module.exports = function(grunt) { "use strict"; // Concat and Minify the src directory into dist grunt.registerTask('build', [ 'jshint:source', 'jshint:tests', 'jscs', 'exec:tslint', 'clean:release', 'copy:node_modules', 'copy:public_to_gen', 'typescript:build', 'karma:test', 'phantomjs', 'css', 'htmlmin:build', 'ngtemplates', 'cssmin:build', 'ngAnnotate:build', 'systemjs:build', 'concat:js', 'filerev', 'remapFilerev', 'usemin', 'uglify:genDir' ]); // task to add [[.AppSubUrl]] to reved path grunt.registerTask('remapFilerev', function() { var root = grunt.config().genDir; var summary = grunt.filerev.summary; var fixed = {}; for(var key in summary){ if(summary.hasOwnProperty(key)){ var orig = key.replace(root, root+'/[[.AppSubUrl]]/public'); var revved = summary[key].replace(root, root+'/[[.AppSubUrl]]/public'); fixed[orig] = revved; } } grunt.filerev.summary = fixed; }); grunt.registerTask('build-post-process', function() { grunt.config('copy.public_gen_to_temp', { expand: true, cwd: '<%= genDir %>', src: '**/*', dest: '<%= tempDir %>/public/', }); grunt.config('copy.backend_bin', { cwd: 'bin', expand: true, src: ['*'], options: { mode: true}, dest: '<%= tempDir %>/bin/' }); grunt.config('copy.backend_files', { expand: true, src: ['conf/defaults.ini', 'conf/sample.ini', 'vendor/phantomjs/*', 'scripts/*'], options: { mode: true}, dest: '<%= tempDir %>' });'copy:public_gen_to_temp');'copy:backend_bin');'copy:backend_files'); }); };