package api import ( "encoding/json" "errors" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "path/filepath" "testing" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type LDAPMock struct { Results []*models.ExternalUserInfo } var userSearchResult *models.ExternalUserInfo var userSearchConfig ldap.ServerConfig var userSearchError error var pingResult []*multildap.ServerStatus var pingError error func (m *LDAPMock) Ping() ([]*multildap.ServerStatus, error) { return pingResult, pingError } func (m *LDAPMock) Login(query *models.LoginUserQuery) (*models.ExternalUserInfo, error) { return &models.ExternalUserInfo{}, nil } func (m *LDAPMock) Users(logins []string) ([]*models.ExternalUserInfo, error) { s := []*models.ExternalUserInfo{} return s, nil } func (m *LDAPMock) User(login string) (*models.ExternalUserInfo, ldap.ServerConfig, error) { return userSearchResult, userSearchConfig, userSearchError } // *** // GetUserFromLDAP tests // *** func getUserFromLDAPContext(t *testing.T, requestURL string, searchOrgRst []*models.OrgDTO) *scenarioContext { t.Helper() sc := setupScenarioContext(t, requestURL) origLDAP := setting.LDAPEnabled setting.LDAPEnabled = true t.Cleanup(func() { setting.LDAPEnabled = origLDAP }) hs := &HTTPServer{Cfg: setting.NewCfg(), ldapGroups: ldap.ProvideGroupsService(), SQLStore: &mockstore.SQLStoreMock{ExpectedSearchOrgList: searchOrgRst}} sc.defaultHandler = routing.Wrap(func(c *models.ReqContext) response.Response { sc.context = c return hs.GetUserFromLDAP(c) }) sc.m.Get("/api/admin/ldap/:username", sc.defaultHandler) sc.resp = httptest.NewRecorder() req, _ := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, requestURL, nil) sc.req = req sc.exec() return sc } func TestGetUserFromLDAPAPIEndpoint_UserNotFound(t *testing.T) { getLDAPConfig = func(*setting.Cfg) (*ldap.Config, error) { return &ldap.Config{}, nil } newLDAP = func(_ []*ldap.ServerConfig) multildap.IMultiLDAP { return &LDAPMock{} } userSearchResult = nil sc := getUserFromLDAPContext(t, "/api/admin/ldap/user-that-does-not-exist", []*models.OrgDTO{}) require.Equal(t, sc.resp.Code, http.StatusNotFound) assert.JSONEq(t, "{\"message\":\"No user was found in the LDAP server(s) with that username\"}", sc.resp.Body.String()) } func TestGetUserFromLDAPAPIEndpoint_OrgNotfound(t *testing.T) { isAdmin := true userSearchResult = &models.ExternalUserInfo{ Name: "John Doe", Email: "", Login: "johndoe", Groups: []string{"cn=admins,ou=groups,dc=grafana,dc=org"}, OrgRoles: map[int64]models.RoleType{1: models.ROLE_ADMIN, 2: models.ROLE_VIEWER}, IsGrafanaAdmin: &isAdmin, } userSearchConfig = ldap.ServerConfig{ Attr: ldap.AttributeMap{ Name: "ldap-name", Surname: "ldap-surname", Email: "ldap-email", Username: "ldap-username", }, Groups: []*ldap.GroupToOrgRole{ { GroupDN: "cn=admins,ou=groups,dc=grafana,dc=org", OrgId: 1, OrgRole: models.ROLE_ADMIN, }, { GroupDN: "cn=admins,ou=groups,dc=grafana,dc=org", OrgId: 2, OrgRole: models.ROLE_VIEWER, }, }, } mockOrgSearchResult := []*models.OrgDTO{ {Id: 1, Name: "Main Org."}, } getLDAPConfig = func(*setting.Cfg) (*ldap.Config, error) { return &ldap.Config{}, nil } newLDAP = func(_ []*ldap.ServerConfig) multildap.IMultiLDAP { return &LDAPMock{} } sc := getUserFromLDAPContext(t, "/api/admin/ldap/johndoe", mockOrgSearchResult) require.Equal(t, http.StatusBadRequest, sc.resp.Code) var res map[string]interface{} err := json.Unmarshal(sc.resp.Body.Bytes(), &res) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, "unable to find organization with ID '2'", res["error"]) assert.Equal(t, "An organization was not found - Please verify your LDAP configuration", res["message"]) } func TestGetUserFromLDAPAPIEndpoint(t *testing.T) { isAdmin := true userSearchResult = &models.ExternalUserInfo{ Name: "John Doe", Email: "", Login: "johndoe", Groups: []string{"cn=admins,ou=groups,dc=grafana,dc=org", "another-group-not-matched"}, OrgRoles: map[int64]models.RoleType{1: models.ROLE_ADMIN}, IsGrafanaAdmin: &isAdmin, } userSearchConfig = ldap.ServerConfig{ Attr: ldap.AttributeMap{ Name: "ldap-name", Surname: "ldap-surname", Email: "ldap-email", Username: "ldap-username", }, Groups: []*ldap.GroupToOrgRole{ { GroupDN: "cn=admins,ou=groups,dc=grafana,dc=org", OrgId: 1, OrgRole: models.ROLE_ADMIN, }, { GroupDN: "cn=admins2,ou=groups,dc=grafana,dc=org", OrgId: 1, OrgRole: models.ROLE_ADMIN, }, }, } mockOrgSearchResult := []*models.OrgDTO{ {Id: 1, Name: "Main Org."}, } getLDAPConfig = func(*setting.Cfg) (*ldap.Config, error) { return &ldap.Config{}, nil } newLDAP = func(_ []*ldap.ServerConfig) multildap.IMultiLDAP { return &LDAPMock{} } sc := getUserFromLDAPContext(t, "/api/admin/ldap/johndoe", mockOrgSearchResult) assert.Equal(t, sc.resp.Code, http.StatusOK) expected := ` { "name": { "cfgAttrValue": "ldap-name", "ldapValue": "John" }, "surname": { "cfgAttrValue": "ldap-surname", "ldapValue": "Doe" }, "email": { "cfgAttrValue": "ldap-email", "ldapValue": "" }, "login": { "cfgAttrValue": "ldap-username", "ldapValue": "johndoe" }, "isGrafanaAdmin": true, "isDisabled": false, "roles": [ { "orgId": 1, "orgRole": "Admin", "orgName": "Main Org.", "groupDN": "cn=admins,ou=groups,dc=grafana,dc=org" }, { "orgId": 0, "orgRole": "", "orgName": "", "groupDN": "another-group-not-matched" } ], "teams": null } ` assert.JSONEq(t, expected, sc.resp.Body.String()) } func TestGetUserFromLDAPAPIEndpoint_WithTeamHandler(t *testing.T) { isAdmin := true userSearchResult = &models.ExternalUserInfo{ Name: "John Doe", Email: "", Login: "johndoe", Groups: []string{"cn=admins,ou=groups,dc=grafana,dc=org"}, OrgRoles: map[int64]models.RoleType{1: models.ROLE_ADMIN}, IsGrafanaAdmin: &isAdmin, } userSearchConfig = ldap.ServerConfig{ Attr: ldap.AttributeMap{ Name: "ldap-name", Surname: "ldap-surname", Email: "ldap-email", Username: "ldap-username", }, Groups: []*ldap.GroupToOrgRole{ { GroupDN: "cn=admins,ou=groups,dc=grafana,dc=org", OrgId: 1, OrgRole: models.ROLE_ADMIN, }, }, } mockOrgSearchResult := []*models.OrgDTO{ {Id: 1, Name: "Main Org."}, } getLDAPConfig = func(*setting.Cfg) (*ldap.Config, error) { return &ldap.Config{}, nil } newLDAP = func(_ []*ldap.ServerConfig) multildap.IMultiLDAP { return &LDAPMock{} } sc := getUserFromLDAPContext(t, "/api/admin/ldap/johndoe", mockOrgSearchResult) require.Equal(t, sc.resp.Code, http.StatusOK) expected := ` { "name": { "cfgAttrValue": "ldap-name", "ldapValue": "John" }, "surname": { "cfgAttrValue": "ldap-surname", "ldapValue": "Doe" }, "email": { "cfgAttrValue": "ldap-email", "ldapValue": "" }, "login": { "cfgAttrValue": "ldap-username", "ldapValue": "johndoe" }, "isGrafanaAdmin": true, "isDisabled": false, "roles": [ { "orgId": 1, "orgRole": "Admin", "orgName": "Main Org.", "groupDN": "cn=admins,ou=groups,dc=grafana,dc=org" } ], "teams": null } ` assert.JSONEq(t, expected, sc.resp.Body.String()) } // *** // GetLDAPStatus tests // *** func getLDAPStatusContext(t *testing.T) *scenarioContext { t.Helper() requestURL := "/api/admin/ldap/status" sc := setupScenarioContext(t, requestURL) ldap := setting.LDAPEnabled setting.LDAPEnabled = true t.Cleanup(func() { setting.LDAPEnabled = ldap }) hs := &HTTPServer{Cfg: setting.NewCfg()} sc.defaultHandler = routing.Wrap(func(c *models.ReqContext) response.Response { sc.context = c return hs.GetLDAPStatus(c) }) sc.m.Get("/api/admin/ldap/status", sc.defaultHandler) sc.resp = httptest.NewRecorder() req, _ := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, requestURL, nil) sc.req = req sc.exec() return sc } func TestGetLDAPStatusAPIEndpoint(t *testing.T) { pingResult = []*multildap.ServerStatus{ {Host: "", Port: 361, Available: true, Error: nil}, {Host: "", Port: 362, Available: true, Error: nil}, {Host: "", Port: 361, Available: false, Error: errors.New("something is awfully wrong")}, } getLDAPConfig = func(*setting.Cfg) (*ldap.Config, error) { return &ldap.Config{}, nil } newLDAP = func(_ []*ldap.ServerConfig) multildap.IMultiLDAP { return &LDAPMock{} } sc := getLDAPStatusContext(t) require.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, sc.resp.Code) expected := ` [ { "host": "", "port": 361, "available": true, "error": "" }, { "host": "", "port": 362, "available": true, "error": "" }, { "host": "", "port": 361, "available": false, "error": "something is awfully wrong" } ] ` assert.JSONEq(t, expected, sc.resp.Body.String()) } // *** // PostSyncUserWithLDAP tests // *** func postSyncUserWithLDAPContext(t *testing.T, requestURL string, preHook func(*testing.T, *scenarioContext), sqlstoremock sqlstore.Store) *scenarioContext { t.Helper() sc := setupScenarioContext(t, requestURL) sc.authInfoService = &logintest.AuthInfoServiceFake{} ldap := setting.LDAPEnabled t.Cleanup(func() { setting.LDAPEnabled = ldap }) setting.LDAPEnabled = true hs := &HTTPServer{ Cfg: sc.cfg, AuthTokenService: auth.NewFakeUserAuthTokenService(), SQLStore: sqlstoremock, Login: loginservice.LoginServiceMock{}, authInfoService: sc.authInfoService, } sc.defaultHandler = routing.Wrap(func(c *models.ReqContext) response.Response { sc.context = c return hs.PostSyncUserWithLDAP(c) }) sc.m.Post("/api/admin/ldap/sync/:id", sc.defaultHandler) sc.resp = httptest.NewRecorder() req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, requestURL, nil) require.NoError(t, err) preHook(t, sc) sc.req = req sc.exec() return sc } func TestPostSyncUserWithLDAPAPIEndpoint_Success(t *testing.T) { sqlstoremock := mockstore.SQLStoreMock{} sqlstoremock.ExpectedUser = &models.User{Login: "ldap-daniel", Id: 34} sc := postSyncUserWithLDAPContext(t, "/api/admin/ldap/sync/34", func(t *testing.T, sc *scenarioContext) { getLDAPConfig = func(*setting.Cfg) (*ldap.Config, error) { return &ldap.Config{}, nil } newLDAP = func(_ []*ldap.ServerConfig) multildap.IMultiLDAP { return &LDAPMock{} } userSearchResult = &models.ExternalUserInfo{ Login: "ldap-daniel", } }, &sqlstoremock) assert.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, sc.resp.Code) expected := ` { "message": "User synced successfully" } ` assert.JSONEq(t, expected, sc.resp.Body.String()) } func TestPostSyncUserWithLDAPAPIEndpoint_WhenUserNotFound(t *testing.T) { sqlstoremock := mockstore.SQLStoreMock{ExpectedError: models.ErrUserNotFound} sc := postSyncUserWithLDAPContext(t, "/api/admin/ldap/sync/34", func(t *testing.T, sc *scenarioContext) { getLDAPConfig = func(*setting.Cfg) (*ldap.Config, error) { return &ldap.Config{}, nil } newLDAP = func(_ []*ldap.ServerConfig) multildap.IMultiLDAP { return &LDAPMock{} } }, &sqlstoremock) assert.Equal(t, http.StatusNotFound, sc.resp.Code) expected := ` { "message": "user not found" } ` assert.JSONEq(t, expected, sc.resp.Body.String()) } func TestPostSyncUserWithLDAPAPIEndpoint_WhenGrafanaAdmin(t *testing.T) { sqlstoremock := mockstore.SQLStoreMock{ExpectedUser: &models.User{Login: "ldap-daniel", Id: 34}} sc := postSyncUserWithLDAPContext(t, "/api/admin/ldap/sync/34", func(t *testing.T, sc *scenarioContext) { getLDAPConfig = func(*setting.Cfg) (*ldap.Config, error) { return &ldap.Config{}, nil } newLDAP = func(_ []*ldap.ServerConfig) multildap.IMultiLDAP { return &LDAPMock{} } userSearchError = multildap.ErrDidNotFindUser sc.cfg.AdminUser = "ldap-daniel" }, &sqlstoremock) assert.Equal(t, http.StatusBadRequest, sc.resp.Code) var res map[string]interface{} err := json.Unmarshal(sc.resp.Body.Bytes(), &res) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, "did not find a user", res["error"]) assert.Equal(t, "Refusing to sync grafana super admin \"ldap-daniel\" - it would be disabled", res["message"]) } func TestPostSyncUserWithLDAPAPIEndpoint_WhenUserNotInLDAP(t *testing.T) { sqlstoremock := mockstore.SQLStoreMock{ExpectedUser: &models.User{Login: "ldap-daniel", Id: 34}} sc := postSyncUserWithLDAPContext(t, "/api/admin/ldap/sync/34", func(t *testing.T, sc *scenarioContext) { sc.authInfoService.ExpectedExternalUser = &models.ExternalUserInfo{IsDisabled: true, UserId: 34} getLDAPConfig = func(*setting.Cfg) (*ldap.Config, error) { return &ldap.Config{}, nil } newLDAP = func(_ []*ldap.ServerConfig) multildap.IMultiLDAP { return &LDAPMock{} } userSearchResult = nil userSearchError = multildap.ErrDidNotFindUser }, &sqlstoremock) assert.Equal(t, http.StatusBadRequest, sc.resp.Code) expected := ` { "message": "User not found in LDAP. Disabled the user without updating information" } ` assert.JSONEq(t, expected, sc.resp.Body.String()) } // *** // Access control tests for ldap endpoints // *** func TestLDAP_AccessControl(t *testing.T) { tests := []accessControlTestCase{ { url: "/api/admin/ldap/reload", method: http.MethodPost, desc: "ReloadLDAPCfg should return 200 for user with correct permissions", expectedCode: http.StatusOK, permissions: []*accesscontrol.Permission{ {Action: accesscontrol.ActionLDAPConfigReload}, }, }, { url: "/api/admin/ldap/reload", method: http.MethodPost, desc: "ReloadLDAPCfg should return 403 for user without required permissions", expectedCode: http.StatusForbidden, permissions: []*accesscontrol.Permission{ {Action: "wrong"}, }, }, { url: "/api/admin/ldap/status", method: http.MethodGet, desc: "GetLDAPStatus should return 200 for user without required permissions", expectedCode: http.StatusOK, permissions: []*accesscontrol.Permission{ {Action: accesscontrol.ActionLDAPStatusRead}, }, }, { url: "/api/admin/ldap/status", method: http.MethodGet, desc: "GetLDAPStatus should return 200 for user without required permissions", expectedCode: http.StatusForbidden, permissions: []*accesscontrol.Permission{ {Action: "wrong"}, }, }, { url: "/api/admin/ldap/test", method: http.MethodGet, desc: "GetUserFromLDAP should return 200 for user with required permissions", expectedCode: http.StatusOK, permissions: []*accesscontrol.Permission{ {Action: accesscontrol.ActionLDAPUsersRead}, }, }, { url: "/api/admin/ldap/test", method: http.MethodGet, desc: "GetUserFromLDAP should return 403 for user without required permissions", expectedCode: http.StatusForbidden, permissions: []*accesscontrol.Permission{ {Action: "wrong"}, }, }, { url: "/api/admin/ldap/sync/1", method: http.MethodPost, desc: "PostSyncUserWithLDAP should return 200 for user without required permissions", expectedCode: http.StatusOK, permissions: []*accesscontrol.Permission{ {Action: accesscontrol.ActionLDAPUsersSync}, }, }, { url: "/api/admin/ldap/sync/1", method: http.MethodPost, desc: "PostSyncUserWithLDAP should return 200 for user without required permissions", expectedCode: http.StatusForbidden, permissions: []*accesscontrol.Permission{ {Action: "wrong"}, }, }, } for _, test := range tests { t.Run(test.desc, func(t *testing.T) { enabled := setting.LDAPEnabled configFile := setting.LDAPConfigFile t.Cleanup(func() { setting.LDAPEnabled = enabled setting.LDAPConfigFile = configFile }) setting.LDAPEnabled = true path, err := filepath.Abs("../../conf/ldap.toml") assert.NoError(t, err) setting.LDAPConfigFile = path cfg := setting.NewCfg() cfg.LDAPEnabled = true sc, hs := setupAccessControlScenarioContext(t, cfg, test.url, test.permissions) hs.SQLStore = &mockstore.SQLStoreMock{ExpectedUser: &models.User{}} hs.authInfoService = &logintest.AuthInfoServiceFake{} hs.Login = &loginservice.LoginServiceMock{} sc.resp = httptest.NewRecorder() sc.req, err = http.NewRequest(test.method, test.url, nil) assert.NoError(t, err) // Add minimal setup to pass handler userSearchResult = &models.ExternalUserInfo{} userSearchError = nil newLDAP = func(_ []*ldap.ServerConfig) multildap.IMultiLDAP { return &LDAPMock{} } sc.exec() assert.Equal(t, test.expectedCode, sc.resp.Code) }) } }