import { DecimalCount, deprecationWarning, formattedValueToString, getValueFormat, getValueFormats, getValueFormatterIndex, stringToJsRegex, TimeRange, ValueFormatterIndex, } from '@grafana/data'; import { has } from 'lodash'; const kbn = { valueFormats: {} as ValueFormatterIndex, intervalRegex: /(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)(ms|[Mwdhmsy])/, intervalsInSeconds: { y: 31536000, M: 2592000, w: 604800, d: 86400, h: 3600, m: 60, s: 1, ms: 0.001, } as { [index: string]: number }, regexEscape: (value: string) => value.replace(/[\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}\/]/g, '\\$&'), roundInterval: (interval: number) => { switch (true) { // 0.015s case interval < 15: return 10; // 0.01s // 0.035s case interval < 35: return 20; // 0.02s // 0.075s case interval < 75: return 50; // 0.05s // 0.15s case interval < 150: return 100; // 0.1s // 0.35s case interval < 350: return 200; // 0.2s // 0.75s case interval < 750: return 500; // 0.5s // 1.5s case interval < 1500: return 1000; // 1s // 3.5s case interval < 3500: return 2000; // 2s // 7.5s case interval < 7500: return 5000; // 5s // 12.5s case interval < 12500: return 10000; // 10s // 17.5s case interval < 17500: return 15000; // 15s // 25s case interval < 25000: return 20000; // 20s // 45s case interval < 45000: return 30000; // 30s // 1.5m case interval < 90000: return 60000; // 1m // 3.5m case interval < 210000: return 120000; // 2m // 7.5m case interval < 450000: return 300000; // 5m // 12.5m case interval < 750000: return 600000; // 10m // 12.5m case interval < 1050000: return 900000; // 15m // 25m case interval < 1500000: return 1200000; // 20m // 45m case interval < 2700000: return 1800000; // 30m // 1.5h case interval < 5400000: return 3600000; // 1h // 2.5h case interval < 9000000: return 7200000; // 2h // 4.5h case interval < 16200000: return 10800000; // 3h // 9h case interval < 32400000: return 21600000; // 6h // 1d case interval < 86400000: return 43200000; // 12h // 1w case interval < 604800000: return 86400000; // 1d // 3w case interval < 1814400000: return 604800000; // 1w // 6w case interval < 3628800000: return 2592000000; // 30d default: return 31536000000; // 1y } }, secondsToHms: (seconds: number) => { const numYears = Math.floor(seconds / 31536000); if (numYears) { return numYears + 'y'; } const numDays = Math.floor((seconds % 31536000) / 86400); if (numDays) { return numDays + 'd'; } const numHours = Math.floor(((seconds % 31536000) % 86400) / 3600); if (numHours) { return numHours + 'h'; } const numMinutes = Math.floor((((seconds % 31536000) % 86400) % 3600) / 60); if (numMinutes) { return numMinutes + 'm'; } const numSeconds = Math.floor((((seconds % 31536000) % 86400) % 3600) % 60); if (numSeconds) { return numSeconds + 's'; } const numMilliseconds = Math.floor(seconds * 1000.0); if (numMilliseconds) { return numMilliseconds + 'ms'; } return 'less than a millisecond'; //'just now' //or other string you like; }, secondsToHhmmss: (seconds: number) => { const strings: string[] = []; const numHours = Math.floor(seconds / 3600); const numMinutes = Math.floor((seconds % 3600) / 60); const numSeconds = Math.floor((seconds % 3600) % 60); numHours > 9 ? strings.push('' + numHours) : strings.push('0' + numHours); numMinutes > 9 ? strings.push('' + numMinutes) : strings.push('0' + numMinutes); numSeconds > 9 ? strings.push('' + numSeconds) : strings.push('0' + numSeconds); return strings.join(':'); }, toPercent: (nr: number, outOf: number) => Math.floor((nr / outOf) * 10000) / 100 + '%', addSlashes: (str: string) => { str = str.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\'); str = str.replace(/\'/g, "\\'"); str = str.replace(/\"/g, '\\"'); str = str.replace(/\0/g, '\\0'); return str; }, describeInterval: (str: string) => { // Default to seconds if no unit is provided if (Number(str)) { return { sec: kbn.intervalsInSeconds.s, type: 's', count: parseInt(str, 10), }; } const matches = str.match(kbn.intervalRegex); if (!matches || !has(kbn.intervalsInSeconds, matches[2])) { throw new Error( `Invalid interval string, has to be either unit-less or end with one of the following units: "${Object.keys( kbn.intervalsInSeconds ).join(', ')}"` ); } else { return { sec: kbn.intervalsInSeconds[matches[2]], type: matches[2], count: parseInt(matches[1], 10), }; } }, intervalToSeconds: (str: string): number => { const info = kbn.describeInterval(str); return info.sec * info.count; }, intervalToMs: (str: string) => { const info = kbn.describeInterval(str); return info.sec * 1000 * info.count; }, calculateInterval: (range: TimeRange, resolution: number, lowLimitInterval?: string) => { let lowLimitMs = 1; // 1 millisecond default low limit let intervalMs; if (lowLimitInterval) { if (lowLimitInterval[0] === '>') { lowLimitInterval = lowLimitInterval.slice(1); } lowLimitMs = kbn.intervalToMs(lowLimitInterval); } intervalMs = kbn.roundInterval(( - range.from.valueOf()) / resolution); if (lowLimitMs > intervalMs) { intervalMs = lowLimitMs; } return { intervalMs: intervalMs, interval: kbn.secondsToHms(intervalMs / 1000), }; }, queryColorDot: (color: string, diameter: string) => { return ( '
' ); }, slugifyForUrl: (str: string) => { return str .toLowerCase() .replace(/[^\w ]+/g, '') .replace(/ +/g, '-'); }, /** deprecated since 6.1, use grafana/data */ stringToJsRegex: (str: string) => { deprecationWarning('kbn.ts', 'kbn.stringToJsRegex()', '@grafana/data'); return stringToJsRegex(str); }, toFixed: (value: number | null, decimals: number) => { if (value === null) { return ''; } const factor = decimals ? Math.pow(10, Math.max(0, decimals)) : 1; const formatted = String(Math.round(value * factor) / factor); // if exponent return directly if (formatted.indexOf('e') !== -1 || value === 0) { return formatted; } // If tickDecimals was specified, ensure that we have exactly that // much precision; otherwise default to the value's own precision. if (decimals != null) { const decimalPos = formatted.indexOf('.'); const precision = decimalPos === -1 ? 0 : formatted.length - decimalPos - 1; if (precision < decimals) { return (precision ? formatted : formatted + '.') + String(factor).substr(1, decimals - precision); } } return formatted; }, toFixedScaled: ( value: number, decimals: number, scaledDecimals: number | null, additionalDecimals: number, ext: number ) => { if (scaledDecimals === null) { return kbn.toFixed(value, decimals) + ext; } else { return kbn.toFixed(value, scaledDecimals + additionalDecimals) + ext; } }, roundValue: (num: number, decimals: number) => { if (num === null) { return null; } const n = Math.pow(10, decimals); const formatted = (n * num).toFixed(decimals); return Math.round(parseFloat(formatted)) / n; }, // FORMAT MENU getUnitFormats: getValueFormats, }; /** * Backward compatible layer for value formats to support old plugins */ if (typeof Proxy !== 'undefined') { kbn.valueFormats = new Proxy(kbn.valueFormats, { get(target, name, receiver) { if (typeof name !== 'string') { throw { message: `Value format ${String(name)} is not a string` }; } const formatter = getValueFormat(name); if (formatter) { // Return the results as a simple string return (value: number, decimals?: DecimalCount, scaledDecimals?: DecimalCount, isUtc?: boolean) => { return formattedValueToString(formatter(value, decimals, scaledDecimals, isUtc ? 'utc' : 'browser')); }; } // default to look here return Reflect.get(target, name, receiver); }, }); } else { kbn.valueFormats = getValueFormatterIndex(); } export default kbn;