import { e2e } from '../utils'; describe('Dashboard templating', () => { beforeEach(() => { e2e.flows.login(Cypress.env('USERNAME'), Cypress.env('PASSWORD')); }); it('Verify variable interpolation works', () => { // Open dashboard global variables and interpolation e2e.flows.openDashboard({ uid: 'HYaGDGIMk' }); const timeZone = Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone; const example = `Example: from=now-6h&to=now&timezone=${encodeURIComponent(timeZone)}`; const items: string[] = []; const expectedItems: string[] = [ '__dashboard = Templating - Global variables and interpolation', ' = Templating - Global variables and interpolation', '__dashboard.uid = HYaGDGIMk', ' = Main Org.', ' = 1', ' = 1', '__user.login = admin', ' = admin@localhost', `Server:raw = A'A"A,BB\\B,CCC`, `Server:regex = (A'A"A|BB\\\\B|CCC)`, `Server:lucene = ("A'A\\"A" OR "BB\\\\B" OR "CCC")`, `Server:glob = {A'A"A,BB\\B,CCC}`, `Server:pipe = A'A"A|BB\\B|CCC`, `Server:distributed = A'A"A,Server=BB\\B,Server=CCC`, `Server:csv = A'A"A,BB\\B,CCC`, `Server:html = A'A"A, BB\\B, CCC`, `Server:json = ["A'A\\"A","BB\\\\B","CCC"]`, `Server:percentencode = %7BA%27A%22A%2CBB%5CB%2CCCC%7D`, `Server:singlequote = 'A\\'A"A','BB\\B','CCC'`, `Server:doublequote = "A'A\\"A","BB\\B","CCC"`, `Server:sqlstring = 'A''A\\"A','BB\\\B','CCC'`, `Server:date = NaN`, `Server:text = All`, `Server:queryparam = var-Server=$__all`, `1 < 2`, example, ]; cy.get('.markdown-html li') .should('have.length', 26) .each((element) => { items.push(element.text()); }) .then(() => { expectedItems.forEach((expected, index) => { expect(items[index]).to.equal(expected); }); }); // Check link interpolation is working correctly cy.contains('a', example).should( 'have.attr', 'href', `${encodeURIComponent(timeZone)}` ); }); });