import { ThunkAction } from 'redux-thunk'; import { DataSource, Plugin, StoreState } from 'app/types'; import { getBackendSrv } from '../../../core/services/backend_srv'; import { getDatasourceSrv } from '../../plugins/datasource_srv'; import { LayoutMode } from '../../../core/components/LayoutSelector/LayoutSelector'; import { updateLocation, updateNavIndex, UpdateNavIndexAction } from '../../../core/actions'; import { UpdateLocationAction } from '../../../core/actions/location'; import { buildNavModel } from './navModel'; import config from '../../../core/config'; export enum ActionTypes { LoadDataSources = 'LOAD_DATA_SOURCES', LoadDataSourceTypes = 'LOAD_DATA_SOURCE_TYPES', LoadDataSource = 'LOAD_DATA_SOURCE', LoadDataSourceMeta = 'LOAD_DATA_SOURCE_META', SetDataSourcesSearchQuery = 'SET_DATA_SOURCES_SEARCH_QUERY', SetDataSourcesLayoutMode = 'SET_DATA_SOURCES_LAYOUT_MODE', SetDataSourceTypeSearchQuery = 'SET_DATA_SOURCE_TYPE_SEARCH_QUERY', SetDataSourceName = 'SET_DATA_SOURCE_NAME', SetDataSourceTestingProgess = 'SET_TESTING_PROGRESS', SetDataSourceTestingSuccess = 'SET_DATA_SOURCE_TESTING_SUCCESS', SetDataSourceTestingFail = 'SET_DATA_SOURCE_TESTING_FAIL', ClearTesting = 'CLEAR_TEST', } interface LoadDataSourcesAction { type: ActionTypes.LoadDataSources; payload: DataSource[]; } interface SetDataSourcesSearchQueryAction { type: ActionTypes.SetDataSourcesSearchQuery; payload: string; } interface SetDataSourcesLayoutModeAction { type: ActionTypes.SetDataSourcesLayoutMode; payload: LayoutMode; } interface LoadDataSourceTypesAction { type: ActionTypes.LoadDataSourceTypes; payload: Plugin[]; } interface SetDataSourceTypeSearchQueryAction { type: ActionTypes.SetDataSourceTypeSearchQuery; payload: string; } interface LoadDataSourceAction { type: ActionTypes.LoadDataSource; payload: DataSource; } interface LoadDataSourceMetaAction { type: ActionTypes.LoadDataSourceMeta; payload: Plugin; } interface SetDataSourceNameAction { type: ActionTypes.SetDataSourceName; payload: string; } interface SetDataSourceTestingProgessAction { type: ActionTypes.SetDataSourceTestingProgess; payload: boolean; } interface SetDataSourceTestingSuccessAction { type: ActionTypes.SetDataSourceTestingSuccess; payload: { status: string; message: string }; } interface SetDataSourceTestingFailAction { type: ActionTypes.SetDataSourceTestingFail; payload: string; } interface ClearTestingAction { type: ActionTypes.ClearTesting; } const dataSourcesLoaded = (dataSources: DataSource[]): LoadDataSourcesAction => ({ type: ActionTypes.LoadDataSources, payload: dataSources, }); const dataSourceLoaded = (dataSource: DataSource): LoadDataSourceAction => ({ type: ActionTypes.LoadDataSource, payload: dataSource, }); const dataSourceMetaLoaded = (dataSourceMeta: Plugin): LoadDataSourceMetaAction => ({ type: ActionTypes.LoadDataSourceMeta, payload: dataSourceMeta, }); const dataSourceTypesLoaded = (dataSourceTypes: Plugin[]): LoadDataSourceTypesAction => ({ type: ActionTypes.LoadDataSourceTypes, payload: dataSourceTypes, }); export const setDataSourcesSearchQuery = (searchQuery: string): SetDataSourcesSearchQueryAction => ({ type: ActionTypes.SetDataSourcesSearchQuery, payload: searchQuery, }); export const setDataSourcesLayoutMode = (layoutMode: LayoutMode): SetDataSourcesLayoutModeAction => ({ type: ActionTypes.SetDataSourcesLayoutMode, payload: layoutMode, }); export const setDataSourceTypeSearchQuery = (query: string): SetDataSourceTypeSearchQueryAction => ({ type: ActionTypes.SetDataSourceTypeSearchQuery, payload: query, }); export const setDataSourceName = (name: string) => ({ type: ActionTypes.SetDataSourceName, payload: name, }); export const clearTesting = (): ClearTestingAction => ({ type: ActionTypes.ClearTesting, }); const setDataSourceTestingProgress = (state: boolean): SetDataSourceTestingProgessAction => ({ type: ActionTypes.SetDataSourceTestingProgess, payload: state, }); const setDataSourceTestingSuccess = (status: string, message: string): SetDataSourceTestingSuccessAction => ({ type: ActionTypes.SetDataSourceTestingSuccess, payload: { status: status, message: message, }, }); const setDataSourceTestingFail = (message: string): SetDataSourceTestingFailAction => ({ type: ActionTypes.SetDataSourceTestingFail, payload: message, }); export type Action = | LoadDataSourcesAction | SetDataSourcesSearchQueryAction | SetDataSourcesLayoutModeAction | UpdateLocationAction | LoadDataSourceTypesAction | SetDataSourceTypeSearchQueryAction | LoadDataSourceAction | UpdateNavIndexAction | LoadDataSourceMetaAction | SetDataSourceNameAction | SetDataSourceTestingProgessAction | SetDataSourceTestingSuccessAction | SetDataSourceTestingFailAction | ClearTestingAction; type ThunkResult = ThunkAction; export function loadDataSources(): ThunkResult { return async dispatch => { const response = await getBackendSrv().get('/api/datasources'); dispatch(dataSourcesLoaded(response)); }; } export function loadDataSource(id: number): ThunkResult { return async dispatch => { const dataSource = await getBackendSrv().get(`/api/datasources/${id}`); const pluginInfo = await getBackendSrv().get(`/api/plugins/${dataSource.type}/settings`); dispatch(dataSourceLoaded(dataSource)); dispatch(dataSourceMetaLoaded(pluginInfo)); dispatch(updateNavIndex(buildNavModel(dataSource, pluginInfo))); }; } export function addDataSource(plugin: Plugin): ThunkResult { return async (dispatch, getStore) => { await dispatch(loadDataSources()); const dataSources = getStore().dataSources.dataSources; const newInstance = { name:, type:, access: 'proxy', isDefault: dataSources.length === 0, }; if (nameExits(dataSources, { = findNewName(dataSources,; } const result = await getBackendSrv().post('/api/datasources', newInstance); dispatch(updateLocation({ path: `/datasources/edit/${}` })); }; } export function loadDataSourceTypes(): ThunkResult { return async dispatch => { const result = await getBackendSrv().get('/api/plugins', { enabled: 1, type: 'datasource' }); dispatch(dataSourceTypesLoaded(result)); }; } export function updateDataSource(dataSource: DataSource): ThunkResult { return async dispatch => { await getBackendSrv() .put(`/api/datasources/${}`, dataSource) .then(response => { updateFrontendSettings().then(() => { testDataSource(dispatch,; }); }); dispatch(loadDataSource(; }; } export function deleteDataSource(): ThunkResult { return async (dispatch, getStore) => { const dataSource = getStore().dataSources.dataSource; await getBackendSrv().delete(`/api/datasources/${}`); dispatch(updateLocation({ path: '/datasources' })); }; } export function nameExits(dataSources, name) { return ( dataSources.filter(dataSource => { return === name; }).length > 0 ); } export function findNewName(dataSources, name) { // Need to loop through current data sources to make sure // the name doesn't exist while (nameExits(dataSources, name)) { // If there's a duplicate name that doesn't end with '-x' // we can add -1 to the name and be done. if (!nameHasSuffix(name)) { name = `${name}-1`; } else { // if there's a duplicate name that ends with '-x' // we can try to increment the last digit until the name is unique // remove the 'x' part and replace it with the new number name = `${getNewName(name)}${incrementLastDigit(getLastDigit(name))}`; } } return name; } function updateFrontendSettings() { return getBackendSrv() .get('/api/frontend/settings') .then(settings => { config.datasources = settings.datasources; config.defaultDatasource = settings.defaultDatasource; getDatasourceSrv().init(); }); } function testDataSource(dispatch, name) { dispatch(setDataSourceTestingProgress(true)); getDatasourceSrv() .get(name) .then(dataSource => { if (!dataSource.testDatasource) { return; } // make test call in no backend cache context getBackendSrv() .withNoBackendCache(() => { return dataSource .testDatasource() .then(result => { dispatch(setDataSourceTestingSuccess(result.status, result.message)); }) .catch(err => { let message = ''; if (err.statusText) { message = 'HTTP Error ' + err.statusText; } else { message = err.message; } dispatch(setDataSourceTestingFail(message)); }); }) .finally(() => { dispatch(setDataSourceTestingProgress(false)); }); }); } function nameHasSuffix(name) { return name.endsWith('-', name.length - 1); } function getLastDigit(name) { return parseInt(name.slice(-1), 10); } function incrementLastDigit(digit) { return isNaN(digit) ? 1 : digit + 1; } function getNewName(name) { return name.slice(0, name.length - 1); }