import _ from 'lodash'; import Plain from 'slate-plain-serializer'; import QueryField from './query_field'; import debounce from 'lodash/debounce'; import { DOMUtil } from '@grafana/ui'; import { Editor as CoreEditor } from 'slate'; import { KEYWORDS, functionTokens, operatorTokens, grafanaMacros } from './kusto/kusto'; // import '../sass/editor.base.scss'; const TYPEAHEAD_DELAY = 100; interface Suggestion { text: string; deleteBackwards?: number; type?: string; } interface SuggestionGroup { label: string; items: Suggestion[]; prefixMatch?: boolean; skipFilter?: boolean; } interface KustoSchema { Databases: { Default?: KustoDBSchema; }; Plugins?: any[]; } interface KustoDBSchema { Name?: string; Functions?: any; Tables?: any; } const defaultSchema: any = () => ({ Databases: { Default: {}, }, }); const cleanText = (s: string) => s.replace(/[{}[\]="(),!~+\-*/^%]/g, '').trim(); const wrapText = (text: string) => ({ text }); export default class KustoQueryField extends QueryField { fields: any; events: any; schema: KustoSchema; constructor(props: any, context: any) { super(props, context); this.schema = defaultSchema(); this.onTypeahead = debounce(this.onTypeahead, TYPEAHEAD_DELAY); } componentDidMount() { super.componentDidMount(); this.fetchSchema(); } onTypeahead = (force = false) => { const selection = window.getSelection(); if (selection.anchorNode) { const wrapperNode = selection.anchorNode.parentElement; if (wrapperNode === null) { return; } const editorNode = wrapperNode.closest('.slate-query-field'); if (!editorNode || this.state.value.isBlurred) { // Not inside this editor return; } // DOM ranges const range = selection.getRangeAt(0); const text = selection.anchorNode.textContent; if (text === null) { return; } const offset = range.startOffset; let prefix = cleanText(text.substr(0, offset)); // Model ranges const modelOffset = this.state.value.anchorOffset; const modelPrefix = this.state.value.anchorText.text.slice(0, modelOffset); // Determine candidates by context let suggestionGroups: SuggestionGroup[] = []; const wrapperClasses = wrapperNode.classList; let typeaheadContext: string | null = null; // Built-in functions if (wrapperClasses.contains('function-context')) { typeaheadContext = 'context-function'; suggestionGroups = this.getColumnSuggestions(); // where } else if (modelPrefix.match(/(where\s(\w+\b)?$)/i)) { typeaheadContext = 'context-where'; suggestionGroups = this.getColumnSuggestions(); // summarize by } else if (modelPrefix.match(/(summarize\s(\w+\b)?$)/i)) { typeaheadContext = 'context-summarize'; suggestionGroups = this.getFunctionSuggestions(); } else if (modelPrefix.match(/(summarize\s(.+\s)?by\s+([^,\s]+,\s*)*([^,\s]+\b)?$)/i)) { typeaheadContext = 'context-summarize-by'; suggestionGroups = this.getColumnSuggestions(); // order by, top X by, ... by ... } else if (modelPrefix.match(/(by\s+([^,\s]+,\s*)*([^,\s]+\b)?$)/i)) { typeaheadContext = 'context-by'; suggestionGroups = this.getColumnSuggestions(); // join } else if (modelPrefix.match(/(on\s(.+\b)?$)/i)) { typeaheadContext = 'context-join-on'; suggestionGroups = this.getColumnSuggestions(); } else if (modelPrefix.match(/(join\s+(\(\s+)?(\w+\b)?$)/i)) { typeaheadContext = 'context-join'; suggestionGroups = this.getTableSuggestions(); // distinct } else if (modelPrefix.match(/(distinct\s(.+\b)?$)/i)) { typeaheadContext = 'context-distinct'; suggestionGroups = this.getColumnSuggestions(); // database() } else if (modelPrefix.match(/(database\(\"(\w+)\"\)\.(.+\b)?$)/i)) { typeaheadContext = 'context-database-table'; const db = this.getDBFromDatabaseFunction(modelPrefix); console.log(db); suggestionGroups = this.getTableSuggestions(db); prefix = prefix.replace('.', ''); // new } else if (normalizeQuery(Plain.serialize(this.state.value)).match(/^\s*\w*$/i)) { typeaheadContext = 'context-new'; if (this.schema) { suggestionGroups = this.getInitialSuggestions(); } else { this.fetchSchema(); setTimeout(this.onTypeahead, 0); return; } // built-in } else if (prefix && !wrapperClasses.contains('argument') && !force) { // Use only last typed word as a prefix for searching if (modelPrefix.match(/\s$/i)) { prefix = ''; return; } prefix = getLastWord(prefix); typeaheadContext = 'context-builtin'; suggestionGroups = this.getKeywordSuggestions(); } else if (force === true) { typeaheadContext = 'context-builtin-forced'; if (modelPrefix.match(/\s$/i)) { prefix = ''; } suggestionGroups = this.getKeywordSuggestions(); } let results = 0; prefix = prefix.toLowerCase(); const filteredSuggestions = suggestionGroups .map(group => { if (group.items && prefix && !group.skipFilter) { group.items = group.items.filter(c => c.text.length >= prefix.length); if (group.prefixMatch) { group.items = group.items.filter(c => c.text.toLowerCase().indexOf(prefix) === 0); } else { group.items = group.items.filter(c => c.text.toLowerCase().indexOf(prefix) > -1); } } results += group.items.length; return group; }) .filter(group => group.items.length > 0); // console.log('onTypeahead', selection.anchorNode, wrapperClasses, text, offset, prefix, typeaheadContext); // console.log('onTypeahead', prefix, typeaheadContext, force); this.setState({ typeaheadPrefix: prefix, typeaheadContext, typeaheadText: text, suggestions: results > 0 ? filteredSuggestions : [], }); } }; applyTypeahead = (editor: CoreEditor, suggestion: { text: any; type: string; deleteBackwards: any }): CoreEditor => { const { typeaheadPrefix, typeaheadContext, typeaheadText } = this.state; let suggestionText = suggestion.text || suggestion; const move = 0; // Modify suggestion based on context const nextChar = DOMUtil.getNextCharacter(); if (suggestion.type === 'function') { if (!nextChar || nextChar !== '(') { suggestionText += '('; } } else if (typeaheadContext === 'context-function') { if (!nextChar || nextChar !== ')') { suggestionText += ')'; } } else { if (!nextChar || nextChar !== ' ') { suggestionText += ' '; } } // Remove the current, incomplete text and replace it with the selected suggestion const backward = suggestion.deleteBackwards || typeaheadPrefix.length; const text = cleanText(typeaheadText); const suffixLength = text.length - typeaheadPrefix.length; const offset = typeaheadText.indexOf(typeaheadPrefix); const midWord = typeaheadPrefix && ((suffixLength > 0 && offset > -1) || suggestionText === typeaheadText); const forward = midWord ? suffixLength + offset : 0; this.resetTypeahead(() => editor .deleteBackward(backward) .deleteForward(forward) .insertText(suggestionText) .moveForward(move) .focus() ); return editor; }; // private _getFieldsSuggestions(): SuggestionGroup[] { // return [ // { // prefixMatch: true, // label: 'Fields', // items: // }, // { // prefixMatch: true, // label: 'Variables', // items: // } // ]; // } // private _getAfterFromSuggestions(): SuggestionGroup[] { // return [ // { // skipFilter: true, // label: 'Events', // items: // }, // { // prefixMatch: true, // label: 'Variables', // items: this.props.templateVariables // .map(wrapText) // .map(suggestion => { // suggestion.deleteBackwards = 0; // return suggestion; // }) // } // ]; // } // private _getAfterSelectSuggestions(): SuggestionGroup[] { // return [ // { // prefixMatch: true, // label: 'Fields', // items: // }, // { // prefixMatch: true, // label: 'Functions', // items: any) => { s.type = 'function'; return s; }) // }, // { // prefixMatch: true, // label: 'Variables', // items: // } // ]; // } private getInitialSuggestions(): SuggestionGroup[] { return this.getTableSuggestions(); } private getKeywordSuggestions(): SuggestionGroup[] { return [ { prefixMatch: true, label: 'Keywords', items:, }, { prefixMatch: true, label: 'Operators', items: operatorTokens, }, { prefixMatch: true, label: 'Functions', items: any) => { s.type = 'function'; return s; }), }, { prefixMatch: true, label: 'Macros', items: any) => { s.type = 'function'; return s; }), }, { prefixMatch: true, label: 'Tables', items:, (t: any) => ({ text: t.Name })), }, ]; } private getFunctionSuggestions(): SuggestionGroup[] { return [ { prefixMatch: true, label: 'Functions', items: any) => { s.type = 'function'; return s; }), }, { prefixMatch: true, label: 'Macros', items: any) => { s.type = 'function'; return s; }), }, ]; } getTableSuggestions(db = 'Default'): SuggestionGroup[] { // @ts-ignore if (this.schema.Databases[db]) { return [ { prefixMatch: true, label: 'Tables', // @ts-ignore items:[db].Tables, (t: any) => ({ text: t.Name })), }, ]; } else { return []; } } private getColumnSuggestions(): SuggestionGroup[] { const table = this.getTableFromContext(); if (table) { const tableSchema = this.schema.Databases.Default.Tables[table]; if (tableSchema) { return [ { prefixMatch: true, label: 'Fields', items:, (f: any) => ({ text: f.Name, hint: f.Type, })), }, ]; } } return []; } private getTableFromContext() { const query = Plain.serialize(this.state.value); const tablePattern = /^\s*(\w+)\s*|/g; const normalizedQuery = normalizeQuery(query); const match = tablePattern.exec(normalizedQuery); if (match && match.length > 1 && match[0] && match[1]) { return match[1]; } else { return null; } } private getDBFromDatabaseFunction(prefix: string) { const databasePattern = /database\(\"(\w+)\"\)/gi; const match = databasePattern.exec(prefix); if (match && match.length > 1 && match[0] && match[1]) { return match[1]; } else { return null; } } private async fetchSchema() { let schema = await this.props.getSchema(); if (schema) { if (schema.Type === 'AppInsights') { schema = castSchema(schema); } this.schema = schema; } else { this.schema = defaultSchema(); } } } /** * Cast schema from App Insights to default Kusto schema */ function castSchema(schema: any) { const defaultSchemaTemplate = defaultSchema(); defaultSchemaTemplate.Databases.Default = schema; return defaultSchemaTemplate; } function normalizeQuery(query: string): string { const commentPattern = /\/\/.*$/gm; let normalizedQuery = query.replace(commentPattern, ''); normalizedQuery = normalizedQuery.replace('\n', ' '); return normalizedQuery; } function getLastWord(str: string): string { const lastWordPattern = /(?:.*\s)?([^\s]+\s*)$/gi; const match = lastWordPattern.exec(str); if (match && match.length > 1) { return match[1]; } return ''; }