import { TimeRange } from '@grafana/data'; function roundMsToMin(milliseconds: number): number { return roundSecToMin(milliseconds / 1000); } function roundSecToMin(seconds: number): number { return Math.floor(seconds / 60); } export function shouldRefreshLabels(range?: TimeRange, prevRange?: TimeRange): boolean { if (range && prevRange) { const sameMinuteFrom = roundMsToMin(range.from.valueOf()) === roundMsToMin(prevRange.from.valueOf()); const sameMinuteTo = roundMsToMin( === roundMsToMin(; // If both are same, don't need to refresh return !(sameMinuteFrom && sameMinuteTo); } return false; } // Loki regular-expressions use the RE2 syntax (, // so every character that matches something in that list has to be escaped. // the list of meta characters is: *+?()|\.[]{}^$ // we make a javascript regular expression that matches those characters: const RE2_METACHARACTERS = /[*+?()|\\.\[\]{}^$]/g; function escapeLokiRegexp(value: string): string { return value.replace(RE2_METACHARACTERS, '\\$&'); } // based on the openmetrics-documentation, the 3 symbols we have to handle are: // - \n ... the newline character // - \ ... the backslash character // - " ... the double-quote character export function escapeLabelValueInExactSelector(labelValue: string): string { return labelValue.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\').replace(/\n/g, '\\n').replace(/"/g, '\\"'); } export function unescapeLabelValue(labelValue: string): string { return labelValue.replace(/\\n/g, '\n').replace(/\\"/g, '"').replace(/\\\\/g, '\\'); } export function escapeLabelValueInRegexSelector(labelValue: string): string { return escapeLabelValueInExactSelector(escapeLokiRegexp(labelValue)); } export function escapeLabelValueInSelector(labelValue: string, selector?: string): string { return isRegexSelector(selector) ? escapeLabelValueInRegexSelector(labelValue) : escapeLabelValueInExactSelector(labelValue); } export function isRegexSelector(selector?: string) { if (selector && (selector.includes('=~') || selector.includes('!~'))) { return true; } return false; } export function isBytesString(string: string) { const BYTES_KEYWORDS = [ 'b', 'kib', 'Kib', 'kb', 'KB', 'mib', 'Mib', 'mb', 'MB', 'gib', 'Gib', 'gb', 'GB', 'tib', 'Tib', 'tb', 'TB', 'pib', 'Pib', 'pb', 'PB', 'eib', 'Eib', 'eb', 'EB', ]; const regex = new RegExp(`^(?:-?\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?)(?:${BYTES_KEYWORDS.join('|')})$`); const match = string.match(regex); return !!match; }