import { css } from '@emotion/css'; import { sortBy } from 'lodash'; import React, { useEffect, useMemo } from 'react'; import { useEffectOnce } from 'react-use'; import { GrafanaTheme2, PanelProps } from '@grafana/data'; import { TimeRangeUpdatedEvent } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { Alert, BigValue, BigValueGraphMode, BigValueJustifyMode, BigValueTextMode, CustomScrollbar, LoadingPlaceholder, useStyles2, } from '@grafana/ui'; import { config } from 'app/core/config'; import { contextSrv } from 'app/core/services/context_srv'; import alertDef from 'app/features/alerting/state/alertDef'; import { useUnifiedAlertingSelector } from 'app/features/alerting/unified/hooks/useUnifiedAlertingSelector'; import { fetchAllPromRulesAction } from 'app/features/alerting/unified/state/actions'; import { labelsMatchMatchers, parseMatchers } from 'app/features/alerting/unified/utils/alertmanager'; import { Annotation } from 'app/features/alerting/unified/utils/constants'; import { getAllRulesSourceNames, GRAFANA_DATASOURCE_NAME, GRAFANA_RULES_SOURCE_NAME, } from 'app/features/alerting/unified/utils/datasource'; import { flattenRules, getFirstActiveAt } from 'app/features/alerting/unified/utils/rules'; import { getDashboardSrv } from 'app/features/dashboard/services/DashboardSrv'; import { DashboardModel } from 'app/features/dashboard/state'; import { useDispatch, AccessControlAction } from 'app/types'; import { PromRuleWithLocation } from 'app/types/unified-alerting'; import { PromAlertingRuleState } from 'app/types/unified-alerting-dto'; import { GroupMode, SortOrder, UnifiedAlertListOptions, ViewMode } from './types'; import GroupedModeView from './unified-alerting/GroupedView'; import UngroupedModeView from './unified-alerting/UngroupedView'; import { filterAlerts } from './util'; export function UnifiedAlertList(props: PanelProps) { const dispatch = useDispatch(); const rulesDataSourceNames = useMemo(getAllRulesSourceNames, []); // backwards compat for "Inactive" state filter useEffect(() => { if (props.options.stateFilter.inactive === true) { props.options.stateFilter.normal = true; // enable the normal filter } props.options.stateFilter.inactive = undefined; // now disable inactive }, [props.options.stateFilter]); let dashboard: DashboardModel | undefined = undefined; useEffectOnce(() => { dashboard = getDashboardSrv().getCurrent(); }); useEffect(() => { dispatch(fetchAllPromRulesAction()); const sub = dashboard?.events.subscribe(TimeRangeUpdatedEvent, () => dispatch(fetchAllPromRulesAction())); return () => { sub?.unsubscribe(); }; }, [dispatch, dashboard]); const promRulesRequests = useUnifiedAlertingSelector((state) => state.promRules); const dispatched = rulesDataSourceNames.some((name) => promRulesRequests[name]?.dispatched); const loading = rulesDataSourceNames.some((name) => promRulesRequests[name]?.loading); const haveResults = rulesDataSourceNames.some( (name) => promRulesRequests[name]?.result?.length && !promRulesRequests[name]?.error ); const styles = useStyles2(getStyles); const rules = useMemo( () => filterRules( props, sortRules( props.options.sortOrder, Object.values(promRulesRequests).flatMap(({ result = [] }) => flattenRules(result)) ) ), [props, promRulesRequests] ); const noAlertsMessage = rules.length === 0 ? 'No alerts matching filters' : undefined; if ( !contextSrv.hasPermission(AccessControlAction.AlertingRuleRead) && !contextSrv.hasPermission(AccessControlAction.AlertingRuleExternalRead) ) { return ( Sorry, you do not have the required permissions to read alert rules ); } return (
{dispatched && loading && !haveResults && } {noAlertsMessage &&
{props.options.viewMode === ViewMode.Stat && haveResults && ( )} {props.options.viewMode === ViewMode.List && props.options.groupMode === GroupMode.Custom && haveResults && ( )} {props.options.viewMode === ViewMode.List && props.options.groupMode === GroupMode.Default && haveResults && ( )}
); } function sortRules(sortOrder: SortOrder, rules: PromRuleWithLocation[]) { if (sortOrder === SortOrder.Importance) { // @ts-ignore return sortBy(rules, (rule) => alertDef.alertStateSortScore[rule.state]); } else if (sortOrder === SortOrder.TimeAsc) { return sortBy(rules, (rule) => getFirstActiveAt(rule.rule) || new Date()); } else if (sortOrder === SortOrder.TimeDesc) { return sortBy(rules, (rule) => getFirstActiveAt(rule.rule) || new Date()).reverse(); } const result = sortBy(rules, (rule) =>; if (sortOrder === SortOrder.AlphaDesc) { result.reverse(); } return result; } function filterRules(props: PanelProps, rules: PromRuleWithLocation[]) { const { options, replaceVariables } = props; let filteredRules = [...rules]; if (options.dashboardAlerts) { const dashboardUid = getDashboardSrv().getCurrent()?.uid; filteredRules = filteredRules.filter(({ rule: { annotations = {} } }) => Object.entries(annotations).some(([key, value]) => key === Annotation.dashboardUID && value === dashboardUid) ); } if (options.alertName) { const replacedName = replaceVariables(options.alertName); filteredRules = filteredRules.filter(({ rule: { name } }) => name.toLocaleLowerCase().includes(replacedName.toLocaleLowerCase()) ); } filteredRules = filteredRules.filter((rule) => { return ( (options.stateFilter.firing && rule.rule.state === PromAlertingRuleState.Firing) || (options.stateFilter.pending && rule.rule.state === PromAlertingRuleState.Pending) || (options.stateFilter.normal && rule.rule.state === PromAlertingRuleState.Inactive) ); }); if (options.alertInstanceLabelFilter) { const replacedLabelFilter = replaceVariables(options.alertInstanceLabelFilter); const matchers = parseMatchers(replacedLabelFilter); // Reduce rules and instances to only those that match filteredRules = filteredRules.reduce((rules, rule) => { const filteredAlerts = (rule.rule.alerts ?? []).filter(({ labels }) => labelsMatchMatchers(labels, matchers)); if (filteredAlerts.length) { rules.push({ ...rule, rule: { ...rule.rule, alerts: filteredAlerts } }); } return rules; }, []); } if (options.folder) { filteredRules = filteredRules.filter((rule) => { return rule.namespaceName === options.folder.title; }); } if (options.datasource) { const isGrafanaDS = options.datasource === GRAFANA_DATASOURCE_NAME; filteredRules = filteredRules.filter( isGrafanaDS ? ({ dataSourceName }) => dataSourceName === GRAFANA_RULES_SOURCE_NAME : ({ dataSourceName }) => dataSourceName === options.datasource ); } // Remove rules having 0 instances // AlertInstances filters instances and we need to prevent situation // when we display a rule with 0 instances filteredRules = filteredRules.reduce((rules, rule) => { const filteredAlerts = filterAlerts(options, rule.rule.alerts ?? []); if (filteredAlerts.length) { // We intentionally don't set alerts to filteredAlerts // because later we couldn't display that some alerts are hidden (ref AlertInstances filtering) rules.push(rule); } return rules; }, []); return filteredRules; } export const getStyles = (theme: GrafanaTheme2) => ({ cardContainer: css` padding: ${theme.spacing(0.5)} 0 ${theme.spacing(0.25)} 0; line-height: ${theme.typography.body.lineHeight}; margin-bottom: 0px; `, container: css` overflow-y: auto; height: 100%; `, alertRuleList: css` display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; justify-content: space-between; list-style-type: none; `, alertRuleItem: css` display: flex; align-items: center; width: 100%; height: 100%; background: ${theme.colors.background.secondary}; padding: ${theme.spacing(0.5)} ${theme.spacing(1)}; border-radius: ${theme.shape.borderRadius(2)}; margin-bottom: ${theme.spacing(0.5)}; & > * { margin-right: ${theme.spacing(1)}; } `, alertName: css` font-size: ${theme.typography.h6.fontSize}; font-weight: ${theme.typography.fontWeightBold}; `, alertLabels: css` > * { margin-right: ${theme.spacing(0.5)}; } `, alertDuration: css` font-size: ${theme.typography.bodySmall.fontSize}; `, alertRuleItemText: css` font-weight: ${theme.typography.fontWeightBold}; font-size: ${theme.typography.bodySmall.fontSize}; margin: 0; `, alertRuleItemTime: css` color: ${theme.colors.text.secondary}; font-weight: normal; white-space: nowrap; `, alertRuleItemInfo: css` font-weight: normal; flex-grow: 2; display: flex; align-items: flex-end; `, noAlertsMessage: css` display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; width: 100%; height: 100%; `, alertIcon: css` margin-right: ${theme.spacing(0.5)}; `, instanceDetails: css` min-width: 1px; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; `, customGroupDetails: css` margin-bottom: ${theme.spacing(0.5)}; `, });