const applyFieldOverridesMock = jest.fn(); // needs to be first in this file import { Subject } from 'rxjs'; // Importing this way to be able to spy on grafana/data import * as grafanaData from '@grafana/data'; import { setDataSourceSrv, setEchoSrv } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { Echo } from '../../../core/services/echo/Echo'; import { DashboardModel } from '../../dashboard/state/index'; import { createDashboardQueryRunner, setDashboardQueryRunnerFactory, } from './DashboardQueryRunner/DashboardQueryRunner'; import { emptyResult } from './DashboardQueryRunner/utils'; import { PanelQueryRunner } from './PanelQueryRunner'; jest.mock('@grafana/data', () => ({ __esModule: true, ...jest.requireActual('@grafana/data'), applyFieldOverrides: applyFieldOverridesMock, })); jest.mock('app/core/services/backend_srv'); jest.mock('app/core/config', () => ({ config: { featureToggles: { transformations: true } }, getConfig: () => ({ featureToggles: {}, }), })); const dashboardModel = new DashboardModel({ panels: [{ id: 1, type: 'graph' }], }); jest.mock('app/features/dashboard/services/DashboardSrv', () => ({ getDashboardSrv: () => { return { getCurrent: () => dashboardModel, }; }, })); interface ScenarioContext { setup: (fn: () => void) => void; // Options used in setup maxDataPoints?: number | null; dsInterval?: string; minInterval?: string; scopedVars: grafanaData.ScopedVars; // Filled in by the Scenario runner events?: grafanaData.PanelData[]; res?: grafanaData.PanelData; queryCalledWith?: grafanaData.DataQueryRequest; runner: PanelQueryRunner; } type ScenarioFn = (ctx: ScenarioContext) => void; const defaultPanelConfig: grafanaData.DataConfigSource = { getFieldOverrideOptions: () => undefined, getTransformations: () => undefined, getDataSupport: () => ({ annotations: false, alertStates: false }), }; function describeQueryRunnerScenario( description: string, scenarioFn: ScenarioFn, panelConfig?: grafanaData.DataConfigSource ) { describe(description, () => { let setupFn = () => {}; const ctx: ScenarioContext = { maxDataPoints: 200, scopedVars: { server: { text: 'Server1', value: 'server-1' }, }, runner: new PanelQueryRunner(panelConfig || defaultPanelConfig), setup: (fn: () => void) => { setupFn = fn; }, }; const response: any = { data: [ { target: 'hello', datapoints: [ [1, 1000], [2, 2000], ], }, ], }; setDataSourceSrv({} as any); setDashboardQueryRunnerFactory(() => ({ getResult: emptyResult, run: () => undefined, cancel: () => undefined, cancellations: () => new Subject(), destroy: () => undefined, })); createDashboardQueryRunner({} as any); beforeEach(async () => { setEchoSrv(new Echo()); setupFn(); const datasource: any = { name: 'TestDB', uid: 'TestDB-uid', interval: ctx.dsInterval, query: (options: grafanaData.DataQueryRequest) => { ctx.queryCalledWith = options; return Promise.resolve(response); }, getRef: () => ({ type: 'test', uid: 'TestDB-uid' }), testDatasource: jest.fn(), }; const args: any = { datasource, scopedVars: ctx.scopedVars, minInterval: ctx.minInterval, maxDataPoints: ctx.maxDataPoints, timeRange: { from: grafanaData.dateTime().subtract(1, 'days'), to: grafanaData.dateTime(), raw: { from: '1d', to: 'now' }, }, panelId: 1, queries: [{ refId: 'A', test: 1 }], }; ctx.runner = new PanelQueryRunner(panelConfig || defaultPanelConfig); ctx.runner.getData({ withTransforms: true, withFieldConfig: true }).subscribe({ next: (data: grafanaData.PanelData) => { ctx.res = data;; }, }); = [];; }); scenarioFn(ctx); }); } describe('PanelQueryRunner', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); }); describeQueryRunnerScenario('simple scenario', (ctx) => { it('should set requestId on request', async () => { expect(ctx.queryCalledWith?.requestId).toBe('Q100'); }); it('should set datasource uid on request', async () => { expect(ctx.queryCalledWith?.targets[0].datasource?.uid).toBe('TestDB-uid'); }); it('should pass scopedVars to datasource with interval props', async () => { expect(ctx.queryCalledWith?.scopedVars.server.text).toBe('Server1'); expect(ctx.queryCalledWith?.scopedVars.__interval.text).toBe('5m'); expect(ctx.queryCalledWith?.scopedVars.__interval_ms.text).toBe('300000'); }); }); describeQueryRunnerScenario('with maxDataPoints', (ctx) => { ctx.setup(() => { ctx.maxDataPoints = 200; }); it('should return data', async () => { expect(ctx.res?.error).toBeUndefined(); expect(ctx.res?.series.length).toBe(1); }); it('should use widthPixels as maxDataPoints', async () => { expect(ctx.queryCalledWith?.maxDataPoints).toBe(200); }); it('should calculate interval based on width', async () => { expect(ctx.queryCalledWith?.interval).toBe('5m'); }); it('fast query should only publish 1 data events', async () => { expect(; }); }); describeQueryRunnerScenario('with no panel min interval but datasource min interval', (ctx) => { ctx.setup(() => { ctx.maxDataPoints = 20000; ctx.dsInterval = '15s'; }); it('should limit interval to data source min interval', async () => { expect(ctx.queryCalledWith?.interval).toBe('15s'); }); }); describeQueryRunnerScenario('with panel min interval and data source min interval', (ctx) => { ctx.setup(() => { ctx.maxDataPoints = 20000; ctx.dsInterval = '15s'; ctx.minInterval = '30s'; }); it('should limit interval to panel min interval', async () => { expect(ctx.queryCalledWith?.interval).toBe('30s'); }); }); describeQueryRunnerScenario('with maxDataPoints', (ctx) => { ctx.setup(() => { ctx.maxDataPoints = 10; }); it('should pass maxDataPoints if specified', async () => { expect(ctx.queryCalledWith?.maxDataPoints).toBe(10); }); it('should use instead of width to calculate interval', async () => { expect(ctx.queryCalledWith?.interval).toBe('2h'); }); }); describeQueryRunnerScenario( 'field overrides', (ctx) => { it('should apply when field override options are set', async () => { ctx.runner.getData({ withTransforms: true, withFieldConfig: true }).subscribe({ next: (data: grafanaData.PanelData) => { return data; }, }); expect(applyFieldOverridesMock).toBeCalled(); }); }, { getFieldOverrideOptions: () => ({ fieldConfig: { defaults: { unit: 'm/s', }, // @ts-ignore overrides: [], }, replaceVariables: (v) => v, theme: grafanaData.createTheme(), }), getTransformations: () => undefined, getDataSupport: () => ({ annotations: false, alertStates: false }), } ); describeQueryRunnerScenario( 'transformations', (ctx) => { it('should apply when transformations are set', async () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(grafanaData, 'transformDataFrame'); spy.mockClear(); ctx.runner.getData({ withTransforms: true, withFieldConfig: true }).subscribe({ next: (data: grafanaData.PanelData) => { return data; }, }); expect(spy).toBeCalled(); }); }, { getFieldOverrideOptions: () => undefined, // @ts-ignore getTransformations: () => [{} as unknown as grafanaData.DataTransformerConfig], getDataSupport: () => ({ annotations: false, alertStates: false }), } ); describeQueryRunnerScenario( 'getData', (ctx) => { it('should not apply transformations when transform option is false', async () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(grafanaData, 'transformDataFrame'); spy.mockClear(); ctx.runner.getData({ withTransforms: false, withFieldConfig: true }).subscribe({ next: (data: grafanaData.PanelData) => { return data; }, }); expect(spy).not.toBeCalled(); }); it('should not apply field config when applyFieldConfig option is false', async () => { ctx.runner.getData({ withFieldConfig: false, withTransforms: true }).subscribe({ next: (data: grafanaData.PanelData) => { return data; }, }); expect(applyFieldOverridesMock).not.toBeCalled(); }); }, { getFieldOverrideOptions: () => ({ fieldConfig: { defaults: { unit: 'm/s', }, // @ts-ignore overrides: [], }, replaceVariables: (v) => v, theme: grafanaData.createTheme(), }), // @ts-ignore getTransformations: () => [{} as unknown as grafanaData.DataTransformerConfig], getDataSupport: () => ({ annotations: false, alertStates: false }), } ); describeQueryRunnerScenario( 'getData', (ctx) => { it('should not apply transformations when transform option is false', async () => { const spy = jest.spyOn(grafanaData, 'transformDataFrame'); spy.mockClear(); ctx.runner.getData({ withTransforms: false, withFieldConfig: true }).subscribe({ next: (data: grafanaData.PanelData) => { return data; }, }); expect(spy).not.toBeCalled(); }); it('should not apply field config when applyFieldConfig option is false', async () => { ctx.runner.getData({ withFieldConfig: false, withTransforms: true }).subscribe({ next: (data: grafanaData.PanelData) => { return data; }, }); expect(applyFieldOverridesMock).not.toBeCalled(); }); }, { getFieldOverrideOptions: () => ({ fieldConfig: { defaults: { unit: 'm/s', }, // @ts-ignore overrides: [], }, replaceVariables: (v) => v, theme: grafanaData.createTheme(), }), // @ts-ignore getTransformations: () => [{}], getDataSupport: () => ({ annotations: false, alertStates: false }), } ); const snapshotData: grafanaData.DataFrameDTO[] = [ { fields: [ { name: 'time', type: grafanaData.FieldType.time, values: [1000] }, { name: 'value', type: grafanaData.FieldType.number, values: [1] }, ], }, ]; describeQueryRunnerScenario( 'getData with snapshot data', (ctx) => { it('should return snapshotted data', async () => { ctx.runner.getData({ withTransforms: false, withFieldConfig: true }).subscribe({ next: (data: grafanaData.PanelData) => { expect(data.state).toBe(grafanaData.LoadingState.Done); expect(data.series).toEqual(snapshotData); expect(data.timeRange).toEqual(grafanaData.getDefaultTimeRange()); return data; }, }); }); }, { ...defaultPanelConfig, snapshotData, } ); });