import '@babel/polyfill'; import 'file-saver'; import 'lodash'; import 'jquery'; import 'angular'; import 'angular-route'; import 'angular-sanitize'; import 'angular-native-dragdrop'; import 'angular-bindonce'; import 'react'; import 'react-dom'; import 'vendor/bootstrap/bootstrap'; import 'vendor/angular-other/angular-strap'; import $ from 'jquery'; import angular from 'angular'; import config from 'app/core/config'; // @ts-ignore import ttiPolyfill from 'tti-polyfill'; // @ts-ignore ignoring this for now, otherwise we would have to extend _ interface with move import _ from 'lodash'; import { AppEvents, setMarkdownOptions, setLocale } from '@grafana/data'; import appEvents from 'app/core/app_events'; import { addClassIfNoOverlayScrollbar } from 'app/core/utils/scrollbar'; import { checkBrowserCompatibility } from 'app/core/utils/browser'; import { importPluginModule } from 'app/features/plugins/plugin_loader'; // add move to lodash for backward compatabiltiy // @ts-ignore _.move = (array: [], fromIndex: number, toIndex: number) => { array.splice(toIndex, 0, array.splice(fromIndex, 1)[0]); return array; }; import { coreModule, angularModules } from 'app/core/core_module'; import { registerAngularDirectives } from 'app/core/core'; import { setupAngularRoutes } from 'app/routes/routes'; import { setEchoSrv, registerEchoBackend } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { Echo } from './core/services/echo/Echo'; import { reportPerformance } from './core/services/echo/EchoSrv'; import { PerformanceBackend } from './core/services/echo/backends/PerformanceBackend'; import 'app/routes/GrafanaCtrl'; import 'app/features/all'; // import symlinked extensions const extensionsIndex = (require as any).context('.', true, /extensions\/index.ts/); extensionsIndex.keys().forEach((key: any) => { extensionsIndex(key); }); export class GrafanaApp { registerFunctions: any; ngModuleDependencies: any[]; preBootModules: any[] | null; constructor() { addClassIfNoOverlayScrollbar('no-overlay-scrollbar'); this.preBootModules = []; this.registerFunctions = {}; this.ngModuleDependencies = []; } useModule(module: angular.IModule) { if (this.preBootModules) { this.preBootModules.push(module); } else { _.extend(module, this.registerFunctions); } this.ngModuleDependencies.push(; return module; } init() { const app = angular.module('grafana', []); setLocale(config.bootData.user.locale); setMarkdownOptions({ sanitize: !config.disableSanitizeHtml }); app.config( ( $locationProvider: angular.ILocationProvider, $controllerProvider: angular.IControllerProvider, $compileProvider: angular.ICompileProvider, $filterProvider: angular.IFilterProvider, $httpProvider: angular.IHttpProvider, $provide: ) => { // pre assing bindings before constructor calls $compileProvider.preAssignBindingsEnabled(true); if (config.buildInfo.env !== 'development') { $compileProvider.debugInfoEnabled(false); } $httpProvider.useApplyAsync(true); this.registerFunctions.controller = $controllerProvider.register; this.registerFunctions.directive = $compileProvider.directive; this.registerFunctions.factory = $provide.factory; this.registerFunctions.service = $provide.service; this.registerFunctions.filter = $filterProvider.register; $provide.decorator('$http', [ '$delegate', '$templateCache', ($delegate: any, $templateCache: any) => { const get = $delegate.get; $delegate.get = (url: string, config: any) => { if (url.match(/\.html$/)) { // some template's already exist in the cache if (!$templateCache.get(url)) { url += '?v=' + new Date().getTime(); } } return get(url, config); }; return $delegate; }, ]); } ); this.ngModuleDependencies = [ 'grafana.core', 'ngRoute', 'ngSanitize', '$strap.directives', 'ang-drag-drop', 'grafana', 'pasvaz.bindonce', 'react', ]; // makes it possible to add dynamic stuff _.each(angularModules, (m: angular.IModule) => { this.useModule(m); }); // register react angular wrappers coreModule.config(setupAngularRoutes); registerAngularDirectives(); // disable tool tip animation $.fn.tooltip.defaults.animation = false; // bootstrap the app angular.bootstrap(document, this.ngModuleDependencies).invoke(() => { _.each(this.preBootModules, (module: angular.IModule) => { _.extend(module, this.registerFunctions); }); this.preBootModules = null; if (!checkBrowserCompatibility()) { setTimeout(() => { appEvents.emit(AppEvents.alertWarning, [ 'Your browser is not fully supported', 'A newer browser version is recommended', ]); }, 1000); } }); // Preload selected app plugins for (const modulePath of config.pluginsToPreload) { importPluginModule(modulePath); } } initEchoSrv() { setEchoSrv(new Echo({ debug: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' })); ttiPolyfill.getFirstConsistentlyInteractive().then((tti: any) => { // Collecting paint metrics first const paintMetrics = performance && performance.getEntriesByType ? performance.getEntriesByType('paint') : []; for (const metric of paintMetrics) { reportPerformance(, Math.round(metric.startTime + metric.duration)); } reportPerformance('tti', tti); }); registerEchoBackend(new PerformanceBackend({})); window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { reportPerformance('dcl', Math.round(; }); } } export default new GrafanaApp();