import { getFieldLinksForExplore } from './links'; import { ArrayVector, DataLink, dateTime, Field, FieldType, InterpolateFunction, LinkModel, TimeRange, } from '@grafana/data'; import { setLinkSrv } from '../../panel/panellinks/link_srv'; import { setContextSrv } from '../../../core/services/context_srv'; describe('getFieldLinksForExplore', () => { it('returns correct link model for external link', () => { const { field, range } = setup({ title: 'external', url: 'http://regionalhost', }); const links = getFieldLinksForExplore({ field, rowIndex: 0, splitOpenFn: jest.fn(), range }); expect(links[0].href).toBe('http://regionalhost'); expect(links[0].title).toBe('external'); }); it('returns generates title for external link', () => { const { field, range } = setup({ title: '', url: 'http://regionalhost', }); const links = getFieldLinksForExplore({ field, rowIndex: 0, splitOpenFn: jest.fn(), range }); expect(links[0].href).toBe('http://regionalhost'); expect(links[0].title).toBe('regionalhost'); }); it('returns correct link model for internal link', () => { const { field, range } = setup({ title: '', url: '', internal: { query: { query: 'query_1' }, datasourceUid: 'uid_1', datasourceName: 'test_ds', }, }); const splitfn = jest.fn(); const links = getFieldLinksForExplore({ field, rowIndex: 0, splitOpenFn: splitfn, range }); expect(links[0].href).toBe( '/explore?left={"range":{"from":"now-1h","to":"now"},"datasource":"test_ds","queries":[{"query":"query_1"}]}' ); expect(links[0].title).toBe('test_ds'); if (links[0].onClick) { links[0].onClick({}); } expect(splitfn).toBeCalledWith({ datasourceUid: 'uid_1', query: { query: 'query_1' }, range, }); }); it('returns correct link model for external link when user does not have access to explore', () => { const { field, range } = setup( { title: 'external', url: 'http://regionalhost', }, false ); const links = getFieldLinksForExplore({ field, rowIndex: 0, range }); expect(links[0].href).toBe('http://regionalhost'); expect(links[0].title).toBe('external'); }); it('returns no internal links if when user does not have access to explore', () => { const { field, range } = setup( { title: '', url: '', internal: { query: { query: 'query_1' }, datasourceUid: 'uid_1', datasourceName: 'test_ds', }, }, false ); const links = getFieldLinksForExplore({ field, rowIndex: 0, range }); expect(links).toHaveLength(0); }); }); function setup(link: DataLink, hasAccess = true) { setLinkSrv({ getDataLinkUIModel(link: DataLink, replaceVariables: InterpolateFunction | undefined, origin: any): LinkModel { return { href: link.url, title: link.title, target: '_blank', origin: origin, }; }, getAnchorInfo(link: any) { return { }; }, getLinkUrl(link: any) { return link.url; }, }); setContextSrv({ hasAccessToExplore: () => hasAccess, } as any); const field: Field = { name: 'flux-dimensions', type: FieldType.string, values: new ArrayVector([]), config: { links: [link], }, }; const range: TimeRange = { from: dateTime('2020-10-14T00:00:00'), to: dateTime('2020-10-14T01:00:00'), raw: { from: 'now-1h', to: 'now', }, }; return { range, field }; }