import { MutableRefObject, RefObject } from 'react'; import uPlot, { Cursor } from 'uplot'; import { DashboardCursorSync, DataFrameType, DataHoverClearEvent, DataHoverEvent, DataHoverPayload, EventBus, formattedValueToString, getValueFormat, GrafanaTheme2, incrRoundDn, incrRoundUp, TimeRange, } from '@grafana/data'; import { AxisPlacement, ScaleDirection, ScaleDistribution, ScaleOrientation } from '@grafana/schema'; import { UPlotConfigBuilder } from '@grafana/ui'; import { readHeatmapScanlinesCustomMeta } from 'app/features/transformers/calculateHeatmap/heatmap'; import { HeatmapCellLayout } from 'app/features/transformers/calculateHeatmap/models.gen'; import { pointWithin, Quadtree, Rect } from '../barchart/quadtree'; import { HeatmapData } from './fields'; import { PanelFieldConfig, YAxisConfig } from './models.gen'; interface PathbuilderOpts { each: (u: uPlot, seriesIdx: number, dataIdx: number, lft: number, top: number, wid: number, hgt: number) => void; gap?: number | null; hideLE?: number; hideGE?: number; xAlign?: -1 | 0 | 1; yAlign?: -1 | 0 | 1; ySizeDivisor?: number; disp: { fill: { values: (u: uPlot, seriesIndex: number) => number[]; index: Array; }; }; } interface PointsBuilderOpts { each: (u: uPlot, seriesIdx: number, dataIdx: number, lft: number, top: number, wid: number, hgt: number) => void; } export interface HeatmapHoverEvent { seriesIdx: number; dataIdx: number; pageX: number; pageY: number; } export interface HeatmapZoomEvent { xMin: number; xMax: number; } interface PrepConfigOpts { dataRef: RefObject; theme: GrafanaTheme2; eventBus: EventBus; onhover?: null | ((evt?: HeatmapHoverEvent | null) => void); onclick?: null | ((evt?: any) => void); onzoom?: null | ((evt: HeatmapZoomEvent) => void); isToolTipOpen: MutableRefObject; timeZone: string; getTimeRange: () => TimeRange; palette: string[]; exemplarColor: string; cellGap?: number | null; // in css pixels hideLE?: number; hideGE?: number; valueMin?: number; valueMax?: number; yAxisConfig: YAxisConfig; ySizeDivisor?: number; sync?: () => DashboardCursorSync; } export function prepConfig(opts: PrepConfigOpts) { const { dataRef, theme, eventBus, onhover, onclick, onzoom, isToolTipOpen, timeZone, getTimeRange, palette, cellGap, hideLE, hideGE, valueMin, valueMax, yAxisConfig, ySizeDivisor, sync, } = opts; const xScaleKey = 'x'; const xScaleUnit = 'time'; const pxRatio = devicePixelRatio; let heatmapType = dataRef.current?.heatmap?.meta?.type; const exemplarFillColor = theme.visualization.getColorByName(opts.exemplarColor); let qt: Quadtree; let hRect: Rect | null; let builder = new UPlotConfigBuilder(timeZone); let rect: DOMRect; builder.addHook('init', (u) => { u.root.querySelectorAll('.u-cursor-pt').forEach((el) => { Object.assign((el as HTMLElement).style, { borderRadius: '0', border: '1px solid white', background: 'transparent', }); }); onclick && u.over.addEventListener( 'mouseup', (e) => { // @ts-ignore let isDragging: boolean = u.cursor.drag._x || u.cursor.drag._y; if (!isDragging) { onclick(e); } }, true ); }); onzoom && builder.addHook('setSelect', (u) => { onzoom({ xMin: u.posToVal(, xScaleKey), xMax: u.posToVal( +, xScaleKey), }); u.setSelect({ left: 0, top: 0, width: 0, height: 0 }, false); }); // this is a tmp hack because in mode: 2, uplot does not currently call scales.x.range() for setData() calls // scales.x.range() typically reads back from drilled-down panelProps.timeRange via getTimeRange() builder.addHook('setData', (u) => { //let [min, max] = (u.scales!.x!.range! as uPlot.Range.Function)(u, 0, 100, xScaleKey); let { min: xMin, max: xMax } = u.scales!.x; let min = getTimeRange().from.valueOf(); let max = getTimeRange().to.valueOf(); if (xMin !== min || xMax !== max) { queueMicrotask(() => { u.setScale(xScaleKey, { min, max }); }); } }); // rect of .u-over (grid area) builder.addHook('syncRect', (u, r) => { rect = r; }); const payload: DataHoverPayload = { point: { [xScaleUnit]: null, }, data: dataRef.current?.heatmap, }; const hoverEvent = new DataHoverEvent(payload); let pendingOnleave = 0; onhover && builder.addHook('setLegend', (u) => { if (u.cursor.idxs != null) { for (let i = 0; i < u.cursor.idxs.length; i++) { const sel = u.cursor.idxs[i]; if (sel != null) { const { left, top } = u.cursor; payload.rowIndex = sel; payload.point[xScaleUnit] = u.posToVal(left!, xScaleKey); eventBus.publish(hoverEvent); if (!isToolTipOpen.current) { if (pendingOnleave) { clearTimeout(pendingOnleave); pendingOnleave = 0; } onhover({ seriesIdx: i, dataIdx: sel, pageX: rect.left + left!, pageY: + top!, }); } return; } } } if (!isToolTipOpen.current) { // if tiles have gaps, reduce flashing / re-render (debounce onleave by 100ms) if (!pendingOnleave) { pendingOnleave = setTimeout(() => { onhover(null); payload.rowIndex = undefined; payload.point[xScaleUnit] = null; eventBus.publish(hoverEvent); }, 100) as any; } } }); builder.addHook('drawClear', (u) => { qt = qt || new Quadtree(0, 0, u.bbox.width, u.bbox.height); qt.clear(); // force-clear the path cache to cause drawBars() to rebuild new quadtree u.series.forEach((s, i) => { if (i > 0) { // @ts-ignore s._paths = null; } }); }); builder.setMode(2); builder.addScale({ scaleKey: xScaleKey, isTime: true, orientation: ScaleOrientation.Horizontal, direction: ScaleDirection.Right, // TODO: expand by x bucket size and layout range: () => { return [getTimeRange().from.valueOf(), getTimeRange().to.valueOf()]; }, }); builder.addAxis({ scaleKey: xScaleKey, placement: AxisPlacement.Bottom, isTime: true, theme: theme, }); const yFieldConfig = dataRef.current?.heatmap?.fields[1]?.config?.custom as PanelFieldConfig | undefined; const yScale = yFieldConfig?.scaleDistribution ?? { type: ScaleDistribution.Linear }; const yAxisReverse = Boolean(yAxisConfig.reverse); const shouldUseLogScale = yScale.type !== ScaleDistribution.Linear || heatmapType === DataFrameType.HeatmapSparse; const isOrdianalY = readHeatmapScanlinesCustomMeta(dataRef.current?.heatmap).yOrdinalDisplay != null; // random to prevent syncing y in other heatmaps // TODO: try to match TimeSeries y keygen algo to sync with TimeSeries panels (when not isOrdianalY) const yScaleKey = 'y_' + (Math.random() + 1).toString(36).substring(7); builder.addScale({ scaleKey: yScaleKey, isTime: false, // distribution: ScaleDistribution.Ordinal, // does not work with facets/scatter yet orientation: ScaleOrientation.Vertical, direction: yAxisReverse ? ScaleDirection.Down : ScaleDirection.Up, // should be tweakable manually distribution: shouldUseLogScale ? ScaleDistribution.Log : ScaleDistribution.Linear, log: yScale.log ?? 2, range: // sparse already accounts for le/ge by explicit yMin & yMax cell bounds, so no need to expand y range heatmapType === DataFrameType.HeatmapSparse ? (u, dataMin, dataMax) => { let scaleMin: number | null, scaleMax: number | null; [scaleMin, scaleMax] = shouldUseLogScale ? uPlot.rangeLog(dataMin, dataMax, (yScale.log ?? 2) as unknown as uPlot.Scale.LogBase, true) : [dataMin, dataMax]; if (shouldUseLogScale && !isOrdianalY) { let { min: explicitMin, max: explicitMax } = yAxisConfig; // guard against <= 0 if (explicitMin != null && explicitMin > 0) { scaleMin = explicitMin; } if (explicitMax != null && explicitMax > 0) { scaleMax = explicitMax; } } return [scaleMin, scaleMax]; } : // dense and ordinal only have one of yMin|yMax|y, so expand range by one cell in the direction of le/ge/unknown (u, dataMin, dataMax) => { let { min: explicitMin, max: explicitMax } = yAxisConfig; // logarithmic expansion if (shouldUseLogScale) { let yExp = u.scales[yScaleKey].log!; let minExpanded = false; let maxExpanded = false; if (ySizeDivisor !== 1) { let log = yExp === 2 ? Math.log2 : Math.log10; let minLog = log(dataMin); let maxLog = log(dataMax); if (!Number.isInteger(minLog)) { dataMin = yExp ** incrRoundDn(minLog, 1); minExpanded = true; } if (!Number.isInteger(maxLog)) { dataMax = yExp ** incrRoundUp(maxLog, 1); maxExpanded = true; } } if (dataRef.current?.yLayout === HeatmapCellLayout.le) { if (!minExpanded) { dataMin /= yExp; } } else if (dataRef.current?.yLayout === { if (!maxExpanded) { dataMax *= yExp; } } else { dataMin /= yExp / 2; dataMax *= yExp / 2; } if (!isOrdianalY) { // guard against <= 0 if (explicitMin != null && explicitMin > 0) { dataMin = explicitMin; } if (explicitMax != null && explicitMax > 0) { dataMax = explicitMax; } } } // linear expansion else { let bucketSize = dataRef.current?.yBucketSize; if (bucketSize === 0) { bucketSize = 1; } if (bucketSize) { if (dataRef.current?.yLayout === HeatmapCellLayout.le) { dataMin -= bucketSize!; } else if (dataRef.current?.yLayout === { dataMax += bucketSize!; } else { dataMin -= bucketSize! / 2; dataMax += bucketSize! / 2; } } else { // how to expand scale range if inferred non-regular or log buckets? } if (!isOrdianalY) { dataMin = explicitMin ?? dataMin; dataMax = explicitMax ?? dataMax; } } return [dataMin, dataMax]; }, }); const disp = dataRef.current?.heatmap?.fields[1].display ?? getValueFormat('short'); builder.addAxis({ scaleKey: yScaleKey, show: yAxisConfig.axisPlacement !== AxisPlacement.Hidden, placement: yAxisConfig.axisPlacement || AxisPlacement.Left, size: yAxisConfig.axisWidth || null, label: yAxisConfig.axisLabel, theme: theme, formatValue: (v: any) => formattedValueToString(disp(v)), splits: isOrdianalY ? (self: uPlot) => { const meta = readHeatmapScanlinesCustomMeta(dataRef.current?.heatmap); if (!meta.yOrdinalDisplay) { return [0, 1]; //? } let splits =, idx) => idx); switch (dataRef.current?.yLayout) { case HeatmapCellLayout.le: splits.unshift(-1); break; case splits.push(splits.length); break; } // Skip labels when the height is too small if (self.height < 60) { splits = [splits[0], splits[splits.length - 1]]; } else { while (splits.length > 3 && (self.height - 15) / splits.length < 10) { splits = splits.filter((v, idx) => idx % 2 === 0); // remove half the items } } return splits; } : undefined, values: isOrdianalY ? (self: uPlot, splits) => { const meta = readHeatmapScanlinesCustomMeta(dataRef.current?.heatmap); if (meta.yOrdinalDisplay) { return => { const txt = meta.yOrdinalDisplay[v]; if (!txt && v < 0) { // Check prometheus style labels if ('le' === meta.yMatchWithLabel) { return '0.0'; } } return txt; }); } return => `${v}`); } : undefined, }); const pathBuilder = heatmapType === DataFrameType.HeatmapCells ? heatmapPathsDense : heatmapPathsSparse; // heatmap layer builder.addSeries({ facets: [ { scale: xScaleKey, auto: true, sorted: 1, }, { scale: yScaleKey, auto: true, }, ], pathBuilder: pathBuilder({ each: (u, seriesIdx, dataIdx, x, y, xSize, ySize) => { qt.add({ x: x - u.bbox.left, y: y -, w: xSize, h: ySize, sidx: seriesIdx, didx: dataIdx, }); }, gap: cellGap, hideLE, hideGE, xAlign: dataRef.current?.xLayout === HeatmapCellLayout.le ? -1 : dataRef.current?.xLayout === ? 1 : 0, yAlign: ((dataRef.current?.yLayout === HeatmapCellLayout.le ? -1 : dataRef.current?.yLayout === ? 1 : 0) * (yAxisReverse ? -1 : 1)) as -1 | 0 | 1, ySizeDivisor, disp: { fill: { values: (u, seriesIdx) => { let countFacetIdx = heatmapType === DataFrameType.HeatmapCells ? 2 : 3; return valuesToFills([seriesIdx][countFacetIdx] as unknown as number[], palette, valueMin, valueMax); }, index: palette, }, }, }) as any, theme, scaleKey: '', // facets' scales used (above) }); // exemplars layer builder.addSeries({ facets: [ { scale: xScaleKey, auto: true, sorted: 1, }, { scale: yScaleKey, auto: true, }, ], pathBuilder: heatmapPathsPoints( { each: (u, seriesIdx, dataIdx, x, y, xSize, ySize) => { qt.add({ x: x - u.bbox.left, y: y -, w: xSize, h: ySize, sidx: seriesIdx, didx: dataIdx, }); }, }, exemplarFillColor ) as any, theme, scaleKey: '', // facets' scales used (above) }); const cursor: Cursor = { drag: { x: true, y: false, setScale: false, }, dataIdx: (u, seriesIdx) => { if (seriesIdx === 1) { hRect = null; let cx = u.cursor.left! * pxRatio; let cy =! * pxRatio; qt.get(cx, cy, 1, 1, (o) => { if (pointWithin(cx, cy, o.x, o.y, o.x + o.w, o.y + o.h)) { hRect = o; } }); } return hRect && seriesIdx === hRect.sidx ? hRect.didx : null; }, points: { fill: 'rgba(255,255,255, 0.3)', bbox: (u, seriesIdx) => { let isHovered = hRect && seriesIdx === hRect.sidx; return { left: isHovered ? hRect!.x / pxRatio : -10, top: isHovered ? hRect!.y / pxRatio : -10, width: isHovered ? hRect!.w / pxRatio : 0, height: isHovered ? hRect!.h / pxRatio : 0, }; }, }, }; if (sync && sync() !== DashboardCursorSync.Off) { cursor.sync = { key: '__global_', filters: { pub: (type: string, src: uPlot, x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number, dataIdx: number) => { if (x < 0) { payload.point[xScaleUnit] = null; eventBus.publish(new DataHoverClearEvent()); } else { payload.point[xScaleUnit] = src.posToVal(x, xScaleKey); eventBus.publish(hoverEvent); } return true; }, }, }; builder.setSync(); } builder.setCursor(cursor); return builder; } const CRISP_EDGES_GAP_MIN = 4; export function heatmapPathsDense(opts: PathbuilderOpts) { const { disp, each, gap = 1, hideLE = -Infinity, hideGE = Infinity, xAlign = 1, yAlign = 1, ySizeDivisor = 1 } = opts; const pxRatio = devicePixelRatio; const round = gap! >= CRISP_EDGES_GAP_MIN ? Math.round : (v: number) => v; const cellGap = Math.round(gap! * pxRatio); return (u: uPlot, seriesIdx: number) => { uPlot.orient( u, seriesIdx, ( series, dataX, dataY, scaleX, scaleY, valToPosX, valToPosY, xOff, yOff, xDim, yDim, moveTo, lineTo, rect, arc ) => { let d =[seriesIdx]; const xs = d[0] as unknown as number[]; const ys = d[1] as unknown as number[]; const counts = d[2] as unknown as number[]; const dlen = xs.length; // fill colors are mapped from interpolating densities / counts along some gradient // (should be quantized to 64 colors/levels max. e.g. 16) let fills = disp.fill.values(u, seriesIdx); let fillPalette = disp.fill.index ?? [ Set(fills)]; let fillPaths = => new Path2D()); // detect x and y bin qtys by detecting layout repetition in x & y data let yBinQty = dlen - ys.lastIndexOf(ys[0]); let xBinQty = dlen / yBinQty; let yBinIncr = ys[1] - ys[0] || scaleY.max! - scaleY.min!; let xBinIncr = xs[yBinQty] - xs[0]; // uniform tile sizes based on zoom level let xSize: number; let ySize: number; if (scaleX.distr === 3) { xSize = Math.abs(valToPosX(xs[0] * scaleX.log!, scaleX, xDim, xOff) - valToPosX(xs[0], scaleX, xDim, xOff)); } else { xSize = Math.abs(valToPosX(xBinIncr, scaleX, xDim, xOff) - valToPosX(0, scaleX, xDim, xOff)); } if (scaleY.distr === 3) { ySize = Math.abs(valToPosY(ys[0] * scaleY.log!, scaleY, yDim, yOff) - valToPosY(ys[0], scaleY, yDim, yOff)) / ySizeDivisor; } else { ySize = Math.abs(valToPosY(yBinIncr, scaleY, yDim, yOff) - valToPosY(0, scaleY, yDim, yOff)) / ySizeDivisor; } // clamp min tile size to 1px xSize = Math.max(1, round(xSize - cellGap)); ySize = Math.max(1, round(ySize - cellGap)); // bucket agg direction // let xCeil = false; // let yCeil = false; let xOffset = xAlign === -1 ? -xSize : xAlign === 0 ? -xSize / 2 : 0; let yOffset = yAlign === 1 ? -ySize : yAlign === 0 ? -ySize / 2 : 0; // pre-compute x and y offsets let cys = ys.slice(0, yBinQty).map((y) => round(valToPosY(y, scaleY, yDim, yOff) + yOffset)); let cxs = Array.from({ length: xBinQty }, (v, i) => round(valToPosX(xs[i * yBinQty], scaleX, xDim, xOff) + xOffset) ); for (let i = 0; i < dlen; i++) { if (counts[i] > hideLE && counts[i] < hideGE) { let cx = cxs[~~(i / yBinQty)]; let cy = cys[i % yBinQty]; let fillPath = fillPaths[fills[i]]; rect(fillPath, cx, cy, xSize, ySize); each(u, 1, i, cx, cy, xSize, ySize); } }; // u.ctx.globalAlpha = 0.8; u.ctx.rect(u.bbox.left,, u.bbox.width, u.bbox.height); u.ctx.clip(); fillPaths.forEach((p, i) => { u.ctx.fillStyle = fillPalette[i]; u.ctx.fill(p); }); u.ctx.restore(); return null; } ); }; } export function heatmapPathsPoints(opts: PointsBuilderOpts, exemplarColor: string) { return (u: uPlot, seriesIdx: number) => { uPlot.orient( u, seriesIdx, ( series, dataX, dataY, scaleX, scaleY, valToPosX, valToPosY, xOff, yOff, xDim, yDim, moveTo, lineTo, rect, arc ) => { //console.time('heatmapPathsSparse'); [dataX, dataY] = dataY as unknown as number[][]; let points = new Path2D(); let fillPaths = [points]; let fillPalette = [exemplarColor ?? 'rgba(255,0,255,0.7)']; for (let i = 0; i < dataX.length; i++) { let yVal = dataY[i]!; yVal -= 0.5; // center vertically in bucket (when tiles are le) // y-randomize vertically to distribute exemplars in same bucket at same time let randSign = Math.round(Math.random()) * 2 - 1; yVal += randSign * 0.5 * Math.random(); let x = valToPosX(dataX[i], scaleX, xDim, xOff); let y = valToPosY(yVal, scaleY, yDim, yOff); let w = 8; let h = 8; rect(points, x - w / 2, y - h / 2, w, h); opts.each(u, seriesIdx, i, x - w / 2, y - h / 2, w, h); }; u.ctx.rect(u.bbox.left,, u.bbox.width, u.bbox.height); u.ctx.clip(); fillPaths.forEach((p, i) => { u.ctx.fillStyle = fillPalette[i]; u.ctx.fill(p); }); u.ctx.restore(); } ); }; } // accepts xMax, yMin, yMax, count // xbinsize? x tile sizes are uniform? export function heatmapPathsSparse(opts: PathbuilderOpts) { const { disp, each, gap = 1, hideLE = -Infinity, hideGE = Infinity } = opts; const pxRatio = devicePixelRatio; const round = gap! >= CRISP_EDGES_GAP_MIN ? Math.round : (v: number) => v; const cellGap = Math.round(gap! * pxRatio); return (u: uPlot, seriesIdx: number) => { uPlot.orient( u, seriesIdx, ( series, dataX, dataY, scaleX, scaleY, valToPosX, valToPosY, xOff, yOff, xDim, yDim, moveTo, lineTo, rect, arc ) => { //console.time('heatmapPathsSparse'); let d =[seriesIdx]; const xMaxs = d[0] as unknown as number[]; // xMax, do we get interval? const yMins = d[1] as unknown as number[]; const yMaxs = d[2] as unknown as number[]; const counts = d[3] as unknown as number[]; const dlen = xMaxs.length; // fill colors are mapped from interpolating densities / counts along some gradient // (should be quantized to 64 colors/levels max. e.g. 16) let fills = disp.fill.values(u, seriesIdx); let fillPalette = disp.fill.index ?? [ Set(fills)]; let fillPaths = => new Path2D()); // cache all tile bounds let xOffs = new Map(); let yOffs = new Map(); for (let i = 0; i < xMaxs.length; i++) { let xMax = xMaxs[i]; let yMin = yMins[i]; let yMax = yMaxs[i]; if (!xOffs.has(xMax)) { xOffs.set(xMax, round(valToPosX(xMax, scaleX, xDim, xOff))); } if (!yOffs.has(yMin)) { yOffs.set(yMin, round(valToPosY(yMin, scaleY, yDim, yOff))); } if (!yOffs.has(yMax)) { yOffs.set(yMax, round(valToPosY(yMax, scaleY, yDim, yOff))); } } // uniform x size (interval, step) let xSizeUniform = xOffs.get(xMaxs.find((v) => v !== xMaxs[0])) - xOffs.get(xMaxs[0]); for (let i = 0; i < dlen; i++) { if (counts[i] <= hideLE || counts[i] >= hideGE) { continue; } let xMax = xMaxs[i]; let yMin = yMins[i]; let yMax = yMaxs[i]; let xMaxPx = xOffs.get(xMax); // xSize is from interval, or inferred delta? let yMinPx = yOffs.get(yMin); let yMaxPx = yOffs.get(yMax); let xSize = xSizeUniform; let ySize = yMinPx - yMaxPx; // clamp min tile size to 1px xSize = Math.max(1, xSize - cellGap); ySize = Math.max(1, ySize - cellGap); let x = xMaxPx; let y = yMinPx; let fillPath = fillPaths[fills[i]]; rect(fillPath, x, y, xSize, ySize); each(u, 1, i, x, y, xSize, ySize); }; // u.ctx.globalAlpha = 0.8; u.ctx.rect(u.bbox.left,, u.bbox.width, u.bbox.height); u.ctx.clip(); fillPaths.forEach((p, i) => { u.ctx.fillStyle = fillPalette[i]; u.ctx.fill(p); }); u.ctx.restore(); //console.timeEnd('heatmapPathsSparse'); return null; } ); }; } export const valuesToFills = (values: number[], palette: string[], minValue?: number, maxValue?: number) => { if (minValue == null) { minValue = Infinity; for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { minValue = Math.min(minValue, values[i]); } } if (maxValue == null) { maxValue = -Infinity; for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { maxValue = Math.max(maxValue, values[i]); } } let range = maxValue - minValue; let paletteSize = palette.length; let indexedFills = Array(values.length); for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { indexedFills[i] = values[i] < minValue ? 0 : values[i] > maxValue ? paletteSize - 1 : Math.min(paletteSize - 1, Math.floor((paletteSize * (values[i] - minValue)) / range)); } return indexedFills; };