// Libaries import angular from 'angular'; import _ from 'lodash'; // Utils & Services import coreModule from 'app/core/core_module'; import { variableTypes } from './variable'; import { Graph } from 'app/core/utils/dag'; import { TemplateSrv } from 'app/features/templating/template_srv'; import { TimeSrv } from 'app/features/dashboard/services/TimeSrv'; import { DashboardModel } from 'app/features/dashboard/state/DashboardModel'; // Types import { TimeRange } from '@grafana/ui/src'; export class VariableSrv { dashboard: DashboardModel; variables: any[]; /** @ngInject */ constructor(private $q, private $location, private $injector, private templateSrv: TemplateSrv, private timeSrv: TimeSrv) { } init(dashboard: DashboardModel) { this.dashboard = dashboard; this.dashboard.events.on('time-range-updated', this.onTimeRangeUpdated.bind(this)); this.dashboard.events.on('template-variable-value-updated', this.updateUrlParamsWithCurrentVariables.bind(this)); // create working class models representing variables this.variables = dashboard.templating.list = dashboard.templating.list.map(this.createVariableFromModel.bind(this)); this.templateSrv.init(this.variables, this.timeSrv.timeRange()); // init variables for (const variable of this.variables) { variable.initLock = this.$q.defer(); } const queryParams = this.$location.search(); return this.$q .all( this.variables.map(variable => { return this.processVariable(variable, queryParams); }) ) .then(() => { this.templateSrv.updateIndex(); }); } onTimeRangeUpdated(timeRange: TimeRange) { this.templateSrv.updateTimeRange(timeRange); const promises = this.variables.filter(variable => variable.refresh === 2).map(variable => { const previousOptions = variable.options.slice(); return variable.updateOptions().then(() => { if (angular.toJson(previousOptions) !== angular.toJson(variable.options)) { this.dashboard.templateVariableValueUpdated(); } }); }); return this.$q.all(promises).then(() => { this.dashboard.startRefresh(); }); } processVariable(variable, queryParams) { const dependencies = []; for (const otherVariable of this.variables) { if (variable.dependsOn(otherVariable)) { dependencies.push(otherVariable.initLock.promise); } } return this.$q .all(dependencies) .then(() => { const urlValue = queryParams['var-' + variable.name]; if (urlValue !== void 0) { return variable.setValueFromUrl(urlValue).then(variable.initLock.resolve); } if (variable.refresh === 1 || variable.refresh === 2) { return variable.updateOptions().then(variable.initLock.resolve); } variable.initLock.resolve(); }) .finally(() => { this.templateSrv.variableInitialized(variable); delete variable.initLock; }); } createVariableFromModel(model) { const ctor = variableTypes[model.type].ctor; if (!ctor) { throw { message: 'Unable to find variable constructor for ' + model.type, }; } const variable = this.$injector.instantiate(ctor, { model: model }); return variable; } addVariable(variable) { this.variables.push(variable); this.templateSrv.updateIndex(); this.dashboard.updateSubmenuVisibility(); } removeVariable(variable) { const index = _.indexOf(this.variables, variable); this.variables.splice(index, 1); this.templateSrv.updateIndex(); this.dashboard.updateSubmenuVisibility(); } updateOptions(variable) { return variable.updateOptions(); } variableUpdated(variable, emitChangeEvents?) { // if there is a variable lock ignore cascading update because we are in a boot up scenario if (variable.initLock) { return this.$q.when(); } const g = this.createGraph(); const node = g.getNode(variable.name); let promises = []; if (node) { promises = node.getOptimizedInputEdges().map(e => { return this.updateOptions(this.variables.find(v => v.name === e.inputNode.name)); }); } return this.$q.all(promises).then(() => { if (emitChangeEvents) { this.dashboard.templateVariableValueUpdated(); this.dashboard.startRefresh(); } }); } selectOptionsForCurrentValue(variable) { let i, y, value, option; const selected: any = []; for (i = 0; i < variable.options.length; i++) { option = variable.options[i]; option.selected = false; if (_.isArray(variable.current.value)) { for (y = 0; y < variable.current.value.length; y++) { value = variable.current.value[y]; if (option.value === value) { option.selected = true; selected.push(option); } } } else if (option.value === variable.current.value) { option.selected = true; selected.push(option); } } return selected; } validateVariableSelectionState(variable) { if (!variable.current) { variable.current = {}; } if (_.isArray(variable.current.value)) { let selected = this.selectOptionsForCurrentValue(variable); // if none pick first if (selected.length === 0) { selected = variable.options[0]; } else { selected = { value: _.map(selected, val => { return val.value; }), text: _.map(selected, val => { return val.text; }).join(' + '), }; } return variable.setValue(selected); } else { const currentOption = _.find(variable.options, { text: variable.current.text, }); if (currentOption) { return variable.setValue(currentOption); } else { if (!variable.options.length) { return Promise.resolve(); } return variable.setValue(variable.options[0]); } } } setOptionFromUrl(variable, urlValue) { let promise = this.$q.when(); if (variable.refresh) { promise = variable.updateOptions(); } return promise.then(() => { let option = _.find(variable.options, op => { return op.text === urlValue || op.value === urlValue; }); let defaultText = urlValue; const defaultValue = urlValue; if (!option && _.isArray(urlValue)) { defaultText = []; for (let n = 0; n < urlValue.length; n++) { const t = _.find(variable.options, op => { return op.value === urlValue[n]; }); if (t) { defaultText.push(t.text); } } } option = option || { text: defaultText, value: defaultValue }; return variable.setValue(option); }); } setOptionAsCurrent(variable, option) { variable.current = _.cloneDeep(option); if (_.isArray(variable.current.text) && variable.current.text.length > 0) { variable.current.text = variable.current.text.join(' + '); } else if (_.isArray(variable.current.value) && variable.current.value[0] !== '$__all') { variable.current.text = variable.current.value.join(' + '); } this.selectOptionsForCurrentValue(variable); return this.variableUpdated(variable); } updateUrlParamsWithCurrentVariables() { // update url const params = this.$location.search(); // remove variable params _.each(params, (value, key) => { if (key.indexOf('var-') === 0) { delete params[key]; } }); // add new values this.templateSrv.fillVariableValuesForUrl(params); // update url this.$location.search(params); } setAdhocFilter(options) { let variable = _.find(this.variables, { type: 'adhoc', datasource: options.datasource, }); if (!variable) { variable = this.createVariableFromModel({ name: 'Filters', type: 'adhoc', datasource: options.datasource, }); this.addVariable(variable); } const filters = variable.filters; let filter = _.find(filters, { key: options.key, value: options.value }); if (!filter) { filter = { key: options.key, value: options.value }; filters.push(filter); } filter.operator = options.operator; this.variableUpdated(variable, true); } createGraph() { const g = new Graph(); this.variables.forEach(v => { g.createNode(v.name); }); this.variables.forEach(v1 => { this.variables.forEach(v2 => { if (v1 === v2) { return; } if (v1.dependsOn(v2)) { g.link(v1.name, v2.name); } }); }); return g; } } coreModule.service('variableSrv', VariableSrv);