import { css, cx } from '@emotion/css'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import React, { PropsWithChildren } from 'react'; import { GrafanaTheme2, PageLayoutType } from '@grafana/data'; import { useStyles2, LinkButton, useTheme2 } from '@grafana/ui'; import config from 'app/core/config'; import { useGrafana } from 'app/core/context/GrafanaContext'; import { CommandPalette } from 'app/features/commandPalette/CommandPalette'; import { KioskMode } from 'app/types'; import { AppChromeMenu } from './AppChromeMenu'; import { MegaMenu as DockedMegaMenu } from './DockedMegaMenu/MegaMenu'; import { MegaMenu } from './MegaMenu/MegaMenu'; import { NavToolbar } from './NavToolbar/NavToolbar'; import { SectionNav } from './SectionNav/SectionNav'; import { TopSearchBar } from './TopBar/TopSearchBar'; import { TOP_BAR_LEVEL_HEIGHT } from './types'; export interface Props extends PropsWithChildren<{}> {} export function AppChrome({ children }: Props) { const { chrome } = useGrafana(); const state = chrome.useState(); const searchBarHidden = state.searchBarHidden || state.kioskMode === KioskMode.TV; const theme = useTheme2(); const styles = useStyles2(getStyles); const contentClass = cx({ [styles.content]: true, [styles.contentNoSearchBar]: searchBarHidden, [styles.contentChromeless]: state.chromeless, }); const handleMegaMenu = () => { switch (state.megaMenu) { case 'closed': chrome.setMegaMenu('open'); break; case 'open': chrome.setMegaMenu('closed'); break; case 'docked': // on large screens, clicking the button when the menu is docked should close the menu // on smaller screens, the docked menu is hidden, so clicking the button should open the menu const isLargeScreen = window.innerWidth >= theme.breakpoints.values.xl; isLargeScreen ? chrome.setMegaMenu('closed') : chrome.setMegaMenu('open'); break; } }; // Chromeless routes are without topNav, mega menu, search & command palette // We check chromeless twice here instead of having a separate path so {children} // doesn't get re-mounted when chromeless goes from true to false. return (
{!state.chromeless && ( <> Skip to main content
{!searchBarHidden && }
{state.layout === PageLayoutType.Standard && state.sectionNav && !config.featureToggles.dockedMegaMenu && ( )} {config.featureToggles.dockedMegaMenu && !state.chromeless && state.megaMenu === 'docked' && ( chrome.setMegaMenu('closed')} /> )}
{!state.chromeless && ( <> {config.featureToggles.dockedMegaMenu ? ( ) : ( chrome.setMegaMenu('closed')} /> )} )}
); } const getStyles = (theme: GrafanaTheme2) => { const shadow = theme.isDark ? `0 0.6px 1.5px rgb(0 0 0), 0 2px 4px rgb(0 0 0 / 40%), 0 5px 10px rgb(0 0 0 / 23%)` : '0 4px 8px rgb(0 0 0 / 4%)'; return { content: css({ display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', paddingTop: TOP_BAR_LEVEL_HEIGHT * 2, flexGrow: 1, height: '100%', }), contentNoSearchBar: css({ paddingTop: TOP_BAR_LEVEL_HEIGHT, }), contentChromeless: css({ paddingTop: 0, }), dockedMegaMenu: css({ background: theme.colors.background.primary, borderRight: `1px solid ${theme.colors.border.weak}`, borderTop: `1px solid ${theme.colors.border.weak}`, display: 'none', zIndex: theme.zIndex.navbarFixed, [theme.breakpoints.up('xl')]: { display: 'block', }, }), topNav: css({ display: 'flex', position: 'fixed', zIndex: theme.zIndex.navbarFixed, left: 0, right: 0, boxShadow: shadow, background: theme.colors.background.primary, flexDirection: 'column', borderBottom: `1px solid ${theme.colors.border.weak}`, }), panes: css({ label: 'page-panes', display: 'flex', height: '100%', width: '100%', flexGrow: 1, minHeight: 0, flexDirection: 'column', [theme.breakpoints.up('md')]: { flexDirection: 'row', }, }), pageContainer: css({ label: 'page-container', flexGrow: 1, minHeight: 0, minWidth: 0, }), skipLink: css({ position: 'absolute', top: -1000, ':focus': { left: theme.spacing(1), top: theme.spacing(1), zIndex: theme.zIndex.portal, }, }), }; };