package api import ( "fmt" "strconv" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func ValidateOrgAlert(c *models.ReqContext) { id := c.ParamsInt64(":alertId") query := models.GetAlertByIdQuery{Id: id} if err := bus.Dispatch(&query); err != nil { c.JsonApiErr(404, "Alert not found", nil) return } if c.OrgId != query.Result.OrgId { c.JsonApiErr(403, "You are not allowed to edit/view alert", nil) return } } func GetAlertStatesForDashboard(c *models.ReqContext) Response { dashboardID := c.QueryInt64("dashboardId") if dashboardID == 0 { return Error(400, "Missing query parameter dashboardId", nil) } query := models.GetAlertStatesForDashboardQuery{ OrgId: c.OrgId, DashboardId: c.QueryInt64("dashboardId"), } if err := bus.Dispatch(&query); err != nil { return Error(500, "Failed to fetch alert states", err) } return JSON(200, query.Result) } // GET /api/alerts func GetAlerts(c *models.ReqContext) Response { dashboardQuery := c.Query("dashboardQuery") dashboardTags := c.QueryStrings("dashboardTag") stringDashboardIDs := c.QueryStrings("dashboardId") stringFolderIDs := c.QueryStrings("folderId") dashboardIDs := make([]int64, 0) for _, id := range stringDashboardIDs { dashboardID, err := strconv.ParseInt(id, 10, 64) if err == nil { dashboardIDs = append(dashboardIDs, dashboardID) } } if dashboardQuery != "" || len(dashboardTags) > 0 || len(stringFolderIDs) > 0 { folderIDs := make([]int64, 0) for _, id := range stringFolderIDs { folderID, err := strconv.ParseInt(id, 10, 64) if err == nil { folderIDs = append(folderIDs, folderID) } } searchQuery := search.Query{ Title: dashboardQuery, Tags: dashboardTags, SignedInUser: c.SignedInUser, Limit: 1000, OrgId: c.OrgId, DashboardIds: dashboardIDs, Type: string(search.DashHitDB), FolderIds: folderIDs, Permission: models.PERMISSION_VIEW, } err := bus.Dispatch(&searchQuery) if err != nil { return Error(500, "List alerts failed", err) } for _, d := range searchQuery.Result { if d.Type == search.DashHitDB && d.Id > 0 { dashboardIDs = append(dashboardIDs, d.Id) } } // if we didn't find any dashboards, return empty result if len(dashboardIDs) == 0 { return JSON(200, []*models.AlertListItemDTO{}) } } query := models.GetAlertsQuery{ OrgId: c.OrgId, DashboardIDs: dashboardIDs, PanelId: c.QueryInt64("panelId"), Limit: c.QueryInt64("limit"), User: c.SignedInUser, Query: c.Query("query"), } states := c.QueryStrings("state") if len(states) > 0 { query.State = states } if err := bus.Dispatch(&query); err != nil { return Error(500, "List alerts failed", err) } for _, alert := range query.Result { alert.Url = models.GetDashboardUrl(alert.DashboardUid, alert.DashboardSlug) } return JSON(200, query.Result) } // POST /api/alerts/test func AlertTest(c *models.ReqContext, dto dtos.AlertTestCommand) Response { if _, idErr := dto.Dashboard.Get("id").Int64(); idErr != nil { return Error(400, "The dashboard needs to be saved at least once before you can test an alert rule", nil) } backendCmd := alerting.AlertTestCommand{ OrgID: c.OrgId, Dashboard: dto.Dashboard, PanelID: dto.PanelId, User: c.SignedInUser, } if err := bus.Dispatch(&backendCmd); err != nil { if validationErr, ok := err.(alerting.ValidationError); ok { return Error(422, validationErr.Error(), nil) } if err == models.ErrDataSourceAccessDenied { return Error(403, "Access denied to datasource", err) } return Error(500, "Failed to test rule", err) } res := backendCmd.Result dtoRes := &dtos.AlertTestResult{ Firing: res.Firing, ConditionEvals: res.ConditionEvals, State: res.Rule.State, } if res.Error != nil { dtoRes.Error = res.Error.Error() } for _, log := range res.Logs { dtoRes.Logs = append(dtoRes.Logs, &dtos.AlertTestResultLog{Message: log.Message, Data: log.Data}) } for _, match := range res.EvalMatches { dtoRes.EvalMatches = append(dtoRes.EvalMatches, &dtos.EvalMatch{Metric: match.Metric, Value: match.Value}) } dtoRes.TimeMs = fmt.Sprintf("%1.3fms", res.GetDurationMs()) return JSON(200, dtoRes) } // GET /api/alerts/:id func GetAlert(c *models.ReqContext) Response { id := c.ParamsInt64(":alertId") query := models.GetAlertByIdQuery{Id: id} if err := bus.Dispatch(&query); err != nil { return Error(500, "List alerts failed", err) } return JSON(200, &query.Result) } func GetAlertNotifiers(c *models.ReqContext) Response { return JSON(200, alerting.GetNotifiers()) } func GetAlertNotificationLookup(c *models.ReqContext) Response { alertNotifications, err := getAlertNotificationsInternal(c) if err != nil { return Error(500, "Failed to get alert notifications", err) } result := make([]*dtos.AlertNotificationLookup, 0) for _, notification := range alertNotifications { result = append(result, dtos.NewAlertNotificationLookup(notification)) } return JSON(200, result) } func GetAlertNotifications(c *models.ReqContext) Response { alertNotifications, err := getAlertNotificationsInternal(c) if err != nil { return Error(500, "Failed to get alert notifications", err) } result := make([]*dtos.AlertNotification, 0) for _, notification := range alertNotifications { result = append(result, dtos.NewAlertNotification(notification)) } return JSON(200, result) } func getAlertNotificationsInternal(c *models.ReqContext) ([]*models.AlertNotification, error) { query := &models.GetAllAlertNotificationsQuery{OrgId: c.OrgId} if err := bus.Dispatch(query); err != nil { return nil, err } return query.Result, nil } func GetAlertNotificationByID(c *models.ReqContext) Response { query := &models.GetAlertNotificationsQuery{ OrgId: c.OrgId, Id: c.ParamsInt64("notificationId"), } if query.Id == 0 { return Error(404, "Alert notification not found", nil) } if err := bus.Dispatch(query); err != nil { return Error(500, "Failed to get alert notifications", err) } if query.Result == nil { return Error(404, "Alert notification not found", nil) } return JSON(200, dtos.NewAlertNotification(query.Result)) } func GetAlertNotificationByUID(c *models.ReqContext) Response { query := &models.GetAlertNotificationsWithUidQuery{ OrgId: c.OrgId, Uid: c.Params("uid"), } if query.Uid == "" { return Error(404, "Alert notification not found", nil) } if err := bus.Dispatch(query); err != nil { return Error(500, "Failed to get alert notifications", err) } if query.Result == nil { return Error(404, "Alert notification not found", nil) } return JSON(200, dtos.NewAlertNotification(query.Result)) } func CreateAlertNotification(c *models.ReqContext, cmd models.CreateAlertNotificationCommand) Response { cmd.OrgId = c.OrgId if err := bus.Dispatch(&cmd); err != nil { return Error(500, "Failed to create alert notification", err) } return JSON(200, dtos.NewAlertNotification(cmd.Result)) } func UpdateAlertNotification(c *models.ReqContext, cmd models.UpdateAlertNotificationCommand) Response { cmd.OrgId = c.OrgId if err := bus.Dispatch(&cmd); err != nil { return Error(500, "Failed to update alert notification", err) } if cmd.Result == nil { return Error(404, "Alert notification not found", nil) } return JSON(200, dtos.NewAlertNotification(cmd.Result)) } func UpdateAlertNotificationByUID(c *models.ReqContext, cmd models.UpdateAlertNotificationWithUidCommand) Response { cmd.OrgId = c.OrgId cmd.Uid = c.Params("uid") if err := bus.Dispatch(&cmd); err != nil { return Error(500, "Failed to update alert notification", err) } if cmd.Result == nil { return Error(404, "Alert notification not found", nil) } return JSON(200, dtos.NewAlertNotification(cmd.Result)) } func DeleteAlertNotification(c *models.ReqContext) Response { cmd := models.DeleteAlertNotificationCommand{ OrgId: c.OrgId, Id: c.ParamsInt64("notificationId"), } if err := bus.Dispatch(&cmd); err != nil { return Error(500, "Failed to delete alert notification", err) } return Success("Notification deleted") } func DeleteAlertNotificationByUID(c *models.ReqContext) Response { cmd := models.DeleteAlertNotificationWithUidCommand{ OrgId: c.OrgId, Uid: c.Params("uid"), } if err := bus.Dispatch(&cmd); err != nil { return Error(500, "Failed to delete alert notification", err) } return Success("Notification deleted") } //POST /api/alert-notifications/test func NotificationTest(c *models.ReqContext, dto dtos.NotificationTestCommand) Response { cmd := &alerting.NotificationTestCommand{ Name: dto.Name, Type: dto.Type, Settings: dto.Settings, } if err := bus.Dispatch(cmd); err != nil { if err == models.ErrSmtpNotEnabled { return Error(412, err.Error(), err) } return Error(500, "Failed to send alert notifications", err) } return Success("Test notification sent") } //POST /api/alerts/:alertId/pause func PauseAlert(c *models.ReqContext, dto dtos.PauseAlertCommand) Response { alertID := c.ParamsInt64("alertId") result := make(map[string]interface{}) result["alertId"] = alertID query := models.GetAlertByIdQuery{Id: alertID} if err := bus.Dispatch(&query); err != nil { return Error(500, "Get Alert failed", err) } guardian := guardian.New(query.Result.DashboardId, c.OrgId, c.SignedInUser) if canEdit, err := guardian.CanEdit(); err != nil || !canEdit { if err != nil { return Error(500, "Error while checking permissions for Alert", err) } return Error(403, "Access denied to this dashboard and alert", nil) } // Alert state validation if query.Result.State != models.AlertStatePaused && !dto.Paused { result["state"] = "un-paused" result["message"] = "Alert is already un-paused" return JSON(200, result) } else if query.Result.State == models.AlertStatePaused && dto.Paused { result["state"] = models.AlertStatePaused result["message"] = "Alert is already paused" return JSON(200, result) } cmd := models.PauseAlertCommand{ OrgId: c.OrgId, AlertIds: []int64{alertID}, Paused: dto.Paused, } if err := bus.Dispatch(&cmd); err != nil { return Error(500, "", err) } var response models.AlertStateType = models.AlertStateUnknown pausedState := "un-paused" if cmd.Paused { response = models.AlertStatePaused pausedState = "paused" } result["state"] = response result["message"] = "Alert " + pausedState return JSON(200, result) } //POST /api/admin/pause-all-alerts func PauseAllAlerts(c *models.ReqContext, dto dtos.PauseAllAlertsCommand) Response { updateCmd := models.PauseAllAlertCommand{ Paused: dto.Paused, } if err := bus.Dispatch(&updateCmd); err != nil { return Error(500, "Failed to pause alerts", err) } var response models.AlertStateType = models.AlertStatePending pausedState := "un paused" if updateCmd.Paused { response = models.AlertStatePaused pausedState = "paused" } result := map[string]interface{}{ "state": response, "message": "alerts " + pausedState, "alertsAffected": updateCmd.ResultCount, } return JSON(200, result) }