+++ title = "Alert notifications" description = "Alerting notifications guide" keywords = ["Grafana", "alerting", "guide", "notifications"] weight = 100 +++ # Alert notifications When an alert changes state, it sends out notifications. Each alert rule can have multiple notifications. In order to add a notification to an alert rule you first need to add and configure a `notification` channel (can be email, PagerDuty, or other integration). This is done from the Notification channels page. > **Note:** Alerting is only available in Grafana v4.0 and above. ## Add a notification channel 1. In the Grafana side bar, hover your cursor over the **Alerting** (bell) icon and then click **Notification channels**. 1. Click **Add channel**. 1. Fill out the fields or select options described below. ## New notification channel fields ### Default (send on all alerts) - **Name -** Enter a name for this channel. It will be displayed when users add notifications to alert rules. - **Type -** Select the channel type. Refer to the [List of supported notifiers](#list-of-supported-notifiers) for details. - **Default (send on all alerts) -** When selected, this option sends a notification on this channel for all alert rules. - **Include Image -** See [Enable images in notifications](#enable-images-in-notifications-external-image-store) for details. - **Disable Resolve Message -** When selected, this option disables the resolve message [OK] that is sent when the alerting state returns to false. - **Send reminders -** When this option is checked additional notifications (reminders) will be sent for triggered alerts. You can specify how often reminders should be sent using number of seconds (s), minutes (m) or hours (h), for example `30s`, `3m`, `5m` or `1h`. **Important:** Alert reminders are sent after rules are evaluated. Therefore a reminder can never be sent more frequently than a configured alert rule evaluation interval. These examples show how often and when reminders are sent for a triggered alert. Alert rule evaluation interval | Send reminders every | Reminder sent every (after last alert notification) ---------- | ----------- | ----------- `30s` | `15s` | ~30 seconds `1m` | `5m` | ~5 minutes `5m` | `15m` | ~15 minutes `6m` | `20m` | ~24 minutes `1h` | `15m` | ~1 hour `1h` | `2h` | ~2 hours
## List of supported notifiers Name | Type | Supports images | Support alert rule tags -----|------|---------------- | ----------------------- [DingDing](#dingdingdingtalk) | `dingding` | yes, external only | no Discord | `discord` | yes | no [Email](#email) | `email` | yes | no [Google Hangouts Chat](#google-hangouts-chat) | `googlechat` | yes, external only | no Hipchat | `hipchat` | yes, external only | no [Kafka](#kafka) | `kafka` | yes, external only | no Line | `line` | yes, external only | no Microsoft Teams | `teams` | yes, external only | no [Opsgenie](#opsgenie) | `opsgenie` | yes, external only | yes [Pagerduty](#pagerduty) | `pagerduty` | yes, external only | yes Prometheus Alertmanager | `prometheus-alertmanager` | yes, external only | yes [Pushover](#pushover) | `pushover` | yes | no Sensu | `sensu` | yes, external only | no [Sensu Go](#sensu-go) | `sensugo` | yes, external only | no [Slack](#slack) | `slack` | yes | no Telegram | `telegram` | yes | no Threema | `threema` | yes, external only | no VictorOps | `victorops` | yes, external only | yes [Webhook](#webhook) | `webhook` | yes, external only | yes [Zenduty](#zenduty) | `webhook` | yes, external only | yes ### Email To enable email notifications you have to set up [SMTP settings]({{< relref "../administration/configuration/#smtp" >}}) in the Grafana config. Email notifications will upload an image of the alert graph to an external image destination if available or fallback to attaching the image to the email. Be aware that if you use the `local` image storage email servers and clients might not be able to access the image. > **Note:** Template variables are not supported in email alerts. Setting | Description ---------- | ----------- Single email | Send a single email to all recipients. Disabled per default. Addresses | Email addresses to recipients. You can enter multiple email addresses using a ";" separator. ### Slack {{< imgbox max-width="40%" img="/img/docs/v4/slack_notification.png" caption="Alerting Slack Notification" >}} To set up Slack, you need to configure an incoming Slack webhook URL. You can follow [Sending messages using Incoming Webhooks](https://api.slack.com/incoming-webhooks) on how to do that. If you want to include screenshots of the firing alerts in the Slack messages you have to configure either the [external image destination](#external-image-store) in Grafana or a bot integration via Slack Apps. [Follow Slack's guide to set up a bot integration](https://api.slack.com/bot-users) and use the token provided, which starts with "xoxb". Setting | Description ---------- | ----------- Url | Slack incoming webhook URL, or eventually the [chat.postMessage](https://api.slack.com/methods/chat.postMessage) Slack API endpoint. Username | Set the username for the bot's message. Recipient | Allows you to override the Slack recipient. You must either provide a channel Slack ID, a user Slack ID, a username reference (@<user>, all lowercase, no whitespace), or a channel reference (#<channel>, all lowercase, no whitespace). If you use the `chat.postMessage` Slack API endpoint, this is required. Icon emoji | Provide an emoji to use as the icon for the bot's message. Ex :smile: Icon URL | Provide a URL to an image to use as the icon for the bot's message. Mention Users | Optionally mention one or more users in the Slack notification sent by Grafana. You have to refer to users, comma-separated, via their corresponding Slack IDs (which you can find by clicking the overflow button on each user's Slack profile). Mention Groups | Optionally mention one or more groups in the Slack notification sent by Grafana. You have to refer to groups, comma-separated, via their corresponding Slack IDs (which you can get from each group's Slack profile URL). Mention Channel | Optionally mention either all channel members or just active ones. Token | If provided, Grafana will upload the generated image via Slack's file.upload API method, not the external image destination. If you use the `chat.postMessage` Slack API endpoint, this is required. If you are using the token for a slack bot, then you have to invite the bot to the channel you want to send notifications and add the channel to the recipient field. ### Opsgenie To setup Opsgenie you will need an API Key and the Alert API Url. These can be obtained by configuring a new [Grafana Integration](https://docs.opsgenie.com/docs/grafana-integration). Setting | Description --------|------------ Alert API URL | The API URL for your Opsgenie instance. This will normally be either `https://api.opsgenie.com` or, for EU customers, `https://api.eu.opsgenie.com`. API Key | The API Key as provided by Opsgenie for your configured Grafana integration. Override priority | Configures the alert priority using the `og_priority` tag. The `og_priority` tag must have one of the following values: `P1`, `P2`, `P3`, `P4`, or `P5`. Default is `False`. Send notification tags as | Specify how you would like [Notification Tags]({{< relref "create-alerts.md/#notifications" >}}) delivered to Opsgenie. They can be delivered as `Tags`, `Extra Properties` or both. Default is Tags. See note below for more information. > **Note:** When notification tags are sent as `Tags` they are concatenated into a string with a `key:value` format. If you prefer to receive the notifications tags as key/values under Extra Properties in Opsgenie then change the `Send notification tags as` to either `Extra Properties` or `Tags & Extra Properties`. ### PagerDuty To set up PagerDuty, all you have to do is to provide an integration key. Setting | Description ---------- | ----------- Integration Key | Integration key for PagerDuty. Severity | Level for dynamic notifications, default is `critical` (1) Auto resolve incidents | Resolve incidents in PagerDuty once the alert goes back to ok Message in details | Removes the Alert message from the PD summary field and puts it into custom details instead (2) >**Note:** The tags `Severity`, `Class`, `Group`, `dedup_key`, and `Component` have special meaning in the [Pagerduty Common Event Format - PD-CEF](https://support.pagerduty.com/docs/pd-cef). If an alert panel defines these tag keys, then they are transposed to the root of the event sent to Pagerduty. This means they will be available within the Pagerduty UI and Filtering tools. A Severity tag set on an alert overrides the global Severity set on the notification channel if it's a valid level. >Using Message In Details will change the structure of the `custom_details` field in the PagerDuty Event. This might break custom event rules in your PagerDuty rules if you rely on the fields in `payload.custom_details`. Move any existing rules using `custom_details.myMetric` to `custom_details.queries.myMetric`. This behavior will become the default in a future version of Grafana. > **Note:** The `dedup_key` tag overrides the Grafana-generated `dedup_key` with a custom key. > **Note:** The `state` tag overrides the current alert state inside the `custom_details` payload. ### VictorOps To configure VictorOps, provide the URL from the Grafana Integration and substitute `$routing_key` with a valid key. > **Note:** The tag `Severity` has special meaning in the [VictorOps Incident Fields](https://help.victorops.com/knowledge-base/incident-fields-glossary/). If an alert panel defines this key, then it replaces the `message_type` in the root of the event sent to VictorOps. ### Pushover To set up Pushover, you must provide a user key and an API token. Refer to [What is Pushover and how do I use it](https://support.pushover.net/i7-what-is-pushover-and-how-do-i-use-it) for instructions on how to generate them. Setting | Description ---------- | ----------- API Token | Application token User key(s) | A comma-separated list of user keys Device(s) | A comma-separated list of devices Priority | The priority alerting nottifications are sent OK priority | The priority OK notifications are sent; if not set, then OK notifications are sent with the priority set for alerting notifications Retry | How often (in seconds) the Pushover servers send the same notification to the user. (minimum 30 seconds) Expire | How many seconds your notification will continue to be retried for (maximum 86400 seconds) Alerting sound | The sound for alerting notifications OK sound | The sound for OK notifications ### Webhook The webhook notification is a simple way to send information about a state change over HTTP to a custom endpoint. Using this notification you could integrate Grafana into a system of your choosing. Example json body: ```json { "dashboardId":1, "evalMatches":[ { "value":1, "metric":"Count", "tags":{} } ], "imageUrl":"https://grafana.com/assets/img/blog/mixed_styles.png", "message":"Notification Message", "orgId":1, "panelId":2, "ruleId":1, "ruleName":"Panel Title alert", "ruleUrl":"http://localhost:3000/d/hZ7BuVbWz/test-dashboard?fullscreen\u0026edit\u0026tab=alert\u0026panelId=2\u0026orgId=1", "state":"alerting", "tags":{ "tag name":"tag value" }, "title":"[Alerting] Panel Title alert" } ``` - **state** - The possible values for alert state are: `ok`, `paused`, `alerting`, `pending`, `no_data`. ### DingDing/DingTalk DingTalk supports the following "message type": `text`, `link` and `markdown`. Only the `link` message type is supported. Refer to the [configuration instructions](https://developers.dingtalk.com/document/app/custom-robot-access) in Chinese language. In DingTalk PC Client: 1. Click "more" icon on upper right of the panel. 2. Click "Robot Manage" item in the pop menu, there will be a new panel call "Robot Manage". 3. In the "Robot Manage" panel, select "customized: customized robot with Webhook". 4. In the next new panel named "robot detail", click "Add" button. 5. In "Add Robot" panel, input a nickname for the robot and select a "message group" which the robot will join in. click "next". 6. There will be a Webhook URL in the panel, looks like this: https://oapi.dingtalk.com/robot/send?access_token=xxxxxxxxx. Copy this URL to the Grafana DingTalk setting page and then click "finish". ### Kafka Notifications can be sent to a Kafka topic from Grafana using the [Kafka REST Proxy](https://docs.confluent.io/1.0/kafka-rest/docs/index.html). There are a couple of configuration options which need to be set up in Grafana UI under Kafka Settings: 1. Kafka REST Proxy endpoint. 1. Kafka Topic. Once these two properties are set, you can send the alerts to Kafka for further processing or throttling. ### Google Hangouts Chat Notifications can be sent by setting up an incoming webhook in Google Hangouts chat. For more information about configuring a webhook, refer to [webhooks](https://developers.google.com/hangouts/chat/how-tos/webhooks). ### Prometheus Alertmanager Alertmanager handles alerts sent by client applications such as Prometheus server or Grafana. It takes care of deduplicating, grouping, and routing them to the correct receiver. Grafana notifications can be sent to Alertmanager via a simple incoming webhook. Refer to the official [Prometheus Alertmanager documentation](https://prometheus.io/docs/alerting/alertmanager) for configuration information. > **Caution:** In case of a high-availability setup, do not load balance traffic between Grafana and Alertmanagers to keep coherence between all your Alertmanager instances. Instead, point Grafana to a list of all Alertmanagers, by listing their URLs comma-separated in the notification channel configuration. ### Zenduty [Zenduty](https://www.zenduty.com) is an incident alerting and response orchestration platform that not alerts the right teams via SMS, Phone(Voice), Email, Slack, Microsoft Teams and Push notifications(Android/iOS) whenever a Grafana alert is triggered, but also helps you rapidly triage and remediate critical, user impacting incidents. Grafana alert are sent to Zenduty through Grafana's native webhook dispatcher. Refer the Zenduty-Grafana [integration documentation](https://docs.zenduty.com/docs/grafana) for configuring the integration. ### Sensu Go [Sensu](https://sensu.io) is a complete solution for monitoring and observability at scale. Sensu Go is designed to give you visibility into everything you care about: traditional server closets, containers, applications, the cloud, and more. Grafana notifications can be sent to Sensu Go as events via the API. This operation requires an API Key. Refer to the [Sensu Go documentation](https://docs.sensu.io/sensu-go/latest/operations/control-access/use-apikeys/#api-key-authentication) for information on creating this key. ## Enable images in notifications {#external-image-store} Grafana can render the panel associated with the alert rule as a PNG image and include that in the notification. Read more about the requirements and how to configure [image rendering]({{< relref "../administration/image_rendering/" >}}). You must configure an [external image storage provider]({{< relref "../administration/configuration/#external-image-storage" >}}) in order to receive images in alert notifications. If your notification channel requires that the image be publicly accessible (e.g. Slack, PagerDuty), configure a provider which uploads the image to a remote image store like Amazon S3, Webdav, Google Cloud Storage, or Azure Blob Storage. Otherwise, the local provider can be used to serve the image directly from Grafana. Notification services which need public image access are marked as 'external only'. ## Configure the link back to Grafana from alert notifications All alert notifications contain a link back to the triggered alert in the Grafana instance. This URL is based on the [domain]({{< relref "../administration/configuration/#domain" >}}) setting in Grafana. ## Notification templating > **Note:** Alert notification templating is only available in Grafana v7.4 and above. The alert notification template feature allows you to take the [label]({{< relref "../getting-started/timeseries-dimensions.md#labels" >}}) value from an alert query and [inject that into alert notifications]({{< relref "./add-notification-template.md" >}}).