package sqlstore import ( "fmt" "testing" "" m "" . "" ) func TestAlertNotificationSQLAccess(t *testing.T) { Convey("Testing Alert notification sql access", t, func() { InitTestDB(t) var err error Convey("Alert notifications should be empty", func() { cmd := &m.GetAlertNotificationsQuery{ OrgId: 2, Name: "email", } err := GetAlertNotifications(cmd) fmt.Printf("errror %v", err) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(cmd.Result, ShouldBeNil) }) Convey("Can save Alert Notification", func() { cmd := &m.CreateAlertNotificationCommand{ Name: "ops", Type: "email", OrgId: 1, Settings: simplejson.New(), } err = CreateAlertNotificationCommand(cmd) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(cmd.Result.Id, ShouldNotEqual, 0) So(cmd.Result.OrgId, ShouldNotEqual, 0) So(cmd.Result.Type, ShouldEqual, "email") Convey("Cannot save Alert Notification with the same name", func() { err = CreateAlertNotificationCommand(cmd) So(err, ShouldNotBeNil) }) Convey("Can update alert notification", func() { newCmd := &m.UpdateAlertNotificationCommand{ Name: "NewName", Type: "webhook", OrgId: cmd.Result.OrgId, Settings: simplejson.New(), Id: cmd.Result.Id, } err := UpdateAlertNotification(newCmd) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(newCmd.Result.Name, ShouldEqual, "NewName") }) }) Convey("Can search using an array of ids", func() { cmd1 := m.CreateAlertNotificationCommand{Name: "nagios", Type: "webhook", OrgId: 1, Settings: simplejson.New()} cmd2 := m.CreateAlertNotificationCommand{Name: "slack", Type: "webhook", OrgId: 1, Settings: simplejson.New()} cmd3 := m.CreateAlertNotificationCommand{Name: "ops2", Type: "email", OrgId: 1, Settings: simplejson.New()} cmd4 := m.CreateAlertNotificationCommand{IsDefault: true, Name: "default", Type: "email", OrgId: 1, Settings: simplejson.New()} otherOrg := m.CreateAlertNotificationCommand{Name: "default", Type: "email", OrgId: 2, Settings: simplejson.New()} So(CreateAlertNotificationCommand(&cmd1), ShouldBeNil) So(CreateAlertNotificationCommand(&cmd2), ShouldBeNil) So(CreateAlertNotificationCommand(&cmd3), ShouldBeNil) So(CreateAlertNotificationCommand(&cmd4), ShouldBeNil) So(CreateAlertNotificationCommand(&otherOrg), ShouldBeNil) Convey("search", func() { query := &m.GetAlertNotificationsToSendQuery{ Ids: []int64{cmd1.Result.Id, cmd2.Result.Id, 112341231}, OrgId: 1, } err := GetAlertNotificationsToSend(query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(len(query.Result), ShouldEqual, 3) }) Convey("all", func() { query := &m.GetAllAlertNotificationsQuery{ OrgId: 1, } err := GetAllAlertNotifications(query) So(err, ShouldBeNil) So(len(query.Result), ShouldEqual, 4) }) }) }) }