import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; import { Unsubscribable, PartialObserver } from 'rxjs'; import { Alert, stylesFactory, Button, JSONFormatter, CustomScrollbar, CodeEditor } from '@grafana/ui'; import { GrafanaTheme, PanelProps, LiveChannelStatusEvent, isValidLiveChannelAddress, LiveChannelEvent, isLiveChannelStatusEvent, isLiveChannelMessageEvent, LiveChannelConnectionState, PanelData, LoadingState, applyFieldOverrides, StreamingDataFrame, LiveChannelAddress, LiveChannelConfig, } from '@grafana/data'; import { TablePanel } from '../table/TablePanel'; import { LivePanelOptions, MessageDisplayMode } from './types'; import { config, getGrafanaLiveSrv } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { css, cx } from '@emotion/css'; import { isEqual } from 'lodash'; interface Props extends PanelProps {} interface State { error?: any; addr?: LiveChannelAddress; info?: LiveChannelConfig; status?: LiveChannelStatusEvent; message?: any; changed: number; } export class LivePanel extends PureComponent { private readonly isValid: boolean; subscription?: Unsubscribable; styles = getStyles(config.theme); constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.isValid = !!getGrafanaLiveSrv(); this.state = { changed: 0 }; } async componentDidMount() { this.loadChannel(); } componentWillUnmount() { if (this.subscription) { this.subscription.unsubscribe(); } } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props): void { if (this.props.options?.channel !== prevProps.options?.channel) { this.loadChannel(); } } streamObserver: PartialObserver = { next: (event: LiveChannelEvent) => { if (isLiveChannelStatusEvent(event)) { this.setState({ status: event, changed: }); } else if (isLiveChannelMessageEvent(event)) { this.setState({ message: event.message, changed: }); } else { console.log('ignore', event); } }, }; unsubscribe = () => { if (this.subscription) { this.subscription.unsubscribe(); this.subscription = undefined; } }; async loadChannel() { const addr = this.props.options?.channel; if (!isValidLiveChannelAddress(addr)) { console.log('INVALID', addr); this.unsubscribe(); this.setState({ addr: undefined, info: undefined, }); return; } if (isEqual(addr, this.state.addr)) { console.log('Same channel', this.state.addr); return; } const live = getGrafanaLiveSrv(); if (!live) { console.log('INVALID', addr); this.unsubscribe(); this.setState({ addr: undefined, info: undefined, }); return; } this.unsubscribe(); console.log('LOAD', addr); // Subscribe to new events try { this.subscription = live.getStream(addr).subscribe(this.streamObserver); this.setState({ addr, error: undefined }); } catch (err) { this.setState({ addr: undefined, error: err }); } } renderNotEnabled() { const preformatted = `[feature_toggles] enable = live`; return (

Grafana live requires a feature flag to run

); } onSaveJSON = (text: string) => { const { options, onOptionsChange } = this.props; try { const json = JSON.parse(text); onOptionsChange({ ...options, json }); } catch (err) { console.log('Error reading JSON', err); } }; onPublishClicked = async () => { const { addr, info } = this.state; if (!info?.canPublish || !addr) { console.log('channel does not support publishing'); return; } const data = this.props.options?.json; if (!data) { console.log('nothing to publish'); return; } const rsp = await getGrafanaLiveSrv().publish(addr, data); console.log('onPublishClicked (response from publish)', rsp); }; renderMessage(height: number) { const { options } = this.props; const { message } = this.state; if (!message) { return (

Waiting for data:

); } if (options.message === MessageDisplayMode.JSON) { return ; } if (options.message === MessageDisplayMode.Auto) { if (message instanceof StreamingDataFrame) { const data: PanelData = { series: applyFieldOverrides({ data: [message], theme: config.theme2, replaceVariables: (v: string) => v, fieldConfig: { defaults: {}, overrides: [], }, }), state: LoadingState.Streaming, } as PanelData; const props = { ...this.props, options: { frameIndex: 0, showHeader: true }, } as PanelProps; return ; } } return
; } renderPublish(height: number) { const { info } = this.state; if (!info) { return
No info
; } if (!info.canPublish) { return
This channel does not support publishing
; } const { options } = this.props; return ( <>
); } renderStatus() { const { status } = this.state; if (status?.state === LiveChannelConnectionState.Connected) { return; // nothing } let statusClass = ''; if (status) { statusClass = this.styles.status[status.state]; } return
; } renderBody() { const { status } = this.state; const { options, height } = this.props; if (options.publish) { // Only the publish form if (options.message === MessageDisplayMode.None) { return
; } // Both message and publish const halfHeight = height / 2; return (
); } if (options.message === MessageDisplayMode.None) { return
; } // Only message return (
); } render() { if (!this.isValid) { return this.renderNotEnabled(); } const { addr, error } = this.state; if (!addr) { return ( Use the panel editor to pick a channel ); } if (error) { return (


); } return ( <> {this.renderStatus()} {this.renderBody()} ); } } const getStyles = stylesFactory((theme: GrafanaTheme) => ({ statusWrap: css` margin: auto; position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; background: ${theme.colors.panelBg}; padding: 10px; z-index: ${theme.zIndex.modal}; `, status: { [LiveChannelConnectionState.Pending]: css` border: 1px solid ${theme.palette.brandPrimary}; `, [LiveChannelConnectionState.Connected]: css` border: 1px solid ${theme.palette.brandSuccess}; `, [LiveChannelConnectionState.Disconnected]: css` border: 1px solid ${theme.palette.brandWarning}; `, [LiveChannelConnectionState.Shutdown]: css` border: 1px solid ${theme.palette.brandDanger}; `, [LiveChannelConnectionState.Invalid]: css` border: 1px solid red; `, }, }));