preferences", Id: "org-settings", Description: "Organization preferences", Icon: "sliders-v-alt", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/org", }) configNodes = append(configNodes, &dtos.NavLink{ Text: "API Keys", Id: "apikeys", Description: "Create & manage API keys", Icon: "key-skeleton-alt", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/org/apikeys", }) } if len(configNodes) > 0 { data.NavTree = append(data.NavTree, &dtos.NavLink{ Id: "cfg", Text: "Configuration", SubTitle: "Organization: " + c.OrgName, Icon: "cog", Url: configNodes[0].Url, SortWeight: dtos.WeightConfig, Children: configNodes, }) } if c.IsGrafanaAdmin { adminNavLinks := []*dtos.NavLink{ {Text: "Users", Id: "global-users", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/admin/users", Icon: "user"}, {Text: "Orgs", Id: "global-orgs", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/admin/orgs", Icon: "building"}, {Text: "Settings", Id: "server-settings", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/admin/settings", Icon: "sliders-v-alt"}, {Text: "Stats", Id: "server-stats", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/admin/stats", Icon: "graph-bar"}, } if setting.LDAPEnabled { adminNavLinks = append(adminNavLinks, &dtos.NavLink{ Text: "LDAP", Id: "ldap", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/admin/ldap", Icon: "book", }) } data.NavTree = append(data.NavTree, &dtos.NavLink{ Text: "Server Admin", SubTitle: "Manage all users & orgs", HideFromTabs: true, Id: "admin", Icon: "shield", Url: setting.AppSubUrl + "/admin/users", SortWeight: dtos.WeightAdmin, Children: adminNavLinks, }) } helpVersion := fmt.Sprintf(`%s v%s (%s)`, setting.ApplicationName, setting.BuildVersion, setting.BuildCommit) if hs.Cfg.AnonymousHideVersion && !c.IsSignedIn { helpVersion = setting.ApplicationName } data.NavTree = append(data.NavTree, &dtos.NavLink{ Text: "Help", SubTitle: helpVersion, Id: "help", Url: "#", Icon: "question-circle", HideFromMenu: true, SortWeight: dtos.WeightHelp, Children: []*dtos.NavLink{}, }) hs.HooksService.RunIndexDataHooks(&data, c) sort.SliceStable(data.NavTree, func(i, j int) bool { return data.NavTree[i].SortWeight < data.NavTree[j].SortWeight }) return &data, nil } func (hs *HTTPServer) Index(c *models.ReqContext) { data, err := hs.setIndexViewData(c) if err != nil { c.Handle(500, "Failed to get settings", err) return } c.HTML(200, "index", data) } func (hs *HTTPServer) NotFoundHandler(c *models.ReqContext) { if c.IsApiRequest() { c.JsonApiErr(404, "Not found", nil) return } data, err := hs.setIndexViewData(c) if err != nil { c.Handle(500, "Failed to get settings", err) return } c.HTML(404, "index", data) } func getAppNameBodyClass(validLicense bool) string { if validLicense { return "app-enterprise" } return "app-grafana" }