import coreModule from 'app/core/core_module'; import locationUtil from 'app/core/utils/location_util'; import { UrlQueryMap } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { DashboardLoaderSrv } from 'app/features/dashboard/services/DashboardLoaderSrv'; import { BackendSrv } from 'app/core/services/backend_srv'; import { ILocationService } from 'angular'; import { Scope, CoreEvents, AppEventEmitter } from 'app/types'; export class LoadDashboardCtrl { /** @ngInject */ constructor( $scope: Scope & AppEventEmitter, $routeParams: UrlQueryMap, dashboardLoaderSrv: DashboardLoaderSrv, backendSrv: BackendSrv, $location: ILocationService, $browser: any ) { $scope.appEvent(CoreEvents.dashboardFetchStart); if (!$routeParams.uid && !$routeParams.slug) { backendSrv.get('/api/dashboards/home').then((homeDash: { redirectUri: string; meta: any }) => { if (homeDash.redirectUri) { const newUrl = locationUtil.stripBaseFromUrl(homeDash.redirectUri); $location.path(newUrl); } else { const meta = homeDash.meta; meta.canSave = meta.canShare = meta.canStar = false; $scope.initDashboard(homeDash, $scope); } }); return; } // if no uid, redirect to new route based on slug if (!($routeParams.type === 'script' || $routeParams.type === 'snapshot') && !$routeParams.uid) { // @ts-ignore backendSrv.getDashboardBySlug($routeParams.slug).then(res => { if (res) { $location.path(locationUtil.stripBaseFromUrl(res.meta.url)).replace(); } }); return; } dashboardLoaderSrv.loadDashboard($routeParams.type, $routeParams.slug, $routeParams.uid).then((result: any) => { if (result.meta.url) { const url = locationUtil.stripBaseFromUrl(result.meta.url); if (url !== $location.path()) { // replace url to not create additional history items and then return so that initDashboard below isn't executed multiple times. $location.path(url).replace(); return; } } result.meta.autofitpanels = $routeParams.autofitpanels; result.meta.kiosk = $routeParams.kiosk; $scope.initDashboard(result, $scope); }); } } export class NewDashboardCtrl { /** @ngInject */ constructor($scope: any, $routeParams: UrlQueryMap) { $scope.initDashboard( { meta: { canStar: false, canShare: false, isNew: true, folderId: Number($routeParams.folderId), }, dashboard: { title: 'New dashboard', panels: [ { type: 'add-panel', gridPos: { x: 0, y: 0, w: 12, h: 9 }, title: 'Panel Title', }, ], }, }, $scope ); } } coreModule.controller('LoadDashboardCtrl', LoadDashboardCtrl); coreModule.controller('NewDashboardCtrl', NewDashboardCtrl);