import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { TimeRange, TimeZone, RawTimeRange, dateTimeForTimeZone, dateMath } from '@grafana/data'; import { reportInteraction } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { TimePickerWithHistory } from 'app/core/components/TimePicker/TimePickerWithHistory'; import { getShiftedTimeRange, getZoomedTimeRange } from 'app/core/utils/timePicker'; import { TimeSyncButton } from './TimeSyncButton'; export interface Props { exploreId: string; hideText?: boolean; range: TimeRange; timeZone: TimeZone; fiscalYearStartMonth: number; splitted: boolean; syncedTimes: boolean; onChangeTimeSync: () => void; onChangeTime: (range: RawTimeRange) => void; onChangeTimeZone: (timeZone: TimeZone) => void; onChangeFiscalYearStartMonth: (fiscalYearStartMonth: number) => void; } export class ExploreTimeControls extends Component { onMoveTimePicker = (direction: number) => { const { range, onChangeTime, timeZone } = this.props; const { from, to } = getShiftedTimeRange(direction, range); const nextTimeRange = { from: dateTimeForTimeZone(timeZone, from), to: dateTimeForTimeZone(timeZone, to), }; onChangeTime(nextTimeRange); }; onMoveForward = () => this.onMoveTimePicker(1); onMoveBack = () => this.onMoveTimePicker(-1); onChangeTimePicker = (timeRange: TimeRange) => { const adjustedFrom = dateMath.isMathString(timeRange.raw.from) ? timeRange.raw.from : timeRange.from; const adjustedTo = dateMath.isMathString( ? :; this.props.onChangeTime({ from: adjustedFrom, to: adjustedTo, }); reportInteraction('grafana_explore_time_picker_time_range_changed', { timeRangeFrom: adjustedFrom, timeRangeTo: adjustedTo, }); }; onZoom = () => { const { range, onChangeTime, timeZone } = this.props; const { from, to } = getZoomedTimeRange(range, 2); const nextTimeRange = { from: dateTimeForTimeZone(timeZone, from), to: dateTimeForTimeZone(timeZone, to), }; onChangeTime(nextTimeRange); }; render() { const { range, timeZone, fiscalYearStartMonth, splitted, syncedTimes, onChangeTimeSync, hideText, onChangeTimeZone, onChangeFiscalYearStartMonth, } = this.props; const timeSyncButton = splitted ? : undefined; const timePickerCommonProps = { value: range, timeZone, fiscalYearStartMonth, onMoveBackward: this.onMoveBack, onMoveForward: this.onMoveForward, onZoom: this.onZoom, hideText, }; return ( ); } }