import fs from 'fs'; import { PNG } from 'pngjs'; import { Page } from 'puppeteer-core'; import pixelmatch from 'pixelmatch'; import { constants } from './constants'; export const takeScreenShot = async (page: Page, fileName: string) => { const outputFolderExists = fs.existsSync(constants.screenShotsOutputDir); if (!outputFolderExists) { fs.mkdirSync(constants.screenShotsOutputDir); } const path = `${constants.screenShotsOutputDir}/${fileName}.png`; await page.screenshot({ path, type: 'png', fullPage: false }); }; export const compareScreenShots = async (fileName: string) => new Promise(resolve => { let filesRead = 0; const doneReading = () => { if (++filesRead < 2) { return; } if (screenShotFromTest.width !== screenShotFromTruth.width) { throw new Error( `The screenshot:[${fileName}] taken during the test has a width:[${ screenShotFromTest.width }] that differs from the expected: [${screenShotFromTruth.width}].` ); } if (screenShotFromTest.height !== screenShotFromTruth.height) { throw new Error( `The screenshot:[${fileName}] taken during the test has a width:[${ screenShotFromTest.height }] that differs from the expected: [${screenShotFromTruth.height}].` ); } const diff = new PNG({ width: screenShotFromTest.width, height: screenShotFromTruth.height }); const numDiffPixels = pixelmatch(,,, screenShotFromTest.width, screenShotFromTest.height, { threshold: 0.1 } ); if (numDiffPixels !== 0) { const localMessage = `\nCompare the output from expected:[${constants.screenShotsTruthDir}] with outcome:[${ constants.screenShotsOutputDir }]`; const circleCIMessage = '\nCheck the Artifacts tab in the CircleCi build output for the actual screenshots.'; const checkMessage = process.env.CIRCLE_SHA1 ? circleCIMessage : localMessage; let msg = `\nThe screenshot:[${ constants.screenShotsOutputDir }/${fileName}.png] taken during the test differs by:[${numDiffPixels}] pixels from the expected.`; msg += '\n'; msg += checkMessage; msg += '\n'; msg += '\n If the difference between expected and outcome is NOT acceptable then do the following:'; msg += '\n - Check the code for changes that causes this difference, fix that and retry.'; msg += '\n'; msg += '\n If the difference between expected and outcome is acceptable then do the following:'; msg += '\n - Replace the expected image with the outcome and retry.'; msg += '\n'; throw new Error(msg); } resolve(); }; const screenShotFromTest = fs .createReadStream(`${constants.screenShotsOutputDir}/${fileName}.png`) .pipe(new PNG()) .on('parsed', doneReading); const screenShotFromTruth = fs .createReadStream(`${constants.screenShotsTruthDir}/${fileName}.png`) .pipe(new PNG()) .on('parsed', doneReading); });