# Licensing License names used in this document are as per [SPDX License List](https://spdx.org/licenses/). The default license for this project is [AGPL-3.0-only](LICENSE). ## Apache-2.0 The following directories and their subdirectories are licensed under Apache-2.0: ``` packages/grafana-data/ packages/grafana-e2e/ packages/grafana-e2e-selectors/ packages/grafana-runtime/ packages/grafana-toolkit/ packages/grafana-ui/ packages/jaeger-ui-components/ packaging/ pkg/coremodel/ pkg/framework/coremodel/ grafana-mixin/ cue/ public/img/icons/solid/ public/img/icons/unicons/ ``` The following directories and their subdirectories are licensed under their original upstream licenses: ``` public/vendor/ ```