import { css, cx } from '@emotion/css'; import { get, groupBy } from 'lodash'; import memoizeOne from 'memoize-one'; import React, { createRef } from 'react'; import { connect, ConnectedProps } from 'react-redux'; import AutoSizer from 'react-virtualized-auto-sizer'; import { Unsubscribable } from 'rxjs'; import { AbsoluteTimeRange, GrafanaTheme2, LoadingState, QueryFixAction, RawTimeRange, EventBus, SplitOpenOptions, SupplementaryQueryType, hasToggleableQueryFiltersSupport, } from '@grafana/data'; import { selectors } from '@grafana/e2e-selectors'; import { config, getDataSourceSrv, reportInteraction } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { DataQuery } from '@grafana/schema'; import { CustomScrollbar, ErrorBoundaryAlert, Themeable2, withTheme2, PanelContainer, AdHocFilterItem, } from '@grafana/ui'; import { FILTER_FOR_OPERATOR, FILTER_OUT_OPERATOR } from '@grafana/ui/src/components/Table/types'; import appEvents from 'app/core/app_events'; import { supportedFeatures } from 'app/core/history/richHistoryStorageProvider'; import { MIXED_DATASOURCE_NAME } from 'app/plugins/datasource/mixed/MixedDataSource'; import { getNodeGraphDataFrames } from 'app/plugins/panel/nodeGraph/utils'; import { StoreState } from 'app/types'; import { AbsoluteTimeEvent } from 'app/types/events'; import { getTimeZone } from '../profile/state/selectors'; import { CustomContainer } from './CustomContainer'; import ExploreQueryInspector from './ExploreQueryInspector'; import { ExploreToolbar } from './ExploreToolbar'; import { FlameGraphExploreContainer } from './FlameGraph/FlameGraphExploreContainer'; import { GraphContainer } from './Graph/GraphContainer'; import LogsContainer from './Logs/LogsContainer'; import { LogsSamplePanel } from './Logs/LogsSamplePanel'; import { NoData } from './NoData'; import { NoDataSourceCallToAction } from './NoDataSourceCallToAction'; import { NodeGraphContainer } from './NodeGraph/NodeGraphContainer'; import { QueryRows } from './QueryRows'; import RawPrometheusContainer from './RawPrometheus/RawPrometheusContainer'; import { ResponseErrorContainer } from './ResponseErrorContainer'; import RichHistoryContainer from './RichHistory/RichHistoryContainer'; import { SecondaryActions } from './SecondaryActions'; import TableContainer from './Table/TableContainer'; import { TraceViewContainer } from './TraceView/TraceViewContainer'; import { changeSize } from './state/explorePane'; import { splitOpen } from './state/main'; import { addQueryRow, modifyQueries, scanStart, scanStopAction, selectIsWaitingForData, setQueries, setSupplementaryQueryEnabled, } from './state/query'; import { isSplit } from './state/selectors'; import { makeAbsoluteTime, updateTimeRange } from './state/time'; const getStyles = (theme: GrafanaTheme2) => { return { exploreMain: css` label: exploreMain; // Is needed for some transition animations to work. position: relative; margin-top: 21px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; gap: ${theme.spacing(1)}; `, queryContainer: css` label: queryContainer; // Need to override normal css class and don't want to count on ordering of the classes in html. height: auto !important; flex: unset !important; display: unset !important; padding: ${theme.spacing(1)}; `, exploreContainer: css` display: flex; flex: 1 1 auto; flex-direction: column; padding: ${theme.spacing(2)}; padding-top: 0; `, }; }; export interface ExploreProps extends Themeable2 { exploreId: string; theme: GrafanaTheme2; eventBus: EventBus; } enum ExploreDrawer { RichHistory, QueryInspector, } interface ExploreState { openDrawer?: ExploreDrawer; } export type Props = ExploreProps & ConnectedProps; /** * Explore provides an area for quick query iteration for a given datasource. * Once a datasource is selected it populates the query section at the top. * When queries are run, their results are being displayed in the main section. * The datasource determines what kind of query editor it brings, and what kind * of results viewers it supports. The state is managed entirely in Redux. * * SPLIT VIEW * * Explore can have two Explore areas side-by-side. This is handled in `Wrapper.tsx`. * Since there can be multiple Explores (e.g., left and right) each action needs * the `exploreId` as first parameter so that the reducer knows which Explore state * is affected. * * DATASOURCE REQUESTS * * A click on Run Query creates transactions for all DataQueries for all expanded * result viewers. New runs are discarding previous runs. Upon completion a transaction * saves the result. The result viewers construct their data from the currently existing * transactions. * * The result viewers determine some of the query options sent to the datasource, e.g., * `format`, to indicate eventual transformations by the datasources' result transformers. */ export class Explore extends React.PureComponent { scrollElement: HTMLDivElement | undefined; absoluteTimeUnsubsciber: Unsubscribable | undefined; topOfViewRef = createRef(); graphEventBus: EventBus; logsEventBus: EventBus; constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.state = { openDrawer: undefined, }; this.graphEventBus = props.eventBus.newScopedBus('graph', { onlyLocal: false }); this.logsEventBus = props.eventBus.newScopedBus('logs', { onlyLocal: false }); } componentDidMount() { this.absoluteTimeUnsubsciber = appEvents.subscribe(AbsoluteTimeEvent, this.onMakeAbsoluteTime); } componentWillUnmount() { this.absoluteTimeUnsubsciber?.unsubscribe(); } onChangeTime = (rawRange: RawTimeRange) => { const { updateTimeRange, exploreId } = this.props; updateTimeRange({ exploreId, rawRange }); }; // Use this in help pages to set page to a single query onClickExample = (query: DataQuery) => { this.props.setQueries(this.props.exploreId, [query]); }; onCellFilterAdded = (filter: AdHocFilterItem) => { const { value, key, operator } = filter; if (operator === FILTER_FOR_OPERATOR) { this.onClickFilterLabel(key, value); } if (operator === FILTER_OUT_OPERATOR) { this.onClickFilterOutLabel(key, value); } }; /** * Used by Logs details. * Returns true if all queries have the filter, otherwise false. * TODO: In the future, we would like to return active filters based the query that produced the log line. * @alpha */ isFilterLabelActive = async (key: string, value: string) => { if (!config.featureToggles.toggleLabelsInLogsUI) { return false; } if (this.props.queries.length === 0) { return false; } for (const query of this.props.queries) { const ds = await getDataSourceSrv().get(query.datasource); if (!hasToggleableQueryFiltersSupport(ds)) { return false; } if (!ds.queryHasFilter(query, { key, value })) { return false; } } return true; }; /** * Used by Logs details. */ onClickFilterLabel = (key: string, value: string) => { this.onModifyQueries({ type: 'ADD_FILTER', options: { key, value } }); }; /** * Used by Logs details. */ onClickFilterOutLabel = (key: string, value: string) => { this.onModifyQueries({ type: 'ADD_FILTER_OUT', options: { key, value } }); }; onClickAddQueryRowButton = () => { const { exploreId, queryKeys } = this.props; this.props.addQueryRow(exploreId, queryKeys.length); }; onMakeAbsoluteTime = () => { const { makeAbsoluteTime } = this.props; makeAbsoluteTime(); }; /** * Used by Logs details. */ onModifyQueries = (action: QueryFixAction) => { const modifier = async (query: DataQuery, modification: QueryFixAction) => { const { datasource } = query; if (datasource == null) { return query; } const ds = await getDataSourceSrv().get(datasource); if (hasToggleableQueryFiltersSupport(ds) && config.featureToggles.toggleLabelsInLogsUI) { return ds.toggleQueryFilter(query, { type: modification.type === 'ADD_FILTER' ? 'FILTER_FOR' : 'FILTER_OUT', options: modification.options ?? {}, }); } if (ds.modifyQuery) { return ds.modifyQuery(query, modification); } else { return query; } }; this.props.modifyQueries(this.props.exploreId, action, modifier); }; onResize = (size: { height: number; width: number }) => { this.props.changeSize(this.props.exploreId, size); }; onStartScanning = () => { // Scanner will trigger a query this.props.scanStart(this.props.exploreId); }; onStopScanning = () => { this.props.scanStopAction({ exploreId: this.props.exploreId }); }; onUpdateTimeRange = (absoluteRange: AbsoluteTimeRange) => { const { exploreId, updateTimeRange } = this.props; updateTimeRange({ exploreId, absoluteRange }); }; toggleShowRichHistory = () => { this.setState((state) => { return { openDrawer: state.openDrawer === ExploreDrawer.RichHistory ? undefined : ExploreDrawer.RichHistory, }; }); }; toggleShowQueryInspector = () => { this.setState((state) => { return { openDrawer: state.openDrawer === ExploreDrawer.QueryInspector ? undefined : ExploreDrawer.QueryInspector, }; }); }; onSplitOpen = (panelType: string) => { return async (options?: SplitOpenOptions) => { this.props.splitOpen(options); if (options && this.props.datasourceInstance) { const target = (await getDataSourceSrv().get(options.datasourceUid)).type; const source = this.props.datasourceInstance.uid === MIXED_DATASOURCE_NAME ? get(this.props.queries, '0.datasource.type') : this.props.datasourceInstance.type; const tracking = { origin: 'panel', panelType, source, target, exploreId: this.props.exploreId, }; reportInteraction('grafana_explore_split_view_opened', tracking); } }; }; renderEmptyState(exploreContainerStyles: string) { return (
); } renderNoData() { return ; } renderCustom(width: number) { const { timeZone, queryResponse, absoluteRange, eventBus } = this.props; const groupedByPlugin = groupBy(queryResponse?.customFrames, 'meta.preferredVisualisationPluginId'); return Object.entries(groupedByPlugin).map(([pluginId, frames], index) => { return ( ); }); } renderGraphPanel(width: number) { const { graphResult, absoluteRange, timeZone, queryResponse, showFlameGraph } = this.props; return ( ); } renderTablePanel(width: number) { const { exploreId, timeZone } = this.props; return ( ); } renderRawPrometheus(width: number) { const { exploreId, datasourceInstance, timeZone } = this.props; return ( ); } renderLogsPanel(width: number) { const { exploreId, syncedTimes, theme, queryResponse } = this.props; const spacing = parseInt(theme.spacing(2).slice(0, -2), 10); return ( ); } renderLogsSamplePanel() { const { logsSample, timeZone, setSupplementaryQueryEnabled, exploreId, datasourceInstance, queries } = this.props; return ( setSupplementaryQueryEnabled(exploreId, enabled, SupplementaryQueryType.LogsSample) } /> ); } renderNodeGraphPanel() { const { exploreId, showTrace, queryResponse, datasourceInstance } = this.props; const datasourceType = datasourceInstance ? datasourceInstance?.type : 'unknown'; return ( ); } memoizedGetNodeGraphDataFrames = memoizeOne(getNodeGraphDataFrames); renderFlameGraphPanel() { const { queryResponse } = this.props; return ; } renderTraceViewPanel() { const { queryResponse, exploreId } = this.props; const dataFrames = queryResponse.series.filter((series) => series.meta?.preferredVisualisationType === 'trace'); return ( // If there is no data (like 404) we show a separate error so no need to show anything here dataFrames.length && ( ) ); } render() { const { datasourceInstance, exploreId, graphResult, queryResponse, isLive, theme, showMetrics, showTable, showRawPrometheus, showLogs, showTrace, showCustom, showNodeGraph, showFlameGraph, timeZone, showLogsSample, } = this.props; const { openDrawer } = this.state; const styles = getStyles(theme); const showPanels = queryResponse && queryResponse.state !== LoadingState.NotStarted; const showRichHistory = openDrawer === ExploreDrawer.RichHistory; const richHistoryRowButtonHidden = !supportedFeatures().queryHistoryAvailable; const showQueryInspector = openDrawer === ExploreDrawer.QueryInspector; const showNoData = queryResponse.state === LoadingState.Done && [ queryResponse.logsFrames, queryResponse.graphFrames, queryResponse.nodeGraphFrames, queryResponse.flameGraphFrames, queryResponse.tableFrames, queryResponse.rawPrometheusFrames, queryResponse.traceFrames, queryResponse.customFrames, ].every((e) => e.length === 0); return ( (this.scrollElement = scrollElement || undefined)} > {datasourceInstance ? (
{({ width }) => { if (width === 0) { return null; } return (
{showPanels && ( <> {showMetrics && graphResult && ( {this.renderGraphPanel(width)} )} {showRawPrometheus && ( {this.renderRawPrometheus(width)} )} {showTable && {this.renderTablePanel(width)}} {showLogs && {this.renderLogsPanel(width)}} {showNodeGraph && {this.renderNodeGraphPanel()}} {showFlameGraph && {this.renderFlameGraphPanel()}} {showTrace && {this.renderTraceViewPanel()}} {showLogsSample && {this.renderLogsSamplePanel()}} {showCustom && {this.renderCustom(width)}} {showNoData && {this.renderNoData()}} )} {showRichHistory && ( )} {showQueryInspector && ( )}
); }}
) : ( this.renderEmptyState(styles.exploreContainer) )}
); } } function mapStateToProps(state: StoreState, { exploreId }: ExploreProps) { const explore = state.explore; const { syncedTimes } = explore; const item = explore.panes[exploreId]!; const timeZone = getTimeZone(state.user); const { datasourceInstance, queryKeys, queries, isLive, graphResult, tableResult, logsResult, showLogs, showMetrics, showTable, showTrace, showCustom, absoluteRange, queryResponse, showNodeGraph, showFlameGraph, showRawPrometheus, supplementaryQueries, } = item; const loading = selectIsWaitingForData(exploreId)(state); const logsSample = supplementaryQueries[SupplementaryQueryType.LogsSample]; // We want to show logs sample only if there are no log results and if there is already graph or table result const showLogsSample = !!(logsSample.dataProvider !== undefined && !logsResult && (graphResult || tableResult)); return { datasourceInstance, queryKeys, queries, isLive, graphResult, logsResult: logsResult ?? undefined, absoluteRange, queryResponse, syncedTimes, timeZone, showLogs, showMetrics, showTable, showTrace, showCustom, showNodeGraph, showRawPrometheus, showFlameGraph, splitted: isSplit(state), loading, logsSample, showLogsSample, }; } const mapDispatchToProps = { changeSize, modifyQueries, scanStart, scanStopAction, setQueries, updateTimeRange, makeAbsoluteTime, addQueryRow, splitOpen, setSupplementaryQueryEnabled, }; const connector = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps); export default withTheme2(connector(Explore));