import { Grammar } from 'prismjs'; import { CompletionItem } from '@grafana/ui'; export const AGGREGATION_OPERATORS: CompletionItem[] = [ { label: 'avg', insertText: 'avg', documentation: 'Calculate the average over dimensions', }, { label: 'bottomk', insertText: 'bottomk', documentation: 'Smallest k elements by sample value', }, { label: 'count', insertText: 'count', documentation: 'Count number of elements in the vector', }, { label: 'max', insertText: 'max', documentation: 'Select maximum over dimensions', }, { label: 'min', insertText: 'min', documentation: 'Select minimum over dimensions', }, { label: 'stddev', insertText: 'stddev', documentation: 'Calculate population standard deviation over dimensions', }, { label: 'stdvar', insertText: 'stdvar', documentation: 'Calculate population standard variance over dimensions', }, { label: 'sum', insertText: 'sum', documentation: 'Calculate sum over dimensions', }, { label: 'topk', insertText: 'topk', documentation: 'Largest k elements by sample value', }, ]; export const PIPE_PARSERS: CompletionItem[] = [ { label: 'json', insertText: 'json', documentation: 'Extracting labels from the log line using json parser.', }, { label: 'regexp', insertText: 'regexp ""', documentation: 'Extracting labels from the log line using regexp parser.', move: -1, }, { label: 'logfmt', insertText: 'logfmt', documentation: 'Extracting labels from the log line using logfmt parser.', }, { label: 'pattern', insertText: 'pattern', documentation: 'Extracting labels from the log line using pattern parser. Only available in Loki 2.3+.', }, { label: 'unpack', insertText: 'unpack', detail: 'unpack identifier', documentation: 'Parses a JSON log line, unpacking all embedded labels in the pack stage. A special property "_entry" will also be used to replace the original log line. Only available in Loki 2.2+.', }, ]; export const PIPE_OPERATORS: CompletionItem[] = [ { label: 'unwrap', insertText: 'unwrap', detail: 'unwrap identifier', documentation: 'Take labels and use the values as sample data for metric aggregations.', }, { label: 'label_format', insertText: 'label_format', documentation: 'Use to rename, modify or add labels. For example, | label_format foo=bar .', }, { label: 'line_format', insertText: 'line_format', documentation: 'Rewrites log line content. For example, | line_format "{{.query}} {{.duration}}" .', }, ]; export const RANGE_VEC_FUNCTIONS = [ { insertText: 'avg_over_time', label: 'avg_over_time', detail: 'avg_over_time(range-vector)', documentation: 'The average of all values in the specified interval.', }, { insertText: 'bytes_over_time', label: 'bytes_over_time', detail: 'bytes_over_time(range-vector)', documentation: 'Counts the amount of bytes used by each log stream for a given range', }, { insertText: 'bytes_rate', label: 'bytes_rate', detail: 'bytes_rate(range-vector)', documentation: 'Calculates the number of bytes per second for each stream.', }, { insertText: 'first_over_time', label: 'first_over_time', detail: 'first_over_time(range-vector)', documentation: 'The first of all values in the specified interval. Only available in Loki 2.3+.', }, { insertText: 'last_over_time', label: 'last_over_time', detail: 'last_over_time(range-vector)', documentation: 'The last of all values in the specified interval. Only available in Loki 2.3+.', }, { insertText: 'sum_over_time', label: 'sum_over_time', detail: 'sum_over_time(range-vector)', documentation: 'The sum of all values in the specified interval.', }, { insertText: 'count_over_time', label: 'count_over_time', detail: 'count_over_time(range-vector)', documentation: 'The count of all values in the specified interval.', }, { insertText: 'max_over_time', label: 'max_over_time', detail: 'max_over_time(range-vector)', documentation: 'The maximum of all values in the specified interval.', }, { insertText: 'min_over_time', label: 'min_over_time', detail: 'min_over_time(range-vector)', documentation: 'The minimum of all values in the specified interval.', }, { insertText: 'quantile_over_time', label: 'quantile_over_time', detail: 'quantile_over_time(scalar, range-vector)', documentation: 'The φ-quantile (0 ≤ φ ≤ 1) of the values in the specified interval.', }, { insertText: 'rate', label: 'rate', detail: 'rate(v range-vector)', documentation: 'Calculates the number of entries per second.', }, { insertText: 'stddev_over_time', label: 'stddev_over_time', detail: 'stddev_over_time(range-vector)', documentation: 'The population standard deviation of the values in the specified interval.', }, { insertText: 'stdvar_over_time', label: 'stdvar_over_time', detail: 'stdvar_over_time(range-vector)', documentation: 'The population standard variance of the values in the specified interval.', }, ]; export const BUILT_IN_FUNCTIONS = [ { insertText: 'vector', label: 'vector', detail: 'vector(scalar)', documentation: 'Returns the scalar as a vector with no labels.', }, ]; export const FUNCTIONS = [...AGGREGATION_OPERATORS, ...RANGE_VEC_FUNCTIONS, ...BUILT_IN_FUNCTIONS]; export const LOKI_KEYWORDS = [...FUNCTIONS, ...PIPE_OPERATORS, ...PIPE_PARSERS].map((keyword) => keyword.label); export const lokiGrammar: Grammar = { comment: { pattern: /#.*/, }, 'context-aggregation': { pattern: /((without|by)\s*)\([^)]*\)/, // by () lookbehind: true, inside: { 'label-key': { pattern: /[^(),\s][^,)]*[^),\s]*/, alias: 'attr-name', }, punctuation: /[()]/, }, }, 'context-labels': { pattern: /\{[^}]*(?=}?)/, greedy: true, inside: { comment: { pattern: /#.*/, }, 'label-key': { pattern: /[a-zA-Z_]\w*(?=\s*(=|!=|=~|!~))/, alias: 'attr-name', greedy: true, }, 'label-value': { pattern: /"(?:\\.|[^\\"])*"/, greedy: true, alias: 'attr-value', }, punctuation: /[{]/, }, }, 'context-pipe': { pattern: /\s\|[^=~]\s?\w*/i, inside: { 'pipe-operator': { pattern: /\|/i, alias: 'operator', }, 'pipe-operations': { pattern: new RegExp(`${[...PIPE_PARSERS, ...PIPE_OPERATORS].map((f) => f.label).join('|')}`, 'i'), alias: 'keyword', }, }, }, function: new RegExp(`\\b(?:${ => f.label).join('|')})(?=\\s*\\()`, 'i'), 'context-range': [ { pattern: /\[[^\]]*(?=\])/, // [1m] inside: { 'range-duration': { pattern: /\b\d+[smhdwy]\b/i, alias: 'number', }, }, }, { pattern: /(offset\s+)\w+/, // offset 1m lookbehind: true, inside: { 'range-duration': { pattern: /\b\d+[smhdwy]\b/i, alias: 'number', }, }, }, ], quote: { pattern: /"(?:\\.|[^\\"])*"/, alias: 'string', greedy: true, }, backticks: { pattern: /`(?:\\.|[^\\`])*`/, alias: 'string', greedy: true, }, number: /\b-?\d+((\.\d*)?([eE][+-]?\d+)?)?\b/, operator: /\s?(\|[=~]?|!=?|<(?:=>?|<|>)?|>[>=]?)\s?/i, punctuation: /[{}(),.]/, }; export default lokiGrammar;