import { FieldType, MutableDataFrame } from '@grafana/data'; import { ExploreFieldLinkModel } from 'app/features/explore/utils/links'; import { createLogRow } from './__mocks__/logRow'; import { getAllFields, createLogLineLinks, FieldDef } from './logParser'; describe('logParser', () => { describe('getAllFields', () => { it('should filter out fields with data links that have a nullish value', () => { const createScenario = (value: unknown) => createLogRow({ entryFieldIndex: 1, rowIndex: 0, dataFrame: { refId: 'A', fields: [ testTimeField, testLineField, { name: 'link', type: FieldType.string, config: { links: [ { title: 'link1', url: '', }, ], }, values: [value], }, ], length: 1, }, }); expect(getAllFields(createScenario(null))).toHaveLength(0); expect(getAllFields(createScenario(undefined))).toHaveLength(0); expect(getAllFields(createScenario(''))).toHaveLength(1); expect(getAllFields(createScenario('test'))).toHaveLength(1); // technically this is a field-type-string, but i will add more // falsy-values, just to be sure expect(getAllFields(createScenario(false))).toHaveLength(1); expect(getAllFields(createScenario(NaN))).toHaveLength(1); expect(getAllFields(createScenario(0))).toHaveLength(1); expect(getAllFields(createScenario(-0))).toHaveLength(1); }); it('should filter out field with labels name old-loki-style frame', () => { const logRow = createLogRow({ entryFieldIndex: 1, dataFrame: new MutableDataFrame({ meta: { custom: { frameType: 'LabeledTimeValues', }, }, refId: 'A', fields: [ testTimeField, testLineField, testStringField, { name: 'labels', type: FieldType.other, config: {}, values: [{ place: 'luna', source: 'data' }], }, ], }), }); const fields = getAllFields(logRow); expect(fields.length).toBe(1); expect(fields.find((field) => field.keys[0] === 'labels')).toBe(undefined); }); it('should not filter out field with labels name in not-old-loki-style frame', () => { const logRow = createLogRow({ entryFieldIndex: 1, dataFrame: new MutableDataFrame({ refId: 'A', fields: [ testTimeField, testLineField, testStringField, { name: 'labels', type: FieldType.string, config: {}, values: [{ place: 'luna', source: 'data' }], }, ], }), }); const fields = getAllFields(logRow); expect(fields.length).toBe(2); expect(fields.find((field) => field.keys[0] === 'labels')).not.toBe(undefined); }); it('should not filter out field with labels name and other type and datalinks', () => { const logRow = createLogRow({ entryFieldIndex: 1, dataFrame: new MutableDataFrame({ refId: 'A', fields: [ testTimeField, testLineField, testStringField, { name: 'labels', type: FieldType.other, config: { links: [ { title: 'test1', url: 'url1', }, ], }, values: [{ place: 'luna', source: 'data' }], }, ], }), }); const fields = getAllFields(logRow); expect(fields.length).toBe(2); expect(fields.find((field) => field.keys[0] === 'labels')).not.toBe(undefined); }); it('should filter out field with id name', () => { const logRow = createLogRow({ entryFieldIndex: 1, dataFrame: new MutableDataFrame({ refId: 'A', fields: [ testTimeField, testLineField, testStringField, { name: 'id', type: FieldType.string, config: {}, values: ['1659620138401000000_8b1f7688_'], }, ], }), }); const fields = getAllFields(logRow); expect(fields.length).toBe(1); expect(fields.find((field) => field.keys[0] === 'id')).toBe(undefined); }); it('should filter out field with config hidden field', () => { const testField = { ...testStringField }; testField.config = { custom: { hidden: true, }, }; const logRow = createLogRow({ entryFieldIndex: 10, dataFrame: new MutableDataFrame({ refId: 'A', fields: [testTimeField, testLineField, { ...testField }], }), }); const fields = getAllFields(logRow); expect(fields.length).toBe(0); expect(fields.find((field) => field.keys[0] ===; }); it('should filter out field with null values', () => { const logRow = createLogRow({ entryFieldIndex: 10, dataFrame: new MutableDataFrame({ refId: 'A', fields: [testTimeField, testLineField, { ...testFieldWithNullValue }], }), }); const fields = getAllFields(logRow); expect(fields.length).toBe(0); expect(fields.find((field) => field.keys[0] ===; }); it('should not filter out field with string values', () => { const logRow = createLogRow({ entryFieldIndex: 1, dataFrame: new MutableDataFrame({ refId: 'A', fields: [testTimeField, testLineField, { ...testStringField }], }), }); const fields = getAllFields(logRow); expect(fields.length).toBe(1); expect(fields.find((field) => field.keys[0] ===; }); }); describe('createLogLineLinks', () => { it('should change FieldDef to have keys of variable keys', () => { const variableLink: ExploreFieldLinkModel = { href: 'test', onClick: () => {}, origin: { config: { links: [] }, name: 'Line', type: FieldType.string, values: ['a', 'b'], }, title: 'test', target: '_self', variables: [ { variableName: 'path', value: 'test', match: '${path}', found: true }, { variableName: 'msg', value: 'test msg', match: '${msg}', found: true }, ], }; const fieldWithVarLink: FieldDef = { fieldIndex: 2, keys: ['Line'], values: ['level=info msg="test msg" status_code=200 url=http://test'], links: [variableLink], }; const fields = createLogLineLinks([fieldWithVarLink]); expect(fields.length).toBe(1); expect(fields[0].keys.length).toBe(2); expect(fields[0].keys[0]).toBe('path'); expect(fields[0].values[0]).toBe('test'); expect(fields[0].keys[1]).toBe('msg'); expect(fields[0].values[1]).toBe('test msg'); }); it('should return empty array if no variables', () => { const variableLink: ExploreFieldLinkModel = { href: 'test', onClick: () => {}, origin: { config: { links: [] }, name: 'Line', type: FieldType.string, values: ['a', 'b'], }, title: 'test', target: '_self', }; const fieldWithVarLink: FieldDef = { fieldIndex: 2, keys: ['Line'], values: ['level=info msg="test msg" status_code=200 url=http://test'], links: [variableLink], }; const fields = createLogLineLinks([fieldWithVarLink]); expect(fields.length).toBe(0); }); }); }); const testTimeField = { name: 'timestamp', type: FieldType.time, config: {}, values: [1], }; const testLineField = { name: 'body', type: FieldType.string, config: {}, values: ['line1'], }; const testStringField = { name: 'test_field_string', type: FieldType.string, config: {}, values: ['abc'], }; const testFieldWithNullValue = { name: 'test_field_null', type: FieldType.string, config: {}, values: [null], };