import React from 'react'; import { render, screen, fireEvent, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react'; import Wrapper from './Wrapper'; import { configureStore } from '../../store/configureStore'; import { Provider } from 'react-redux'; import { store } from '../../store/store'; import { setDataSourceSrv } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { ArrayDataFrame, DataQueryResponse, DataSourceApi, DataSourceInstanceSettings, FieldType, QueryEditorProps, ScopedVars, } from '@grafana/data'; import { selectors } from '@grafana/e2e-selectors'; import { setTimeSrv } from '../dashboard/services/TimeSrv'; import { from, Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { updateLocation } from '../../core/reducers/location'; import { LokiDatasource } from '../../plugins/datasource/loki/datasource'; import { LokiQuery } from '../../plugins/datasource/loki/types'; import { fromPairs } from 'lodash'; type Mock = jest.Mock; jest.mock('react-virtualized-auto-sizer', () => { return { __esModule: true, default(props: any) { return
{props.children({ width: 1000 })}
; }, }; }); describe('Wrapper', () => { it('shows warning if there are no data sources', async () => { setup({ datasources: [] }); // Will throw if isn't found screen.getByText(/Explore requires at least one data source/i); }); it('inits url and renders editor but does not call query on empty url', async () => { const { datasources } = setup(); // Wait for rendering the editor await screen.findByText(/Editor/i); // At this point url should be initialised to some defaults expect(store.getState().location.query).toEqual({ orgId: '1', left: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'loki', {}]), }); expect(datasources.loki.query).not.toBeCalled(); }); it('runs query when url contains query and renders results', async () => { const query = { left: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'loki', { expr: '{ label="value"}' }]) }; const { datasources } = setup({ query }); (datasources.loki.query as Mock).mockReturnValueOnce(makeLogsQueryResponse()); // Make sure we render the logs panel await screen.findByText(/^Logs$/i); // Make sure we render the log line await screen.findByText(/custom log line/i); // And that the editor gets the expr from the url await screen.findByText(`loki Editor input: { label="value"}`); // We did not change the url expect(store.getState().location.query).toEqual({ orgId: '1', ...query, }); expect(store.getState().explore.richHistory[0]).toMatchObject({ datasourceId: '1', datasourceName: 'loki', queries: [{ expr: '{ label="value"}' }], }); // We called the data source query method once expect(datasources.loki.query).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect((datasources.loki.query as Mock).mock.calls[0][0]).toMatchObject({ targets: [{ expr: '{ label="value"}' }], }); }); it('handles url change and runs the new query', async () => { const query = { left: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'loki', { expr: '{ label="value"}' }]) }; const { datasources } = setup({ query }); (datasources.loki.query as Mock).mockReturnValueOnce(makeLogsQueryResponse()); // Wait for rendering the logs await screen.findByText(/custom log line/i); (datasources.loki.query as Mock).mockReturnValueOnce(makeLogsQueryResponse('different log')); store.dispatch( updateLocation({ path: '/explore', query: { left: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'loki', { expr: '{ label="different"}' }]) }, }) ); // Editor renders the new query await screen.findByText(`loki Editor input: { label="different"}`); // Renders new response await screen.findByText(/different log/i); }); it('handles url change and runs the new query with different datasource', async () => { const query = { left: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'loki', { expr: '{ label="value"}' }]) }; const { datasources } = setup({ query }); (datasources.loki.query as Mock).mockReturnValueOnce(makeLogsQueryResponse()); // Wait for rendering the logs await screen.findByText(/custom log line/i); await screen.findByText(`loki Editor input: { label="value"}`); (datasources.elastic.query as Mock).mockReturnValueOnce(makeMetricsQueryResponse()); store.dispatch( updateLocation({ path: '/explore', query: { left: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'elastic', { expr: 'other query' }]) }, }) ); // Editor renders the new query await screen.findByText(`elastic Editor input: other query`); // Renders graph await screen.findByText(/Graph/i); }); it('handles changing the datasource manually', async () => { const query = { left: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'loki', { expr: '{ label="value"}' }]) }; const { datasources } = setup({ query }); (datasources.loki.query as Mock).mockReturnValueOnce(makeLogsQueryResponse()); // Wait for rendering the editor await screen.findByText(/Editor/i); await changeDatasource('elastic'); await screen.findByText('elastic Editor input:'); expect(datasources.elastic.query).not.toBeCalled(); expect(store.getState().location.query).toEqual({ orgId: '1', left: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'elastic', {}]), }); }); it('opens the split pane', async () => { const { datasources } = setup(); // Wait for rendering the editor const splitButton = await screen.findByText(/split/i);; const editors = await screen.findAllByText('loki Editor input:'); expect(editors.length).toBe(2); expect(datasources.loki.query).not.toBeCalled(); }); it('inits with two panes if specified in url', async () => { const query = { left: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'loki', { expr: '{ label="value"}' }]), right: JSON.stringify(['now-1h', 'now', 'elastic', { expr: 'error' }]), }; const { datasources } = setup({ query }); (datasources.loki.query as Mock).mockReturnValueOnce(makeLogsQueryResponse()); (datasources.elastic.query as Mock).mockReturnValueOnce(makeLogsQueryResponse()); // Make sure we render the logs panel await waitFor(() => { const logsPanels = screen.getAllByText(/^Logs$/i); expect(logsPanels.length).toBe(2); }); // Make sure we render the log line const logsLines = await screen.findAllByText(/custom log line/i); expect(logsLines.length).toBe(2); // And that the editor gets the expr from the url await screen.findByText(`loki Editor input: { label="value"}`); await screen.findByText(`elastic Editor input: error`); // We did not change the url expect(store.getState().location.query).toEqual({ orgId: '1', ...query, }); // We called the data source query method once expect(datasources.loki.query).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect((datasources.loki.query as Mock).mock.calls[0][0]).toMatchObject({ targets: [{ expr: '{ label="value"}' }], }); expect(datasources.elastic.query).toBeCalledTimes(1); expect((datasources.elastic.query as Mock).mock.calls[0][0]).toMatchObject({ targets: [{ expr: 'error' }], }); }); }); type DatasourceSetup = { settings: DataSourceInstanceSettings; api: DataSourceApi }; type SetupOptions = { datasources?: DatasourceSetup[]; query?: any; }; function setup(options?: SetupOptions): { datasources: { [name: string]: DataSourceApi } } { // Clear this up otherwise it persists data source selection // TODO: probably add test for that too window.localStorage.clear(); // Create this here so any mocks are recreated on setup and don't retain state const defaultDatasources: DatasourceSetup[] = [ makeDatasourceSetup(), makeDatasourceSetup({ name: 'elastic', id: 2 }), ]; const dsSettings = options?.datasources || defaultDatasources; setDataSourceSrv({ getList(): DataSourceInstanceSettings[] { return => d.settings); }, getInstanceSettings(name: string) { return => d.settings).find(x => === name); }, get(name?: string | null, scopedVars?: ScopedVars): Promise { return Promise.resolve((name ? dsSettings.find(d => === name) : dsSettings[0])!.api); }, } as any); setTimeSrv({ init() {}, getValidIntervals(intervals: string[]): string[] { return intervals; }, } as any); configureStore(); store.getState().user = { orgId: 1, timeZone: 'utc', }; if (options?.query) { // We have to dispatch cause right now we take the url state from the action not from the store store.dispatch(updateLocation({ query: options.query, path: '/explore' })); } render( ); return { datasources: fromPairs( => [, d.api])) }; } function makeDatasourceSetup({ name = 'loki', id = 1 }: { name?: string; id?: number } = {}): DatasourceSetup { const meta: any = { info: { logos: { small: '', }, }, id: id.toString(), }; return { settings: { id, uid: name, type: 'logs', name, meta, jsonData: {}, }, api: { components: { QueryEditor(props: QueryEditorProps) { return (
{name} Editor input: {props.query.expr}
); }, }, name: name, query: jest.fn(), meta, } as any, }; } function makeLogsQueryResponse(marker = ''): Observable { const df = new ArrayDataFrame([{ ts:, line: `custom log line ${marker}` }]); df.meta = { preferredVisualisationType: 'logs', }; df.fields[0].type = FieldType.time; return from([{ data: [df] }]); } function makeMetricsQueryResponse(): Observable { const df = new ArrayDataFrame([{ ts:, val: 1 }]); df.fields[0].type = FieldType.time; return from([{ data: [df] }]); } async function changeDatasource(name: string) { const datasourcePicker = (await screen.findByLabelText(selectors.components.DataSourcePicker.container)).children[0]; fireEvent.keyDown(datasourcePicker, { keyCode: 40 }); const option = screen.getByText(name);; }