/// import $ from 'jquery'; import _ from 'lodash'; import angular from 'angular'; export class Profiler { panelsRendered: number; enabled: boolean; panelsInitCount: any; timings: any; digestCounter: any; $rootScope: any; scopeCount: any; init(config, $rootScope) { this.enabled = config.buildInfo.env === 'development'; this.timings = {}; this.timings.appStart = { loadStart: new Date().getTime() }; this.$rootScope = $rootScope; if (!this.enabled) { return; } $rootScope.$watch(() => { this.digestCounter++; return false; }, () => {}); $rootScope.onAppEvent('refresh', this.refresh.bind(this), $rootScope); $rootScope.onAppEvent('dashboard-fetch-end', this.dashboardFetched.bind(this), $rootScope); $rootScope.onAppEvent('dashboard-initialized', this.dashboardInitialized.bind(this), $rootScope); $rootScope.onAppEvent('panel-initialized', this.panelInitialized.bind(this), $rootScope); } refresh() { this.timings.query = 0; this.timings.render = 0; setTimeout(() => { console.log('panel count: ' + this.panelsInitCount); console.log('total query: ' + this.timings.query); console.log('total render: ' + this.timings.render); console.log('avg render: ' + this.timings.render / this.panelsInitCount); }, 5000); } dashboardFetched() { this.timings.dashboardLoadStart = new Date().getTime(); this.panelsInitCount = 0; this.digestCounter = 0; this.panelsInitCount = 0; this.panelsRendered = 0; this.timings.query = 0; this.timings.render = 0; } dashboardInitialized() { setTimeout(() => { console.log("Dashboard::Performance Total Digests: " + this.digestCounter); console.log("Dashboard::Performance Total Watchers: " + this.getTotalWatcherCount()); console.log("Dashboard::Performance Total ScopeCount: " + this.scopeCount); var timeTaken = this.timings.lastPanelInitializedAt - this.timings.dashboardLoadStart; console.log("Dashboard::Performance All panels initialized in " + timeTaken + " ms"); // measure digest performance var rootDigestStart = window.performance.now(); for (var i = 0; i < 30; i++) { this.$rootScope.$apply(); } console.log("Dashboard::Performance Root Digest " + ((window.performance.now() - rootDigestStart) / 30)); }, 3000); } getTotalWatcherCount() { var count = 0; var scopes = 0; var root = $(document.getElementsByTagName('body')); var f = function (element) { if (element.data().hasOwnProperty('$scope')) { scopes++; angular.forEach(element.data().$scope.$$watchers, function () { count++; }); } angular.forEach(element.children(), function (childElement) { f($(childElement)); }); }; f(root); this.scopeCount = scopes; return count; } renderingCompleted(panelId, panelTimings) { // add render counter to root scope // used by phantomjs render.js to know when panel has rendered this.panelsRendered = (this.panelsRendered || 0) + 1; this.$rootScope.panelsRendered = this.panelsRendered; if (this.enabled) { panelTimings.renderEnd = new Date().getTime(); this.timings.query += panelTimings.queryEnd - panelTimings.queryStart; this.timings.render += panelTimings.renderEnd - panelTimings.renderStart; } } panelInitialized() { if (!this.enabled) { return; } this.panelsInitCount++; this.timings.lastPanelInitializedAt = new Date().getTime(); } } var profiler = new Profiler(); export {profiler};