module.exports = function(config,grunt) { var _c = { build: { options: { appDir: '<%= tempDir %>', dir: '<%= destDir %>', mainConfigFile: '<%= tempDir %>/app/components/require.config.js', modules: [], // populated below optimize: 'none', optimizeCss: 'none', optimizeAllPluginResources: false, paths: { config: '../config.sample' }, // fix, fallbacks need to be specified removeCombined: true, findNestedDependencies: true, normalizeDirDefines: 'all', inlineText: true, skipPragmas: true, done: function (done, output) { var duplicates = require('rjs-build-analysis').duplicates(output); if (duplicates.length > 0) { grunt.log.subhead('Duplicates found in requirejs build:'); grunt.log.warn(duplicates); done(new Error('r.js built duplicate modules, please check the excludes option.')); } done(); } } } }; // setup the modules require will build var requireModules = = [ { // main/common module name: 'app', include: [ 'css', 'kbn', 'text', 'jquery', 'angular', 'settings', 'bootstrap', 'modernizr', 'elasticjs', 'timepicker', 'datepicker', 'underscore', 'filters/all', 'jquery.flot', 'services/all', 'angular-strap', 'directives/all', 'jquery.flot.pie', 'angular-sanitize', 'angular-dragdrop' ] } ]; var fs = require('fs'); var panelPath = config.srcDir+'/app/panels' // create a module for each directory in src/app/panels/ fs.readdirSync(panelPath).forEach(function (panelName) { if(!grunt.file.exists(panelPath+'/'+panelName+'/module.js')) { fs.readdirSync(panelPath+"/"+panelName).forEach(function (subName) { requireModules.push({ name: 'panels/'+panelName+'/'+subName+'/module', exclude: ['app'] }); }) } else { requireModules.push({ name: 'panels/'+panelName+'/module', exclude: ['app'] }); } }); // exclude the literal config definition from all modules requireModules .forEach(function (module) { module.excludeShallow = module.excludeShallow || []; module.excludeShallow.push('config'); }); return _c; };