import _ from 'lodash'; import moment from 'moment'; var kbn: any = {}; kbn.valueFormats = {}; kbn.regexEscape = function(value) { return value.replace(/[\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}\/]/g, '\\$&'); }; ///// HELPER FUNCTIONS ///// kbn.round_interval = function(interval) { switch (true) { // 0.015s case interval < 15: return 10; // 0.01s // 0.035s case interval < 35: return 20; // 0.02s // 0.075s case interval < 75: return 50; // 0.05s // 0.15s case interval < 150: return 100; // 0.1s // 0.35s case interval < 350: return 200; // 0.2s // 0.75s case interval < 750: return 500; // 0.5s // 1.5s case interval < 1500: return 1000; // 1s // 3.5s case interval < 3500: return 2000; // 2s // 7.5s case interval < 7500: return 5000; // 5s // 12.5s case interval < 12500: return 10000; // 10s // 17.5s case interval < 17500: return 15000; // 15s // 25s case interval < 25000: return 20000; // 20s // 45s case interval < 45000: return 30000; // 30s // 1.5m case interval < 90000: return 60000; // 1m // 3.5m case interval < 210000: return 120000; // 2m // 7.5m case interval < 450000: return 300000; // 5m // 12.5m case interval < 750000: return 600000; // 10m // 12.5m case interval < 1050000: return 900000; // 15m // 25m case interval < 1500000: return 1200000; // 20m // 45m case interval < 2700000: return 1800000; // 30m // 1.5h case interval < 5400000: return 3600000; // 1h // 2.5h case interval < 9000000: return 7200000; // 2h // 4.5h case interval < 16200000: return 10800000; // 3h // 9h case interval < 32400000: return 21600000; // 6h // 1d case interval < 86400000: return 43200000; // 12h // 1w case interval < 604800000: return 86400000; // 1d // 3w case interval < 1814400000: return 604800000; // 1w // 6w case interval < 3628800000: return 2592000000; // 30d default: return 31536000000; // 1y } }; kbn.secondsToHms = function(seconds) { var numyears = Math.floor(seconds / 31536000); if (numyears) { return numyears + 'y'; } var numdays = Math.floor((seconds % 31536000) / 86400); if (numdays) { return numdays + 'd'; } var numhours = Math.floor(((seconds % 31536000) % 86400) / 3600); if (numhours) { return numhours + 'h'; } var numminutes = Math.floor((((seconds % 31536000) % 86400) % 3600) / 60); if (numminutes) { return numminutes + 'm'; } var numseconds = Math.floor((((seconds % 31536000) % 86400) % 3600) % 60); if (numseconds) { return numseconds + 's'; } var nummilliseconds = Math.floor(seconds * 1000.0); if (nummilliseconds) { return nummilliseconds + 'ms'; } return 'less than a millisecond'; //'just now' //or other string you like; }; kbn.secondsToHhmmss = function(seconds) { var strings = []; var numhours = Math.floor(seconds / 3600); var numminutes = Math.floor((seconds % 3600) / 60); var numseconds = Math.floor((seconds % 3600) % 60); numhours > 9 ? strings.push('' + numhours) : strings.push('0' + numhours); numminutes > 9 ? strings.push('' + numminutes) : strings.push('0' + numminutes); numseconds > 9 ? strings.push('' + numseconds) : strings.push('0' + numseconds); return strings.join(':'); }; kbn.to_percent = function(nr, outof) { return Math.floor(nr / outof * 10000) / 100 + '%'; }; kbn.addslashes = function(str) { str = str.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\'); str = str.replace(/\'/g, "\\'"); str = str.replace(/\"/g, '\\"'); str = str.replace(/\0/g, '\\0'); return str; }; kbn.interval_regex = /(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)(ms|[Mwdhmsy])/; // histogram & trends kbn.intervals_in_seconds = { y: 31536000, M: 2592000, w: 604800, d: 86400, h: 3600, m: 60, s: 1, ms: 0.001, }; kbn.calculateInterval = function(range, resolution, lowLimitInterval) { var lowLimitMs = 1; // 1 millisecond default low limit var intervalMs; if (lowLimitInterval) { if (lowLimitInterval[0] === '>') { lowLimitInterval = lowLimitInterval.slice(1); } lowLimitMs = kbn.interval_to_ms(lowLimitInterval); } intervalMs = kbn.round_interval(( - range.from.valueOf()) / resolution); if (lowLimitMs > intervalMs) { intervalMs = lowLimitMs; } return { intervalMs: intervalMs, interval: kbn.secondsToHms(intervalMs / 1000), }; }; kbn.describe_interval = function(str) { var matches = str.match(kbn.interval_regex); if (!matches || !_.has(kbn.intervals_in_seconds, matches[2])) { throw new Error('Invalid interval string, expecting a number followed by one of "Mwdhmsy"'); } else { return { sec: kbn.intervals_in_seconds[matches[2]], type: matches[2], count: parseInt(matches[1], 10), }; } }; kbn.interval_to_ms = function(str) { var info = kbn.describe_interval(str); return info.sec * 1000 * info.count; }; kbn.interval_to_seconds = function(str) { var info = kbn.describe_interval(str); return info.sec * info.count; }; kbn.query_color_dot = function(color, diameter) { return ( '
' ); }; kbn.slugifyForUrl = function(str) { return str .toLowerCase() .replace(/[^\w ]+/g, '') .replace(/ +/g, '-'); }; kbn.stringToJsRegex = function(str) { if (str[0] !== '/') { return new RegExp('^' + str + '$'); } var match = str.match(new RegExp('^/(.*?)/(g?i?m?y?)$')); return new RegExp(match[1], match[2]); }; kbn.toFixed = function(value, decimals) { if (value === null) { return ''; } var factor = decimals ? Math.pow(10, Math.max(0, decimals)) : 1; var formatted = String(Math.round(value * factor) / factor); // if exponent return directly if (formatted.indexOf('e') !== -1 || value === 0) { return formatted; } // If tickDecimals was specified, ensure that we have exactly that // much precision; otherwise default to the value's own precision. if (decimals != null) { var decimalPos = formatted.indexOf('.'); var precision = decimalPos === -1 ? 0 : formatted.length - decimalPos - 1; if (precision < decimals) { return (precision ? formatted : formatted + '.') + String(factor).substr(1, decimals - precision); } } return formatted; }; kbn.toFixedScaled = function(value, decimals, scaledDecimals, additionalDecimals, ext) { if (scaledDecimals === null) { return kbn.toFixed(value, decimals) + ext; } else { return kbn.toFixed(value, scaledDecimals + additionalDecimals) + ext; } }; kbn.roundValue = function(num, decimals) { if (num === null) { return null; } var n = Math.pow(10, decimals); var formatted = (n * num).toFixed(decimals); return Math.round(parseFloat(formatted)) / n; }; ///// FORMAT FUNCTION CONSTRUCTORS ///// kbn.formatBuilders = {}; // Formatter which always appends a fixed unit string to the value. No // scaling of the value is performed. kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit = function(unit) { return function(size, decimals) { if (size === null) { return ''; } return kbn.toFixed(size, decimals) + ' ' + unit; }; }; // Formatter which scales the unit string geometrically according to the given // numeric factor. Repeatedly scales the value down by the factor until it is // less than the factor in magnitude, or the end of the array is reached. kbn.formatBuilders.scaledUnits = function(factor, extArray) { return function(size, decimals, scaledDecimals) { if (size === null) { return ''; } var steps = 0; var limit = extArray.length; while (Math.abs(size) >= factor) { steps++; size /= factor; if (steps >= limit) { return 'NA'; } } if (steps > 0 && scaledDecimals !== null) { decimals = scaledDecimals + 3 * steps; } return kbn.toFixed(size, decimals) + extArray[steps]; }; }; // Extension of the scaledUnits builder which uses SI decimal prefixes. If an // offset is given, it adjusts the starting units at the given prefix; a value // of 0 starts at no scale; -3 drops to nano, +2 starts at mega, etc. kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix = function(unit, offset) { var prefixes = ['n', 'µ', 'm', '', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z', 'Y']; prefixes = prefixes.slice(3 + (offset || 0)); var units = { return ' ' + p + unit; }); return kbn.formatBuilders.scaledUnits(1000, units); }; // Extension of the scaledUnits builder which uses SI binary prefixes. If // offset is given, it starts the units at the given prefix; otherwise, the // offset defaults to zero and the initial unit is not prefixed. kbn.formatBuilders.binarySIPrefix = function(unit, offset) { var prefixes = ['', 'Ki', 'Mi', 'Gi', 'Ti', 'Pi', 'Ei', 'Zi', 'Yi'].slice(offset); var units = { return ' ' + p + unit; }); return kbn.formatBuilders.scaledUnits(1024, units); }; // Currency formatter for prefixing a symbol onto a number. Supports scaling // up to the trillions. kbn.formatBuilders.currency = function(symbol) { var units = ['', 'K', 'M', 'B', 'T']; var scaler = kbn.formatBuilders.scaledUnits(1000, units); return function(size, decimals, scaledDecimals) { if (size === null) { return ''; } var scaled = scaler(size, decimals, scaledDecimals); return symbol + scaled; }; }; kbn.formatBuilders.simpleCountUnit = function(symbol) { var units = ['', 'K', 'M', 'B', 'T']; var scaler = kbn.formatBuilders.scaledUnits(1000, units); return function(size, decimals, scaledDecimals) { if (size === null) { return ''; } var scaled = scaler(size, decimals, scaledDecimals); return scaled + ' ' + symbol; }; }; ///// VALUE FORMATS ///// // Dimensionless Units kbn.valueFormats.none = kbn.toFixed; kbn.valueFormats.short = kbn.formatBuilders.scaledUnits(1000, [ '', ' K', ' Mil', ' Bil', ' Tri', ' Quadr', ' Quint', ' Sext', ' Sept', ]); kbn.valueFormats.dB = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('dB'); kbn.valueFormats.percent = function(size, decimals) { if (size === null) { return ''; } return kbn.toFixed(size, decimals) + '%'; }; kbn.valueFormats.percentunit = function(size, decimals) { if (size === null) { return ''; } return kbn.toFixed(100 * size, decimals) + '%'; }; /* Formats the value to hex. Uses float if specified decimals are not 0. * There are two options, one with 0x, and one without */ kbn.valueFormats.hex = function(value, decimals) { if (value == null) { return ''; } return parseFloat(kbn.toFixed(value, decimals)) .toString(16) .toUpperCase(); }; kbn.valueFormats.hex0x = function(value, decimals) { if (value == null) { return ''; } var hexString = kbn.valueFormats.hex(value, decimals); if (hexString.substring(0, 1) === '-') { return '-0x' + hexString.substring(1); } return '0x' + hexString; }; kbn.valueFormats.sci = function(value, decimals) { return value.toExponential(decimals); }; kbn.valueFormats.locale = function(value, decimals) { return value.toLocaleString(undefined, { maximumFractionDigits: decimals }); }; // Currencies kbn.valueFormats.currencyUSD = kbn.formatBuilders.currency('$'); kbn.valueFormats.currencyGBP = kbn.formatBuilders.currency('£'); kbn.valueFormats.currencyEUR = kbn.formatBuilders.currency('€'); kbn.valueFormats.currencyJPY = kbn.formatBuilders.currency('¥'); kbn.valueFormats.currencyRUB = kbn.formatBuilders.currency('₽'); kbn.valueFormats.currencyUAH = kbn.formatBuilders.currency('₴'); kbn.valueFormats.currencyBRL = kbn.formatBuilders.currency('R$'); kbn.valueFormats.currencyDKK = kbn.formatBuilders.currency('kr'); kbn.valueFormats.currencyISK = kbn.formatBuilders.currency('kr'); kbn.valueFormats.currencyNOK = kbn.formatBuilders.currency('kr'); kbn.valueFormats.currencySEK = kbn.formatBuilders.currency('kr'); kbn.valueFormats.currencyCZK = kbn.formatBuilders.currency('czk'); kbn.valueFormats.currencyCHF = kbn.formatBuilders.currency('CHF'); kbn.valueFormats.currencyPLN = kbn.formatBuilders.currency('zł'); // Data (Binary) kbn.valueFormats.bits = kbn.formatBuilders.binarySIPrefix('b'); kbn.valueFormats.bytes = kbn.formatBuilders.binarySIPrefix('B'); kbn.valueFormats.kbytes = kbn.formatBuilders.binarySIPrefix('B', 1); kbn.valueFormats.mbytes = kbn.formatBuilders.binarySIPrefix('B', 2); kbn.valueFormats.gbytes = kbn.formatBuilders.binarySIPrefix('B', 3); // Data (Decimal) kbn.valueFormats.decbits = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('b'); kbn.valueFormats.decbytes = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('B'); kbn.valueFormats.deckbytes = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('B', 1); kbn.valueFormats.decmbytes = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('B', 2); kbn.valueFormats.decgbytes = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('B', 3); // Data Rate kbn.valueFormats.pps = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('pps'); kbn.valueFormats.bps = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('bps'); kbn.valueFormats.Bps = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('B/s'); kbn.valueFormats.KBs = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('Bs', 1); kbn.valueFormats.Kbits = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('bps', 1); kbn.valueFormats.MBs = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('Bs', 2); kbn.valueFormats.Mbits = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('bps', 2); kbn.valueFormats.GBs = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('Bs', 3); kbn.valueFormats.Gbits = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('bps', 3); // Hash Rate kbn.valueFormats.Hs = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('H/s'); kbn.valueFormats.KHs = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('H/s', 1); kbn.valueFormats.MHs = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('H/s', 2); kbn.valueFormats.GHs = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('H/s', 3); kbn.valueFormats.THs = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('H/s', 4); kbn.valueFormats.PHs = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('H/s', 5); kbn.valueFormats.EHs = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('H/s', 6); // Throughput kbn.valueFormats.ops = kbn.formatBuilders.simpleCountUnit('ops'); kbn.valueFormats.reqps = kbn.formatBuilders.simpleCountUnit('reqps'); kbn.valueFormats.rps = kbn.formatBuilders.simpleCountUnit('rps'); kbn.valueFormats.wps = kbn.formatBuilders.simpleCountUnit('wps'); kbn.valueFormats.iops = kbn.formatBuilders.simpleCountUnit('iops'); kbn.valueFormats.opm = kbn.formatBuilders.simpleCountUnit('opm'); kbn.valueFormats.rpm = kbn.formatBuilders.simpleCountUnit('rpm'); kbn.valueFormats.wpm = kbn.formatBuilders.simpleCountUnit('wpm'); // Energy kbn.valueFormats.watt = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('W'); kbn.valueFormats.kwatt = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('W', 1); kbn.valueFormats.mwatt = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('W', -1); kbn.valueFormats.kwattm = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('W/Min', 1); kbn.valueFormats.Wm2 = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('W/m2'); kbn.valueFormats.voltamp = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('VA'); kbn.valueFormats.kvoltamp = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('VA', 1); kbn.valueFormats.voltampreact = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('var'); kbn.valueFormats.kvoltampreact = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('var', 1); kbn.valueFormats.watth = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('Wh'); kbn.valueFormats.kwatth = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('Wh', 1); kbn.valueFormats.joule = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('J'); kbn.valueFormats.ev = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('eV'); kbn.valueFormats.amp = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('A'); kbn.valueFormats.kamp = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('A', 1); kbn.valueFormats.mamp = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('A', -1); kbn.valueFormats.volt = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('V'); kbn.valueFormats.kvolt = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('V', 1); kbn.valueFormats.mvolt = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('V', -1); kbn.valueFormats.dBm = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('dBm'); kbn.valueFormats.ohm = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('Ω'); kbn.valueFormats.lumens = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('Lm'); // Temperature kbn.valueFormats.celsius = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('°C'); kbn.valueFormats.farenheit = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('°F'); kbn.valueFormats.kelvin = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('K'); kbn.valueFormats.humidity = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('%H'); // Pressure kbn.valueFormats.pressurebar = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('bar'); kbn.valueFormats.pressurembar = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('bar', -1); kbn.valueFormats.pressurekbar = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('bar', 1); kbn.valueFormats.pressurehpa = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('hPa'); kbn.valueFormats.pressurekpa = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('kPa'); kbn.valueFormats.pressurehg = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('"Hg'); kbn.valueFormats.pressurepsi = kbn.formatBuilders.scaledUnits(1000, [' psi', ' ksi', ' Mpsi']); // Force kbn.valueFormats.forceNm = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('Nm'); kbn.valueFormats.forcekNm = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('Nm', 1); kbn.valueFormats.forceN = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('N'); kbn.valueFormats.forcekN = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('N', 1); // Length kbn.valueFormats.lengthm = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('m'); kbn.valueFormats.lengthmm = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('m', -1); kbn.valueFormats.lengthkm = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('m', 1); kbn.valueFormats.lengthmi = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('mi'); kbn.valueFormats.lengthft = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('ft'); // Area kbn.valueFormats.areaM2 = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('m²'); kbn.valueFormats.areaF2 = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('ft²'); kbn.valueFormats.areaMI2 = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('mi²'); // Mass kbn.valueFormats.massmg = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('g', -1); kbn.valueFormats.massg = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('g'); kbn.valueFormats.masskg = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('g', 1); kbn.valueFormats.masst = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('t'); // Velocity kbn.valueFormats.velocityms = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('m/s'); kbn.valueFormats.velocitykmh = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('km/h'); kbn.valueFormats.velocitymph = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('mph'); kbn.valueFormats.velocityknot = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('kn'); // Acceleration kbn.valueFormats.accMS2 = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('m/sec²'); kbn.valueFormats.accFS2 = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('f/sec²'); kbn.valueFormats.accG = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('g'); // Volume kbn.valueFormats.litre = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('L'); kbn.valueFormats.mlitre = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('L', -1); kbn.valueFormats.m3 = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('m³'); kbn.valueFormats.Nm3 = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('Nm³'); kbn.valueFormats.dm3 = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('dm³'); kbn.valueFormats.gallons = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('gal'); // Flow kbn.valueFormats.flowgpm = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('gpm'); kbn.valueFormats.flowcms = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('cms'); kbn.valueFormats.flowcfs = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('cfs'); kbn.valueFormats.flowcfm = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('cfm'); kbn.valueFormats.litreh = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('l/h'); kbn.valueFormats.flowlpm = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('L'); kbn.valueFormats.flowmlpm = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('L', -1); // Angle = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('°'); kbn.valueFormats.radian = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('rad'); kbn.valueFormats.grad = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('grad'); // Radiation kbn.valueFormats.radbq = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('Bq'); kbn.valueFormats.radci = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('Ci'); kbn.valueFormats.radgy = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('Gy'); kbn.valueFormats.radrad = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('rad'); kbn.valueFormats.radsv = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('Sv'); kbn.valueFormats.radrem = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('rem'); kbn.valueFormats.radexpckg = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('C/kg'); kbn.valueFormats.radr = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('R'); kbn.valueFormats.radsvh = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('Sv/h'); // Concentration kbn.valueFormats.ppm = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('ppm'); kbn.valueFormats.conppb = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('ppb'); kbn.valueFormats.conngm3 = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('ng/m³'); kbn.valueFormats.conngNm3 = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('ng/Nm³'); kbn.valueFormats.conμgm3 = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('μg/m³'); kbn.valueFormats.conμgNm3 = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('μg/Nm³'); kbn.valueFormats.conmgm3 = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('mg/m³'); kbn.valueFormats.conmgNm3 = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('mg/Nm³'); kbn.valueFormats.congm3 = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('g/m³'); kbn.valueFormats.congNm3 = kbn.formatBuilders.fixedUnit('g/Nm³'); // Time kbn.valueFormats.hertz = kbn.formatBuilders.decimalSIPrefix('Hz'); = function(size, decimals, scaledDecimals) { if (size === null) { return ''; } if (Math.abs(size) < 1000) { return kbn.toFixed(size, decimals) + ' ms'; } else if (Math.abs(size) < 60000) { // Less than 1 min return kbn.toFixedScaled(size / 1000, decimals, scaledDecimals, 3, ' s'); } else if (Math.abs(size) < 3600000) { // Less than 1 hour, divide in minutes return kbn.toFixedScaled(size / 60000, decimals, scaledDecimals, 5, ' min'); } else if (Math.abs(size) < 86400000) { // Less than one day, divide in hours return kbn.toFixedScaled(size / 3600000, decimals, scaledDecimals, 7, ' hour'); } else if (Math.abs(size) < 31536000000) { // Less than one year, divide in days return kbn.toFixedScaled(size / 86400000, decimals, scaledDecimals, 8, ' day'); } return kbn.toFixedScaled(size / 31536000000, decimals, scaledDecimals, 10, ' year'); }; kbn.valueFormats.s = function(size, decimals, scaledDecimals) { if (size === null) { return ''; } // Less than 1 µs, divide in ns if (Math.abs(size) < 0.000001) { return kbn.toFixedScaled(size * 1e9, decimals, scaledDecimals - decimals, -9, ' ns'); } // Less than 1 ms, divide in µs if (Math.abs(size) < 0.001) { return kbn.toFixedScaled(size * 1e6, decimals, scaledDecimals - decimals, -6, ' µs'); } // Less than 1 second, divide in ms if (Math.abs(size) < 1) { return kbn.toFixedScaled(size * 1e3, decimals, scaledDecimals - decimals, -3, ' ms'); } if (Math.abs(size) < 60) { return kbn.toFixed(size, decimals) + ' s'; } else if (Math.abs(size) < 3600) { // Less than 1 hour, divide in minutes return kbn.toFixedScaled(size / 60, decimals, scaledDecimals, 1, ' min'); } else if (Math.abs(size) < 86400) { // Less than one day, divide in hours return kbn.toFixedScaled(size / 3600, decimals, scaledDecimals, 4, ' hour'); } else if (Math.abs(size) < 604800) { // Less than one week, divide in days return kbn.toFixedScaled(size / 86400, decimals, scaledDecimals, 5, ' day'); } else if (Math.abs(size) < 31536000) { // Less than one year, divide in week return kbn.toFixedScaled(size / 604800, decimals, scaledDecimals, 6, ' week'); } return kbn.toFixedScaled(size / 3.15569e7, decimals, scaledDecimals, 7, ' year'); }; kbn.valueFormats['µs'] = function(size, decimals, scaledDecimals) { if (size === null) { return ''; } if (Math.abs(size) < 1000) { return kbn.toFixed(size, decimals) + ' µs'; } else if (Math.abs(size) < 1000000) { return kbn.toFixedScaled(size / 1000, decimals, scaledDecimals, 3, ' ms'); } else { return kbn.toFixedScaled(size / 1000000, decimals, scaledDecimals, 6, ' s'); } }; kbn.valueFormats.ns = function(size, decimals, scaledDecimals) { if (size === null) { return ''; } if (Math.abs(size) < 1000) { return kbn.toFixed(size, decimals) + ' ns'; } else if (Math.abs(size) < 1000000) { return kbn.toFixedScaled(size / 1000, decimals, scaledDecimals, 3, ' µs'); } else if (Math.abs(size) < 1000000000) { return kbn.toFixedScaled(size / 1000000, decimals, scaledDecimals, 6, ' ms'); } else if (Math.abs(size) < 60000000000) { return kbn.toFixedScaled(size / 1000000000, decimals, scaledDecimals, 9, ' s'); } else { return kbn.toFixedScaled(size / 60000000000, decimals, scaledDecimals, 12, ' min'); } }; kbn.valueFormats.m = function(size, decimals, scaledDecimals) { if (size === null) { return ''; } if (Math.abs(size) < 60) { return kbn.toFixed(size, decimals) + ' min'; } else if (Math.abs(size) < 1440) { return kbn.toFixedScaled(size / 60, decimals, scaledDecimals, 2, ' hour'); } else if (Math.abs(size) < 10080) { return kbn.toFixedScaled(size / 1440, decimals, scaledDecimals, 3, ' day'); } else if (Math.abs(size) < 604800) { return kbn.toFixedScaled(size / 10080, decimals, scaledDecimals, 4, ' week'); } else { return kbn.toFixedScaled(size / 5.25948e5, decimals, scaledDecimals, 5, ' year'); } }; kbn.valueFormats.h = function(size, decimals, scaledDecimals) { if (size === null) { return ''; } if (Math.abs(size) < 24) { return kbn.toFixed(size, decimals) + ' hour'; } else if (Math.abs(size) < 168) { return kbn.toFixedScaled(size / 24, decimals, scaledDecimals, 2, ' day'); } else if (Math.abs(size) < 8760) { return kbn.toFixedScaled(size / 168, decimals, scaledDecimals, 3, ' week'); } else { return kbn.toFixedScaled(size / 8760, decimals, scaledDecimals, 4, ' year'); } }; kbn.valueFormats.d = function(size, decimals, scaledDecimals) { if (size === null) { return ''; } if (Math.abs(size) < 7) { return kbn.toFixed(size, decimals) + ' day'; } else if (Math.abs(size) < 365) { return kbn.toFixedScaled(size / 7, decimals, scaledDecimals, 2, ' week'); } else { return kbn.toFixedScaled(size / 365, decimals, scaledDecimals, 3, ' year'); } }; kbn.toDuration = function(size, decimals, timeScale) { if (size === null) { return ''; } if (size === 0) { return '0 ' + timeScale + 's'; } if (size < 0) { return kbn.toDuration(-size, decimals, timeScale) + ' ago'; } var units = [ { short: 'y', long: 'year' }, { short: 'M', long: 'month' }, { short: 'w', long: 'week' }, { short: 'd', long: 'day' }, { short: 'h', long: 'hour' }, { short: 'm', long: 'minute' }, { short: 's', long: 'second' }, { short: 'ms', long: 'millisecond' }, ]; // convert $size to milliseconds // intervals_in_seconds uses seconds (duh), convert them to milliseconds here to minimize floating point errors size *= kbn.intervals_in_seconds[ units.find(function(e) { return e.long === timeScale; }).short ] * 1000; var strings = []; // after first value >= 1 print only $decimals more var decrementDecimals = false; for (var i = 0; i < units.length && decimals >= 0; i++) { var interval = kbn.intervals_in_seconds[units[i].short] * 1000; var value = size / interval; if (value >= 1 || decrementDecimals) { decrementDecimals = true; var floor = Math.floor(value); var unit = units[i].long + (floor !== 1 ? 's' : ''); strings.push(floor + ' ' + unit); size = size % interval; decimals--; } } return strings.join(', '); }; kbn.valueFormats.dtdurationms = function(size, decimals) { return kbn.toDuration(size, decimals, 'millisecond'); }; kbn.valueFormats.dtdurations = function(size, decimals) { return kbn.toDuration(size, decimals, 'second'); }; kbn.valueFormats.dthms = function(size, decimals) { return kbn.secondsToHhmmss(size); }; kbn.valueFormats.timeticks = function(size, decimals, scaledDecimals) { return kbn.valueFormats.s(size / 100, decimals, scaledDecimals); }; kbn.valueFormats.dateTimeAsIso = function(epoch, isUtc) { var time = isUtc ? moment.utc(epoch) : moment(epoch); if (moment().isSame(epoch, 'day')) { return time.format('HH:mm:ss'); } return time.format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'); }; kbn.valueFormats.dateTimeAsUS = function(epoch, isUtc) { var time = isUtc ? moment.utc(epoch) : moment(epoch); if (moment().isSame(epoch, 'day')) { return time.format('h:mm:ss a'); } return time.format('MM/DD/YYYY h:mm:ss a'); }; kbn.valueFormats.dateTimeFromNow = function(epoch, isUtc) { var time = isUtc ? moment.utc(epoch) : moment(epoch); return time.fromNow(); }; ///// FORMAT MENU ///// kbn.getUnitFormats = function() { return [ { text: 'none', submenu: [ { text: 'none', value: 'none' }, { text: 'short', value: 'short' }, { text: 'percent (0-100)', value: 'percent' }, { text: 'percent (0.0-1.0)', value: 'percentunit' }, { text: 'Humidity (%H)', value: 'humidity' }, { text: 'decibel', value: 'dB' }, { text: 'hexadecimal (0x)', value: 'hex0x' }, { text: 'hexadecimal', value: 'hex' }, { text: 'scientific notation', value: 'sci' }, { text: 'locale format', value: 'locale' }, ], }, { text: 'currency', submenu: [ { text: 'Dollars ($)', value: 'currencyUSD' }, { text: 'Pounds (£)', value: 'currencyGBP' }, { text: 'Euro (€)', value: 'currencyEUR' }, { text: 'Yen (¥)', value: 'currencyJPY' }, { text: 'Rubles (₽)', value: 'currencyRUB' }, { text: 'Hryvnias (₴)', value: 'currencyUAH' }, { text: 'Real (R$)', value: 'currencyBRL' }, { text: 'Danish Krone (kr)', value: 'currencyDKK' }, { text: 'Icelandic Króna (kr)', value: 'currencyISK' }, { text: 'Norwegian Krone (kr)', value: 'currencyNOK' }, { text: 'Swedish Krona (kr)', value: 'currencySEK' }, { text: 'Czech koruna (czk)', value: 'currencyCZK' }, { text: 'Swiss franc (CHF)', value: 'currencyCHF' }, { text: 'Polish Złoty (PLN)', value: 'currencyPLN' }, ], }, { text: 'time', submenu: [ { text: 'Hertz (1/s)', value: 'hertz' }, { text: 'nanoseconds (ns)', value: 'ns' }, { text: 'microseconds (µs)', value: 'µs' }, { text: 'milliseconds (ms)', value: 'ms' }, { text: 'seconds (s)', value: 's' }, { text: 'minutes (m)', value: 'm' }, { text: 'hours (h)', value: 'h' }, { text: 'days (d)', value: 'd' }, { text: 'duration (ms)', value: 'dtdurationms' }, { text: 'duration (s)', value: 'dtdurations' }, { text: 'duration (hh:mm:ss)', value: 'dthms' }, { text: 'Timeticks (s/100)', value: 'timeticks' }, ], }, { text: 'date & time', submenu: [ { text: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss', value: 'dateTimeAsIso' }, { text: 'DD/MM/YYYY h:mm:ss a', value: 'dateTimeAsUS' }, { text: 'From Now', value: 'dateTimeFromNow' }, ], }, { text: 'data (IEC)', submenu: [ { text: 'bits', value: 'bits' }, { text: 'bytes', value: 'bytes' }, { text: 'kibibytes', value: 'kbytes' }, { text: 'mebibytes', value: 'mbytes' }, { text: 'gibibytes', value: 'gbytes' }, ], }, { text: 'data (Metric)', submenu: [ { text: 'bits', value: 'decbits' }, { text: 'bytes', value: 'decbytes' }, { text: 'kilobytes', value: 'deckbytes' }, { text: 'megabytes', value: 'decmbytes' }, { text: 'gigabytes', value: 'decgbytes' }, ], }, { text: 'data rate', submenu: [ { text: 'packets/sec', value: 'pps' }, { text: 'bits/sec', value: 'bps' }, { text: 'bytes/sec', value: 'Bps' }, { text: 'kilobits/sec', value: 'Kbits' }, { text: 'kilobytes/sec', value: 'KBs' }, { text: 'megabits/sec', value: 'Mbits' }, { text: 'megabytes/sec', value: 'MBs' }, { text: 'gigabytes/sec', value: 'GBs' }, { text: 'gigabits/sec', value: 'Gbits' }, ], }, { text: 'hash rate', submenu: [ { text: 'hashes/sec', value: 'Hs' }, { text: 'kilohashes/sec', value: 'KHs' }, { text: 'megahashes/sec', value: 'MHs' }, { text: 'gigahashes/sec', value: 'GHs' }, { text: 'terahashes/sec', value: 'THs' }, { text: 'petahashes/sec', value: 'PHs' }, { text: 'exahashes/sec', value: 'EHs' }, ], }, { text: 'throughput', submenu: [ { text: 'ops/sec (ops)', value: 'ops' }, { text: 'requests/sec (rps)', value: 'reqps' }, { text: 'reads/sec (rps)', value: 'rps' }, { text: 'writes/sec (wps)', value: 'wps' }, { text: 'I/O ops/sec (iops)', value: 'iops' }, { text: 'ops/min (opm)', value: 'opm' }, { text: 'reads/min (rpm)', value: 'rpm' }, { text: 'writes/min (wpm)', value: 'wpm' }, ], }, { text: 'length', submenu: [ { text: 'millimetre (mm)', value: 'lengthmm' }, { text: 'meter (m)', value: 'lengthm' }, { text: 'feet (ft)', value: 'lengthft' }, { text: 'kilometer (km)', value: 'lengthkm' }, { text: 'mile (mi)', value: 'lengthmi' }, ], }, { text: 'area', submenu: [ { text: 'Square Meters (m²)', value: 'areaM2' }, { text: 'Square Feet (ft²)', value: 'areaF2' }, { text: 'Square Miles (mi²)', value: 'areaMI2' }, ], }, { text: 'mass', submenu: [ { text: 'milligram (mg)', value: 'massmg' }, { text: 'gram (g)', value: 'massg' }, { text: 'kilogram (kg)', value: 'masskg' }, { text: 'metric ton (t)', value: 'masst' }, ], }, { text: 'velocity', submenu: [ { text: 'metres/second (m/s)', value: 'velocityms' }, { text: 'kilometers/hour (km/h)', value: 'velocitykmh' }, { text: 'miles/hour (mph)', value: 'velocitymph' }, { text: 'knot (kn)', value: 'velocityknot' }, ], }, { text: 'volume', submenu: [ { text: 'millilitre (mL)', value: 'mlitre' }, { text: 'litre (L)', value: 'litre' }, { text: 'cubic metre', value: 'm3' }, { text: 'Normal cubic metre', value: 'Nm3' }, { text: 'cubic decimetre', value: 'dm3' }, { text: 'gallons', value: 'gallons' }, ], }, { text: 'energy', submenu: [ { text: 'Watt (W)', value: 'watt' }, { text: 'Kilowatt (kW)', value: 'kwatt' }, { text: 'Milliwatt (mW)', value: 'mwatt' }, { text: 'Watt per square metre (W/m2)', value: 'Wm2' }, { text: 'Volt-ampere (VA)', value: 'voltamp' }, { text: 'Kilovolt-ampere (kVA)', value: 'kvoltamp' }, { text: 'Volt-ampere reactive (var)', value: 'voltampreact' }, { text: 'Kilovolt-ampere reactive (kvar)', value: 'kvoltampreact' }, { text: 'Watt-hour (Wh)', value: 'watth' }, { text: 'Kilowatt-hour (kWh)', value: 'kwatth' }, { text: 'Kilowatt-min (kWm)', value: 'kwattm' }, { text: 'Joule (J)', value: 'joule' }, { text: 'Electron volt (eV)', value: 'ev' }, { text: 'Ampere (A)', value: 'amp' }, { text: 'Kiloampere (kA)', value: 'kamp' }, { text: 'Milliampere (mA)', value: 'mamp' }, { text: 'Volt (V)', value: 'volt' }, { text: 'Kilovolt (kV)', value: 'kvolt' }, { text: 'Millivolt (mV)', value: 'mvolt' }, { text: 'Decibel-milliwatt (dBm)', value: 'dBm' }, { text: 'Ohm (Ω)', value: 'ohm' }, { text: 'Lumens (Lm)', value: 'lumens' }, ], }, { text: 'temperature', submenu: [ { text: 'Celsius (°C)', value: 'celsius' }, { text: 'Farenheit (°F)', value: 'farenheit' }, { text: 'Kelvin (K)', value: 'kelvin' }, ], }, { text: 'pressure', submenu: [ { text: 'Millibars', value: 'pressurembar' }, { text: 'Bars', value: 'pressurebar' }, { text: 'Kilobars', value: 'pressurekbar' }, { text: 'Hectopascals', value: 'pressurehpa' }, { text: 'Kilopascals', value: 'pressurekpa' }, { text: 'Inches of mercury', value: 'pressurehg' }, { text: 'PSI', value: 'pressurepsi' }, ], }, { text: 'force', submenu: [ { text: 'Newton-meters (Nm)', value: 'forceNm' }, { text: 'Kilonewton-meters (kNm)', value: 'forcekNm' }, { text: 'Newtons (N)', value: 'forceN' }, { text: 'Kilonewtons (kN)', value: 'forcekN' }, ], }, { text: 'flow', submenu: [ { text: 'Gallons/min (gpm)', value: 'flowgpm' }, { text: 'Cubic meters/sec (cms)', value: 'flowcms' }, { text: 'Cubic feet/sec (cfs)', value: 'flowcfs' }, { text: 'Cubic feet/min (cfm)', value: 'flowcfm' }, { text: 'Litre/hour', value: 'litreh' }, { text: 'Litre/min (l/min)', value: 'flowlpm' }, { text: 'milliLitre/min (mL/min)', value: 'flowmlpm' }, ], }, { text: 'angle', submenu: [ { text: 'Degrees (°)', value: 'degree' }, { text: 'Radians', value: 'radian' }, { text: 'Gradian', value: 'grad' }, ], }, { text: 'acceleration', submenu: [ { text: 'Meters/sec²', value: 'accMS2' }, { text: 'Feet/sec²', value: 'accFS2' }, { text: 'G unit', value: 'accG' }, ], }, { text: 'radiation', submenu: [ { text: 'Becquerel (Bq)', value: 'radbq' }, { text: 'curie (Ci)', value: 'radci' }, { text: 'Gray (Gy)', value: 'radgy' }, { text: 'rad', value: 'radrad' }, { text: 'Sievert (Sv)', value: 'radsv' }, { text: 'rem', value: 'radrem' }, { text: 'Exposure (C/kg)', value: 'radexpckg' }, { text: 'roentgen (R)', value: 'radr' }, { text: 'Sievert/hour (Sv/h)', value: 'radsvh' }, ], }, { text: 'concentration', submenu: [ { text: 'parts-per-million (ppm)', value: 'ppm' }, { text: 'parts-per-billion (ppb)', value: 'conppb' }, { text: 'nanogram per cubic metre (ng/m3)', value: 'conngm3' }, { text: 'nanogram per normal cubic metre (ng/Nm³)', value: 'conngNm3' }, { text: 'microgram per cubic metre (μg/m³)', value: 'conμgm3' }, { text: 'microgram per normal cubic metre (μg/Nm³)', value: 'conμgNm3' }, { text: 'milligram per cubic metre (mg/m³)', value: 'conmgm3' }, { text: 'milligram per normal cubic metre (mg/Nm³)', value: 'conmgNm3' }, { text: 'gram per cubic metre (g/m³)', value: 'congm3' }, { text: 'gram per normal cubic metre (g/Nm³)', value: 'congNm3' }, ], }, ]; }; export default kbn;