// Libraries import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; import { hot } from 'react-hot-loader'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import find from 'lodash/find'; // Types import { UrlQueryMap } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { StoreState, AppNotificationSeverity, CoreEvents } from 'app/types'; import { Alert, Tooltip } from '@grafana/ui'; import { AppPlugin, GrafanaPlugin, PluginDependencies, PluginInclude, PluginIncludeType, PluginMeta, PluginMetaInfo, PluginType, NavModel, NavModelItem, } from '@grafana/data'; import Page from 'app/core/components/Page/Page'; import { getPluginSettings } from './PluginSettingsCache'; import { importAppPlugin, importDataSourcePlugin, importPanelPlugin } from './plugin_loader'; import { getNotFoundNav } from 'app/core/nav_model_srv'; import { PluginHelp } from 'app/core/components/PluginHelp/PluginHelp'; import { AppConfigCtrlWrapper } from './wrappers/AppConfigWrapper'; import { PluginDashboards } from './PluginDashboards'; import { appEvents } from 'app/core/core'; import { config } from 'app/core/config'; import { ContextSrv } from '../../core/services/context_srv'; export function getLoadingNav(): NavModel { const node = { text: 'Loading...', icon: 'icon-gf icon-gf-panel', }; return { node: node, main: node, }; } function loadPlugin(pluginId: string): Promise { return getPluginSettings(pluginId).then(info => { if (info.type === PluginType.app) { return importAppPlugin(info); } if (info.type === PluginType.datasource) { return importDataSourcePlugin(info); } if (info.type === PluginType.panel) { return importPanelPlugin(pluginId).then(plugin => { // Panel Meta does not have the *full* settings meta return getPluginSettings(pluginId).then(meta => { plugin.meta = { ...meta, // Set any fields that do not exist ...plugin.meta, }; return plugin; }); }); } if (info.type === PluginType.renderer) { return Promise.resolve({ meta: info } as GrafanaPlugin); } return Promise.reject('Unknown Plugin type: ' + info.type); }); } interface Props { pluginId: string; query: UrlQueryMap; path: string; // the URL path $contextSrv: ContextSrv; } interface State { loading: boolean; plugin?: GrafanaPlugin; nav: NavModel; defaultPage: string; // The first configured one or readme } const PAGE_ID_README = 'readme'; const PAGE_ID_DASHBOARDS = 'dashboards'; const PAGE_ID_CONFIG_CTRL = 'config'; class PluginPage extends PureComponent { constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.state = { loading: true, nav: getLoadingNav(), defaultPage: PAGE_ID_README, }; } async componentDidMount() { const { pluginId, path, query, $contextSrv } = this.props; const { appSubUrl } = config; const plugin = await loadPlugin(pluginId); if (!plugin) { this.setState({ loading: false, nav: getNotFoundNav(), }); return; // 404 } const { defaultPage, nav } = getPluginTabsNav(plugin, appSubUrl, path, query, $contextSrv.hasRole('Admin')); this.setState({ loading: false, plugin, defaultPage, nav, }); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { const prevPage = prevProps.query.page as string; const page = this.props.query.page as string; if (prevPage !== page) { const { nav, defaultPage } = this.state; const node = { ...nav.node, children: setActivePage(page, nav.node.children, defaultPage), }; this.setState({ nav: { node: node, main: node, }, }); } } renderBody() { const { query } = this.props; const { plugin, nav } = this.state; if (!plugin) { return ; } const active = nav.main.children.find(tab => tab.active); if (active) { // Find the current config tab if (plugin.configPages) { for (const tab of plugin.configPages) { if (tab.id === active.id) { return ; } } } // Apps have some special behavior if (plugin.meta.type === PluginType.app) { if (active.id === PAGE_ID_DASHBOARDS) { return ; } if (active.id === PAGE_ID_CONFIG_CTRL && plugin.angularConfigCtrl) { return ; } } } return ; } showUpdateInfo = () => { appEvents.emit(CoreEvents.showModal, { src: 'public/app/features/plugins/partials/update_instructions.html', model: this.state.plugin.meta, }); }; renderVersionInfo(meta: PluginMeta) { if (!meta.info.version) { return null; } return (


{meta.info.version} {meta.hasUpdate && ( )}
); } renderSidebarIncludeBody(item: PluginInclude) { if (item.type === PluginIncludeType.page) { const pluginId = this.state.plugin.meta.id; const page = item.name.toLowerCase().replace(' ', '-'); return ( {item.name} ); } return ( <> {item.name} ); } renderSidebarIncludes(includes: PluginInclude[]) { if (!includes || !includes.length) { return null; } return (


    {includes.map(include => { return (
  • {this.renderSidebarIncludeBody(include)}
  • ); })}
); } renderSidebarDependencies(dependencies: PluginDependencies) { if (!dependencies) { return null; } return (


  • Grafana {dependencies.grafanaVersion}
  • {dependencies.plugins && dependencies.plugins.map(plug => { return (
  • {plug.name} {plug.version}
  • ); })}
); } renderSidebarLinks(info: PluginMetaInfo) { if (!info.links || !info.links.length) { return null; } return (


); } render() { const { loading, nav, plugin } = this.state; const { $contextSrv } = this.props; const isAdmin = $contextSrv.hasRole('Admin'); return ( {!loading && (
{plugin.loadError && ( Check the server startup logs for more information.
If this plugin was loaded from git, make sure it was compiled. } /> )} {this.renderBody()}
); } } function getPluginTabsNav( plugin: GrafanaPlugin, appSubUrl: string, path: string, query: UrlQueryMap, isAdmin: boolean ): { defaultPage: string; nav: NavModel } { const { meta } = plugin; let defaultPage: string; const pages: NavModelItem[] = []; if (true) { pages.push({ text: 'Readme', icon: 'fa fa-fw fa-file-text-o', url: `${appSubUrl}${path}?page=${PAGE_ID_README}`, id: PAGE_ID_README, }); } // We allow non admins to see plugins but only their readme. Config is hidden even though the API needs to be // public for plugins to work properly. if (isAdmin) { // Only show Config/Pages for app if (meta.type === PluginType.app) { // Legacy App Config if (plugin.angularConfigCtrl) { pages.push({ text: 'Config', icon: 'gicon gicon-cog', url: `${appSubUrl}${path}?page=${PAGE_ID_CONFIG_CTRL}`, id: PAGE_ID_CONFIG_CTRL, }); defaultPage = PAGE_ID_CONFIG_CTRL; } if (plugin.configPages) { for (const page of plugin.configPages) { pages.push({ text: page.title, icon: page.icon, url: `${appSubUrl}${path}?page=${page.id}`, id: page.id, }); if (!defaultPage) { defaultPage = page.id; } } } // Check for the dashboard pages if (find(meta.includes, { type: PluginIncludeType.dashboard })) { pages.push({ text: 'Dashboards', icon: 'gicon gicon-dashboard', url: `${appSubUrl}${path}?page=${PAGE_ID_DASHBOARDS}`, id: PAGE_ID_DASHBOARDS, }); } } } if (!defaultPage) { defaultPage = pages[0].id; // the first tab } const node = { text: meta.name, img: meta.info.logos.large, subTitle: meta.info.author.name, breadcrumbs: [{ title: 'Plugins', url: 'plugins' }], url: `${appSubUrl}${path}`, children: setActivePage(query.page as string, pages, defaultPage), }; return { defaultPage, nav: { node: node, main: node, }, }; } function setActivePage(pageId: string, pages: NavModelItem[], defaultPageId: string): NavModelItem[] { let found = false; const selected = pageId || defaultPageId; const changed = pages.map(p => { const active = !found && selected === p.id; if (active) { found = true; } return { ...p, active }; }); if (!found) { changed[0].active = true; } return changed; } function getPluginIcon(type: string) { switch (type) { case 'datasource': return 'gicon gicon-datasources'; case 'panel': return 'icon-gf icon-gf-panel'; case 'app': return 'icon-gf icon-gf-apps'; case 'page': return 'icon-gf icon-gf-endpoint-tiny'; case 'dashboard': return 'gicon gicon-dashboard'; default: return 'icon-gf icon-gf-apps'; } } const mapStateToProps = (state: StoreState) => ({ pluginId: state.location.routeParams.pluginId, query: state.location.query, path: state.location.path, }); export default hot(module)(connect(mapStateToProps)(PluginPage));