import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { LinkButton, FilterInput, VerticalGroup, HorizontalGroup, Pagination } from '@grafana/ui'; import EmptyListCTA from 'app/core/components/EmptyListCTA/EmptyListCTA'; import { Page } from 'app/core/components/Page/Page'; import { fetchRoleOptions } from 'app/core/components/RolePicker/api'; import { config } from 'app/core/config'; import { contextSrv, User } from 'app/core/services/context_srv'; import { AccessControlAction, Role, StoreState, Team } from 'app/types'; import { connectWithCleanUp } from '../../core/components/connectWithCleanUp'; import { TeamListRow } from './TeamListRow'; import { deleteTeam, loadTeams, changePage, changeQuery } from './state/actions'; import { initialTeamsState } from './state/reducers'; import { isPermissionTeamAdmin } from './state/selectors'; export interface Props { teams: Team[]; page: number; query: string; noTeams: boolean; totalPages: number; hasFetched: boolean; loadTeams: typeof loadTeams; deleteTeam: typeof deleteTeam; changePage: typeof changePage; changeQuery: typeof changeQuery; editorsCanAdmin: boolean; signedInUser: User; } export interface State { roleOptions: Role[]; } export const TeamList = ({ teams, page, query, noTeams, totalPages, hasFetched, loadTeams, deleteTeam, changeQuery, changePage, signedInUser, editorsCanAdmin, }: Props) => { const [roleOptions, setRoleOptions] = useState([]); useEffect(() => { loadTeams(true); }, [loadTeams]); useEffect(() => { if (contextSrv.licensedAccessControlEnabled() && contextSrv.hasPermission(AccessControlAction.ActionRolesList)) { fetchRoleOptions().then((roles) => setRoleOptions(roles)); } }, []); const canCreate = canCreateTeam(editorsCanAdmin); const displayRolePicker = shouldDisplayRolePicker(); return ( {noTeams ? ( ) : ( <>
New Team
{displayRolePicker && } { => ( ))}
Name Email MembersRoles
); }; function canCreateTeam(editorsCanAdmin: boolean): boolean { const teamAdmin = contextSrv.hasRole('Admin') || (editorsCanAdmin && contextSrv.hasRole('Editor')); return contextSrv.hasAccess(AccessControlAction.ActionTeamsCreate, teamAdmin); } function shouldDisplayRolePicker(): boolean { return ( contextSrv.licensedAccessControlEnabled() && contextSrv.hasPermission(AccessControlAction.ActionTeamsRolesList) && contextSrv.hasPermission(AccessControlAction.ActionRolesList) ); } function mapStateToProps(state: StoreState) { return { teams: state.teams.teams, page:, query: state.teams.query, perPage: state.teams.perPage, noTeams: state.teams.noTeams, totalPages: state.teams.totalPages, hasFetched: state.teams.hasFetched, editorsCanAdmin: config.editorsCanAdmin, // this makes the feature toggle mockable/controllable from tests, signedInUser: contextSrv.user, // this makes the feature toggle mockable/controllable from tests, }; } const mapDispatchToProps = { loadTeams, deleteTeam, changePage, changeQuery, }; export default connectWithCleanUp( mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps, (state) => (state.teams = initialTeamsState) )(TeamList);