define([ 'angular', 'app', 'lodash', 'config' ], function (angular, app, _, config) { 'use strict'; var module = angular.module('grafana.controllers'); module.controller('RowCtrl', function($scope, $rootScope, $timeout) { var _d = { title: "Row", height: "150px", collapse: false, editable: true, panels: [], }; _.defaults($scope.row,_d); $scope.init = function() { $scope.editor = {index: 0}; $scope.reset_panel(); }; $scope.togglePanelMenu = function(posX) { $scope.showPanelMenu = !$scope.showPanelMenu; $scope.panelMenuPos = posX; }; $scope.toggle_row = function(row) { row.collapse = row.collapse ? false : true; if (!row.collapse) { $timeout(function() { $scope.$broadcast('render'); }); } }; $scope.add_panel = function(panel) { $scope.dashboard.add_panel(panel, $scope.row); }; $scope.delete_row = function() { $scope.appEvent('confirm-modal', { title: 'Are you sure you want to delete this row?', icon: 'fa-trash', yesText: 'delete', onConfirm: function() { $scope.dashboard.rows = _.without($scope.dashboard.rows, $scope.row); } }); }; $scope.move_row = function(direction) { var rowsList = $scope.dashboard.rows; var rowIndex = _.indexOf(rowsList, $scope.row); var newIndex = rowIndex + direction; if (newIndex >= 0 && newIndex <= (rowsList.length - 1)) { _.move(rowsList, rowIndex, rowIndex + direction); } }; $scope.add_panel_default = function(type) { $scope.reset_panel(type); $scope.add_panel($scope.panel); $timeout(function() { $scope.$broadcast('render'); }); }; $scope.set_height = function(height) { $scope.row.height = height; $scope.$broadcast('render'); }; $scope.removePanel = function(panel) { $scope.appEvent('confirm-modal', { title: 'Are you sure you want to remove this panel?', icon: 'fa-trash', yesText: 'Delete', onConfirm: function() { $scope.row.panels = _.without($scope.row.panels, panel); } }); }; $scope.updatePanelSpan = function(panel, span) { panel.span = Math.min(Math.max(panel.span + span, 1), 12); }; $scope.replacePanel = function(newPanel, oldPanel) { var row = $scope.row; var index = _.indexOf(row.panels, oldPanel); row.panels.splice(index, 1); // adding it back needs to be done in next digest $timeout(function() { =; newPanel.span = oldPanel.span; row.panels.splice(index, 0, newPanel); }); }; $scope.reset_panel = function(type) { var defaultSpan = 12; var _as = 12 - $scope.dashboard.rowSpan($scope.row); $scope.panel = { title: config.new_panel_title, error: false, span: _as < defaultSpan && _as > 0 ? _as : defaultSpan, editable: true, type: type }; function fixRowHeight(height) { if (!height) { return '200px'; } if (!_.isString(height)) { return height + 'px'; } return height; } $scope.row.height = fixRowHeight($scope.row.height); }; $scope.init(); }); module.directive('rowHeight', function() { return function(scope, element) { scope.$watchGroup(['row.collapse', 'row.height'], function() { element[0].style.minHeight = scope.row.collapse ? '5px' : scope.row.height; }); }; }); module.directive('panelWidth', function() { return function(scope, element) { function updateWidth() { element[0].style.width = ((scope.panel.span / 1.2) * 10) + '%'; } scope.$watch('panel.span', updateWidth); }; }); module.directive('panelDropZone', function() { return function(scope, element) { scope.$on("ANGULAR_DRAG_START", function() { var dropZoneSpan = 12 - scope.dashboard.rowSpan(scope.row); if (dropZoneSpan > 0) { element.find('.panel-container').css('height', scope.row.height); element[0].style.width = ((dropZoneSpan / 1.2) * 10) + '%';; } }); scope.$on("ANGULAR_DRAG_END", function() { element.hide(); }); }; }); });